T-5 Days; 5 Bizarre Star Wars Products

Dun Dun. Dun. Just 5 more days until the premiere of the movie you all have been waiting for, Star Wars: The Force Awakens. The time is finally here. In honor of the 5 days remaining in the countdown of the movie premiere, here are 5 weird (or awesome) Star Wars products.
- Darth Vader Toaster
There’s more bread than toast, that’s for sure. Maybe DV should just stick to being a villain, because he fails as a toaster. - R2-D2 Aquarium
Hahaha, who would have thought.. An R2-D2 aquarium, super random, but it actually looks pretty cool. - Jar Jar Binks Candy
Is this not disturbing?? Why does the candy part have to be his tongue.. Actually why is there even a Jar Jar Binks candy? - R2-D2 Glow in the Dark Crocs
People still wear Crocs? - Light Sabre Toilet Plunger
Saved the best for last! This light sabre plunger is pretty cool. Definitely a fun and useful cleaning apparatus for a college household.
If these bizarre items are not giving you enough Star Wars feels or you just want to chill at home before the premiere, do so with the Star Wars app By Disney. This app will have all your Star Wars news, events, and basically everything and anything you need to know about the franchise.
Read news, explore media content… you can even check the weather with a little galaxy twist. This app also has tons of interactive fun such as the Augmented Reality camera feature. Unlock all the characters to take cool selfies and group photos with your Star War favorites.
Indulge and bask in all the Star Wars awesomeness but…
Don’t forget to take a screenshot of your experience with Star Wars the app, on Bluestacks 3.0 for a chance to win a Sphero BB8 AppEnabled Droid! You will have the chance for a total of 5 entries, one of each featured Star Wars app or game. Read below for more details.
The rules are as follows:
-Follow @bluestacksinc on Twitter and “like” the Bluestacks Facebook page.
-Tweet the screenshot of the featured Star Wars gameplay in Bluestacks 3.0
-Caption the post with #changethegame and tweet to @bluestacksinc before or by December 18, 2015 at 11:59pm.
-Remember there is 1 entry opportunity a day, with a possible of 5 entries per person. Duplicates will lead to disqualification 🙁
-2 winners will be selected by December 28, 2015!
-Follow ALL the rules in order to be considered! We don’t want to disqualify you, so don’t miss a step!
Stay tuned for tomorrow’s featured game/app and countdown list to celebrate until the big day.
Good luck, and may the force be with you (bet you didn’t see that coming 🙂 )