Welcome to Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG, a captivating role-playing game developed by Playkot LTD. This game immerses players in a magical universe where strategic turn-based battles take center stage. If you are new to the game, check out our helpful beginner’s guide for Age of Magic to get introduced to the game. The character guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG includes a variety of heroes, each with unique abilities and roles. Below is a summary of notable characters categorized by their factions. While this is not a detailed list of all characters, it provides a summary of each faction and a character from that faction. 

Children of the Forest


Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Healer  

Description: Lucky is a vital support hero in the Children of the Forest faction. She possesses remarkable healing capabilities, allowing her to restore health to allies during critical moments. Her primary ability, Healing Touch, can heal a single target while also providing a temporary defense boost. Additionally, her Rejuvenation skill enables her to heal all allies in an area, making her invaluable in prolonged battles. Lucky’s ultimate ability, Spirit of the Forest, can resurrect a fallen ally, turning the tide of battle when used strategically. Her versatility and support make her a cornerstone of any team composition.


Seven Knives  

Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Ranged Damage Dealer  

Description: Seven Knives is a fierce and agile warrior known for his exceptional ranged damage output. His skills revolve around precision and tactical control of the battlefield. With his ability to Lock Target, he can focus his attacks on a single enemy, dealing increased damage while preventing them from escaping. His Execution skill allows him to finish off weakened foes, ensuring that no enemy survives when they are low on health. Additionally, his passive ability triggers an attack whenever an ally uses a non-damaging skill, creating a synergy that amplifies overall team damage. Seven Knives thrives in fast-paced battles, making him a formidable opponent who can quickly eliminate threats.



Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Healer  

Description: Azariel is a powerful healer from the Dragonkin faction, revered for her ability to sustain her team through even the toughest encounters. Her Healing Flame skill provides significant area-of-effect healing, allowing her to restore health to multiple allies at once. In addition to her healing abilities, Azariel can enhance her allies’ magic resistance with her Guardian’s Blessing, making them more resilient against magical attacks. Her ultimate skill, Revive, can bring a fallen ally back into the fray, ensuring that her team maintains its fighting strength. Azariel’s combination of healing and buffing abilities makes her an essential hero for any team looking to endure through challenging battles.



Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Tank  

Description: Arekhon is a formidable tank hero who excels at absorbing damage and protecting his allies. His ability to Shroud of Darkness grants him increased defense and the ability to debuff enemies, reducing their damage output. With skills that allow him to taunt enemies, Arekhon can draw fire away from more vulnerable allies, making him a crucial part of any defensive strategy. His passive ability enhances his resilience, allowing him to recover health whenever he takes damage. Arekhon’s presence on the battlefield ensures that his team can withstand heavy assaults while dealing with enemy threats effectively.



Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Frontline Warrior  

Description: Rogar is a stout and resilient warrior from the Dwarf faction, known for his exceptional durability and consistent damage output. His skills allow him to engage enemies directly, soaking up damage while dealing significant blows in return. With abilities like Shield Bash, Rogar can stun enemies and disrupt their attacks, providing valuable control in skirmishes. His Battle Roar skill boosts the attack power of nearby allies, enhancing team synergy and damage potential. Rogar’s combination of offense and defense makes him an ideal frontline hero, capable of leading the charge and protecting his teammates.

Dark Elves


Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Stealth Assassin  

Description: Kharannah is a cunning and agile assassin from the Dark Elves faction, specializing in burst damage and stealth tactics. Her skills allow her to evade enemy attacks and strike with deadly precision. With her Shadow Strike ability, Kharannah can deal massive damage to a single target while becoming temporarily invisible, making her a threat to high-value enemy heroes. Her Poison Blade skill inflicts damage over time, weakening enemies and making them easier targets for her allies. Kharannah’s ability to manipulate the battlefield through stealth and high damage output makes her a key player in ambush strategies and quick eliminations.



Role: Area Damage Dealer  

Description: Grock is a fearsome demon hero known for his devastating area damage capabilities. His skills are designed to inflict chaos on the battlefield, making him a prime choice for crowd control. With his Inferno Blast, Grock can unleash a wave of fire that damages all enemies in a designated area, creating opportunities for his team to capitalize on weakened foes. His Demonic Roar skill can debuff enemies, reducing their defenses and making them more susceptible to attacks. Grock’s ability to deal with multiple enemies simultaneously makes him an essential hero for disrupting enemy formations and turning the tide in large-scale battles.



Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Agile Striker  

Description: Taneda is a swift and nimble hero from the Beastmen faction, known for his speed and agility on the battlefield. His skills focus on quick engagements and hit-and-run tactics. With his Feral Charge, Taneda can close the gap between himself and enemies rapidly, dealing damage while simultaneously evading counterattacks. His Quick Strike ability allows him to deal damage to an enemy and retreat, making him a master of mobility. Taneda’s ability to maneuver around the battlefield and strike unexpectedly makes him a valuable asset for teams that rely on speed and tactical positioning.



Characters Guide for Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG

Role: Versatile Support  

Description: Bellara is a unique hero capable of adapting to various roles within a team. Her skills allow her to switch between dealing damage and providing support, making her an unpredictable opponent. With her Mimicry ability, she can copy the last skill used by an ally, allowing her to fill gaps in team composition as needed. Her Illusionary Shield skill provides a protective barrier to allies, absorbing incoming damage. Bellara’s flexibility enables her to adjust her strategy based on the flow of battle, making her a valuable addition to any team looking for adaptability and surprise tactics.

This character guide provides an in-depth look at the heroes available in Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG, highlighting their unique abilities and roles within their respective factions. Understanding each hero’s strengths and weaknesses will enable players to create effective team compositions and develop strategies that capitalize on their heroes’ abilities. Whether you prefer dealing damage, providing support, or tanking hits, there is a hero in Age of Magic that fits your playstyle. If you would like to become a master of the game, check out our Tips and Tricks guide to Age of Magic. Get the best gaming experience in Age of Magic: Turn Based RPG via your PC or Laptop with BlueStacks.