Among Us - Top 25 Memes This Week #2

From some crazy impostor moments to hilarious moments, this week’s compilation of top 25 memes from /r/Among Us covers it all for you guys. As per InnerSloth, the new map titled ‘The Airship’ in Among Us on PC is scheduled to release in early 2021. Well, we don’t know when that will be exactly. But for now, it’s time for some laughs and giggles.
These are the Top 25 Among Us memes from this week:
1. When you know you’re going to get ejected!
One day at school,
Teacher: What is the most painful/heart-breaking thing in the world?
A student: Getting voted out as a crewmate by your own crewmates!
Entire class starts crying x)
2. So close, yet so far.
Does it feel like killing yourself? Or voting out the crewmate who called the meeting, LOL!
3. When it’s your fault!
When it’s your fault, and you know it! However, if this happens in a game like Among Us and you’re playing with your real-life friends, then get ready for some trash-talks.
4. Among Us in Real Life
When you hear the voices similar to – my mind’s telling me, no, but my body, my body is telling me yeah.
5. Getting a prediction bang on?
When you make it evident that you’re the impostor and get caught, it hurts deep inside.
6. Umm, Hello?
Oh Shit! Here we go again.
7. Is it called ‘Accepting your fate?’
When you die as soon as you finish your task in a game of Among Us! The sense of accomplishment is surreal.
8. When you state what’s already there in the rulebooks XD
His crewmates are like: Thanks for letting us know, you dumb motherf***er.
9. When it doesn’t bother you at all.
Don’t we all agree that being an impostor has its perks? No wonder everyone wants to be an impostor 🙂
10. A much-requested feature!
Usually, InnerSloth pays attention to the feedback of the players. Hopefully, they’ll bring this function to the game very soon.
11. Why is it always Red?
We don’t know how the trend started, but why does red gets voted out always?
12. Why you should never follow other crewmates #7
Soon after a meeting gets called, the crewmates often get voted out and not the actual impostor, LOL!
13. Just Electrical Things
Happy Birthday to y….. The most favorite spot of every impostor in Among Us.
14. Impressing the ultimate boss!
When you impress Satan with your agile maneuvers! Congratulations, you have just earned a new fan.
15. I am Speeeeeeeed!
The moment you see someone vent on cam, you run towards the main hall faster than Usain Bolt.
16. Is InnerSloth getting the job done?
Things you got to do to keep everyone happy.
17. Mona Lisa 2.0 in the making?
Inspiration can come from anywhere, literally, anywhere.
18. Best Achievement of Life
When you use your in-game name to be humorous, but you fail badly.
19. Just look at that smile, damn!
A bright smile on the face 🙂 and “aladeen madafaka” tune in the head: picture-perfect combination, period.
20. When you legit play for fun!
Some Among Us players – I’m going to vote because I can, hehe!
21. Is he from another planet?
Maybe he’s from another planet? Maybe he’s a newborn? We don’t know yet.
22. Getting carried hard.
When one impostor carries the other on his back.
23. Now you know.
Swearing in Among Us lobbies/game is equal to insta kick/vote, hence proved.
24. Why red, why?
Why is red always the target? One sad red jelly bean.
25. oof, have fun on Mars
F in the chat bois. Commando going down, I repeat, Commando going down!
Which one of these 25 Among Us Reddit memes did you like the most? Let us know in the comments section below!