Ace Racer Resource Guide - Daily Checklist for Farming Resources and Upgrade Materials

Winning races in Ace Racer comes down to two main things: Your proficiency as the driver, and how upgraded and enhanced your vehicles are. However, even if you’re the best driver on the planet, you really won’t get anywhere if your vehicles aren’t up to par. As such, you’ll need to farm and grind for as much resources as you can in order to progressively upgrade your racing cars and keep them on the same level as your own skills.
Table of Contents
- Claim Freebies from Your Inbox
- Complete the Long Term Achievements In Your Handbook
- Participate in Different Game Modes
- Claim Your Rewards From the Rookie Program
- Complete Your Daily Missions
- Check Out Current Events For Free or Easy Rewards
There are several ways to farm for resources in Ace Racer, most of which luckily revolve around completing and winning races. As such, even if you’re grinding for these resources, you could still do so while having fun on the field, interacting with other players and trying your best to come out on top.
In this brief guide, we’re going to show you a few of the best ways to farm resources in Ace Racer, so that you can get your cars up to speed, pun intended.
Claim Freebies from Your Inbox
Right off the bat, one of the first things you should do as soon as you finish the tutorial and gain full control of the main menu in Ace Racer is to check your inbox. This menu will have a wide variety of rewards from tasks you completed in your tutorial, as well as freebies that you get as pre-registration rewards and other assorted prizes. As such, make sure you check your inbox ASAP, as these items will help give you a leg up in your overall progression.
Especially if you’re just starting out, don’t forget to check out these freebies.
Complete the Long Term Achievements In Your Handbook
During your time with Ace Racer, you’ll come across a variety of challenges and missions that you can complete in order to earn rewards. Some of the longest and toughest challenges are found in the Handbook menu. These tasks consist of objectives that you’ll be completing slowly throughout your career in this game, consisting of long-term goals that you’ll achieve as you win races and make a name for yourself on the tracks.
While we won’t recommend focusing exclusively on these at the beginning, it’s always worth checking out your Handbook every now and then to claim any rewards you might have pending. Additionally, if there’s a particular reward that catches your eye, it might help to give you some direction as to what you’ll want to focus on during your time playing this game.
Participate in Different Game Modes
In the racing menu, which you can access by pressing the “Race” button on the bottom right of the main garage screen, you’ll find a variety of race modes that you can participate in. Though most of these game modes revolve around a variation of standard races, they reward different items for competing and completing their challenges. For instance, the Career Mode grants plenty of gold for reaching certain scores in your personal record. Additionally, for completing races with the highest ratings, you can eventually unlock Legendary vehicles and other awesome prizes.
Just like with the Career Mode, there are other game modes and race types that you can participate in to score more prizes. One of our other recommendations is the License Exam, which consists of tough challenges, but that can award a variety of prizes for doing well at them, including premium currency.
Overall, we suggest checking out all game modes and trying to keep your gameplay varied in order to score lots of different prizes.
Claim Your Rewards From the Rookie Program
This one is more of a reminder, as it’s obtained mostly automatically.
Every time you log into the game, remember to check the Rookie Program to claim a nice reward every single day. After 7 days, you’ll even be able to claim a brand new vehicle for your garage, a Porsche 911 GT2 RS. However, these are only the rewards that you can get from the 7-Day Supply aspect of the Rookie Program—if you switch to the 7-Day Missions, you’ll also find a variety of tasks that you can complete every day in order to claim even more goodies.
If you’re just starting in Ace Racer, this is a good way to focus your efforts on tasks that will give you good returns for your time investment. On the flipside, if you want to get the absolute most out of your time, then consider the following…
Complete Your Daily Missions
Just like with the 7-Day Missions, Ace Racer also offers different daily missions that refresh every 24 hours. However, unlike the missions in the Rookie Program, these ones don’t stop refreshing after 7 days, and will likely turn into your go-to tasks to complete whenever you log into the game. In fact, since they give such good rewards upon completion, we recommend focusing exclusively on the daily missions, as these will ensure that you’re farming a steady supply of upgrade materials and resources every single day.
Now, while you’ll also need to balance out your daily missions with progressing in other game modes, if you only have time to complete one of these game modes, we’d suggest the prioritizing your efforts in the following order: 7-Day Missions if you’re still in the Rookie Program, followed by Daily Missions, and then finally focusing on regular races. In any case, both the Daily Missions and the 7-Day Missions will make you engage in many different game modes, so you’ll be scoring both prizes on completing these tasks, on top of the standard rewards you gain by competing in the races themselves.
Check Out Current Events For Free or Easy Rewards
Every now and then, you’ll find events that grant you rewards simply by playing the game. And while some of these events might require making in-game purchases to progress through them, there are times when you’ll be able to score some freebies. As such, we recommend checking out this section every so often.
That’s it for our resource farming guide for Ace Racer! Feel free to share your own thoughts in the comments below!