Alice’s Mergeland is a captivating puzzle-solving game that is based of the wonderful fairy tale classics we all have heard and love. As a beginner, many of you might not be familiar with the intricate gameplay mechanics associated with progression. The task might seem daunting at first, but this guide will help you progress much faster. We have also brushed up on some basic gameplay mechanics to help players know about the terms better. Let’s start!

Understanding the Plot of the Game

Alice’s Mergeland is a happy go lucky game featuring a refreshing plot with the main character as Alice. She is a kind-hearted humble person who will go to any lengths to feed needy people. Many homes are distraught and you help rebuild them. Other characters appearing in the storyline become your allies, supplying you with different resources and items. Many of these characters can also give you quests to venture on, or to craft specific dishes to make. Players can get to know more about these characters later as the story develops. 

The Gameplay Mechanics of Alice’s Mergeland Explained

The core mechanic of Alice’s Mergeland revolves around merging three or more identical items to create a higher-level item. This fundamental concept is the key to unlocking new items, completing quests, and expanding your world. Here are some core tips involved with merging:

  • Merge Three or Five: While merging three items is standard, merging five items gives you an extra bonus item, making it more efficient.
  • Plan Your Merges: Try to set up your board to merge in groups of five whenever possible for the extra item. This approach will maximize your resources and board space.

Alice's Mergeland Beginner's Guide – Master the Puzzle-Solving Tactics

Board space is limited, and efficient management is crucial for progression. Keep your board organized and free from clutter by prioritizing which items to keep and which to merge. Check out these tips to manage board space efficiently:

  • Group Similar Items: Keep similar items together to easily spot potential merges.
  • Clear Unnecessary Items: Merge or sell items you don’t need to free up space for more valuable items.
  • Use Storage Wisely: Some items can be stored away if they’re not immediately needed, helping to keep your board manageable.

Quests and Missions

Quests and missions guide you through the game and provide valuable rewards, such as resources and new items. Always prioritize these tasks, as they often unlock new content and help you progress faster. Pay attention to the storyline quests, as they often unlock new areas and features. Complete daily missions for bonus rewards, which can include coins, gems, and other valuable resources.

Alice's Mergeland Beginner's Guide – Master the Puzzle-Solving Tactics

Questing is an integral part of Alice’s Mergeland as you will meet many different characters that will assign you quests. While many of them might be simplistic, others can be time consuming. However, the rewards are well worth the wait. You can get tons of Coins and Energy for your patience and diligence. 

Efficient Resource Management

Efficient management of resources like coins, gems, and energy is crucial for progression in Alice’s Mergeland. Each resource has a specific purpose and should be used strategically.


Merge coin items, complete quests, and participate in events to earn coins. Use coins to purchase useful items from the shop, upgrade structures, and unlock new areas. Prioritize spending on items that will help you progress faster.

Alice's Mergeland Beginner's Guide – Master the Puzzle-Solving Tactics


Earn gems through daily logins, completing achievements, and participating in special events. Save gems for essential purchases, such as expanding your board or acquiring rare items. Avoid spending them on speeding up processes unless necessary.


Energy is required for actions like harvesting and unlocking new areas. Use it wisely by focusing on high-priority tasks. Energy regenerates over time. Use energy-restoring items or level up to refill your energy bar.

Take Part in Magical Events

Events are a great way to earn extra rewards and special items. They often have unique themes and objectives that provide a fresh experience. Regularly check the game for new events and participate actively. Focus on completing event objectives to earn exclusive rewards that can aid your progress. The game regularly hosts new and exciting events to keep the players entertained and engaged. 

While the majority of them are easy and available for a short time, some events can go on for quite a while and be equally challenging to complete. Simply check the event objectives each time and do the deed for the day. Events are also one of the best ways to consistently get resources on a daily basis. 

Daily Tasks

These tasks refresh on a daily basis based on server reset time. Players can complete them to get major chunks of resources each day. They are also quite easy to complete, taking only 5-10 minutes for quests every day. Check out all the daily tasks in Alice’s Mergeland:

Alice's Mergeland Beginner's Guide – Master the Puzzle-Solving Tactics

  • Make any merges – 5 Coins 
  • Merge 5 objects at once – 5 coins
  • Assign tasks for the Gnomes – 5 coins
  • Chop Obstacles – 5 coins
  • Collect coins – 5 coins
  • Complete Orders – 10 coins
  • Purchase in Market – 1 Diamond
  • Spend Coins – 7 Diamonds
  • Clear all the Objectives – Surprise Reward x 1

Players can enjoy Alice’s Mergeland even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop, complete with your keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks!