How to Get More EXP, Coins and More Among Gods! RPG Adventure

When you play Among Gods! RPG Adventure on PC, you need to constantly upgrade your heroes as you progress through the campaign chapters. This is because enemies become much stronger, and it may be too difficult to surpass them without upgrading. However, upgrading heroes requires plenty of resources and in this guide, we’re going to talk about where and how you can acquire EXP, Coin, and other important resources to strengthen your heroes. If you want to know more about upgrading heroes specifically, you can check out this guide.
Campaign Rewards
To progress further in the campaign, you’re going to have to take advantage of the resource rewards from the campaign itself.
Among Gods! RPG Adventure has a total of seven chapters. Each chapter consists of multiple stages where you can earn resources such as Coins, Hero EXP, Hero Powder, Scrolls, and gear upon completion. The rewards are different per stage. You can preview your rewards on the information tab of the stage itself.
When you complete certain stages of a chapter, you unlock bonus rewards. These bonuses can be claimed from three chests located in the stage selection page. Some of these rewards can be astoundingly large so do not forget to redeem them once unlocked.
- 5-Chest – 10 Battle Charter, 23k Coins, 320 Diamonds
- 10-Chest – 120 Knights Guard Medals, 12 3-star Elite Fragments, 1300 Hero EXP
- 15-Chest – 18 3-star Elite Fragments, 2000 Hero EXP, 320 Diamonds
You can earn more bonus rewards after completing a chapter. These can be claimed from the chapter selection page.
- Chapter 2 – 2500 Hero EXP
- Chapter 3 – 1000 Diamonds
- Chapter 4 – 3 Recruitment Vouchers
- Chapter 5 – 1200 Diamonds
- Chapter 6 – 13000 Hero EXP
By default, you cannot go back to previous stages to restart battles and reclaim first-time clearance rewards. However, this can technically be bypassed with the “Quick Battle” feature. You can access this by going to the stage selection page and clicking on Boost (beta) > Quick Battle. With this feature, you can spend energy to go back to previous stages to get specific resources for ascending your hero (i.e., scrolls, powder) as well as some Coins and Hero EXP. This is done instantly; you do not have to observe your heroes battling again.
Elite Dungeon
The elite dungeon, also known as elite campaign, is a special game mode in Among Gods! RPG Adventure where you can acquire plenty of resources by clearing groups of enemies and discovering and opening chests. You can access the elite dungeon by clicking on the Forest tab from the main city and then clicking on Elite Dungeon.
Like the main campaign, the elite dungeon also features chapters. There are a total of five chapters this time. What makes it different is that each chapter consists of a chessboard-like layout with each tile having either a dungeon or a chest. The main goal of each chapter is to clear all dungeons to eventually reach the main chest at the top of the board. Dungeons are usually colored black-and-blue or gray-and-pink. Beside dungeons are purple crystal towers and you must clear the dungeon first to break these towers and progress through the chapter. Breaking the towers unlocks another dungeon, a chest, or an “unpurified” tower.
There are two conditions to clear a dungeon. First, you must win by defeating all enemies. Second, you must finish defeat the enemies in not more than 75 seconds. Clearing a dungeon rewards you with Hero EXP, Coins, Hero Powder, and Recruitment Vouchers. Note that you must also spend energy to begin clearing a dungeon.
Occasionally, you’ll encounter some chests in the elite dungeon which can include plenty of resources such as Diamonds, Hero Powder, Hero EXP, Coins, high-quality gear, and hero fragments. You can preview these rewards by clicking on “Trophy” in the chapter’s menu.
Additional rewards can also be earned by completing each chapter.
- Chapter 1 – 60 Joan of Arc Fragments
- Chapter 2 – 50 Hero Powder
- Chapter 3 – 800 Diamonds
- Chapter 4 – 3 Recruitment Vouchers
- Chapter 5 – 240 Hero Powder
Quest Rewards
You can quickly earn plenty of rewards at a surprisingly short amount of time. You can access quests by clicking on the Quest tab from the main city. In the Quest menu, you’ll see three types of quests:
- Main Quests – these quests consist of “achievements” in the game such as levelling up a certain number of heroes, completing a certain stage, and the like. Main quests can only be completed once. Completing each quest rewards you with 2500 Coins and 700 Hero EXP. After clearing all quests, you unlock 80 Player EXP, 400 Diamonds, 25 Hero Powder, and 20 Joan of Arc Fragments. You cannot redo main quests.
- Side Quests – these quests consist of easier challenges that reward you with Diamonds, Hero EXP, Coins, Hero Powder, and more depending on the side quest. You cannot redo side quests.
- Daily Quests – these quests consist of a set of easy challenges that refresh every 24 hours. Completing each daily quest rewards you with Player EXP, Merit of Glory (which you can use for Retinue), and Activity Points. The amount of the rewards depends on the difficulty of the quest. After accumulating enough Activity Points, you earn additional rewards such as hero fragments, recruitment vouchers, diamonds, and even a “coin boost” (multiplies coin income from the Interior).
Main City Interior
The interior is a passive source of Coins, Hero EXP, Hero Powder, and Energy. It can be accessed by clicking on Joan of Arc’s character model (the one holding a flag) in the main city.
You can claim each resource for a certain amount of times. A claim is generated every 4 hours. The number of resources that you get as well as the maximum number of claims that you have depend on the interior level. You can upgrade the interior level by completing campaign stages to claim more resources.
More can be extracted from the interior when you utilize special items like the Interior Voucher which allows you to redeem more resources even when you have run out of claims. Additionally, there are also boosts that you can earn from daily quests which multiply the interior’s income.