Battle Bear Heroes is a fast-paced multiplayer action shooter with a diverse roster of characters, each offering unique abilities, playstyles, and strategic advantages. Understanding the strengths and weaknesses of each hero is crucial for assembling the best team composition and dominating the battlefield. This tier list categorizes heroes into tiers based on their overall effectiveness, versatility, and impact in various game modes.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Oliver Grenade Launcher Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Riggs Beebee Gun Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Astoria Sniper Rifle Defender
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Wil Boomstick Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Graham Photon Refractor Defender


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Sanchez Adrenaline Gun Defender
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
B-1000 Machine Gun Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Nyx Knives Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Swanny M590A1 – Shotgun Defender


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Jackson Flamethrower Attacker
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Necromancer Scythe of Death Defender
Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play
Saberi Huggable Slicer Defender

S Tier Heroes

Let’s take a look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Oliver is a highly versatile assault hero with a strong balance of damage, mobility, and survivability. His primary weapon deals consistent damage, and his abilities allow him to engage and disengage quickly. Oliver’s special abilities include grenade Launcher for area damage, and a short Dash for mobility. Use Oliver’s Grenade Launcher to control choke points and clear clustered enemies. His dash allows him to reposition easily, making him hard to pin down.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Riggs excels as a frontline tank, boasting high health and a powerful shield that can absorb incoming damage. His crowd-control abilities can disrupt enemy formations, making him invaluable in team fights. Rigg’s special abilities include an energy shield to block damage, and a ground slam to knock back enemies. Use Riggs to soak up damage and initiate fights. Position yourself between your teammates and the enemy to maximize the effectiveness of your shield.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Astoria is the best support hero in the game, providing substantial healing and buffs to her team. Her healing ability can sustain allies during long engagements, and her ultimate can turn the tide of battle. Astoria’s special abilities include a healing wave to restore health, and an energize buff to boost team attack speed. Stay behind your team and focus on keeping key damage dealers alive. Use Energize strategically to maximize your team’s burst damage during pushes.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Wil is the best long-range hero, excelling at picking off enemies from a distance. His high-damage shots can eliminate squishy targets quickly, and his camouflage ability allows him to reposition undetected. Wil’s special abilities include a precision shot for high damage, and camouflage for stealth. Position yourself on high ground or behind cover to take advantage of Wil’s range. Use camouflage to escape or set up ambushes.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Graham is a hard-hitting assault hero with high burst damage and strong crowd control. His shotgun excels at close range, making him a formidable force in tight spaces. Graham’s special abilities include a shotgun blast for burst damage, and a stun grenade to disable enemies. Use Stun Grenade to initiate fights or disrupt enemy plans, then follow up with Shotgun Blast to finish off weakened targets.

A Tier Heroes

Let’s take a look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Sanchez is a defensive tank with the ability to shield allies and control areas of the map. His heavy armor and area denial skills make him excellent for holding objectives. Sanchez’s special abilities include a barrier shield to protect teammates, and a large shockwave to push enemies back. Use Sanchez’s Barrier Shield to block incoming fire and protect your team while they capture objectives. Shockwave is best used to scatter enemies who are grouping up.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

B-1000 is a versatile support hero who can heal and deal damage. His drone abilities provide additional utility, such as surveillance and enemy disruption. B-1000’s special abilities include a Healing Drone to restore health over time, and an EMP Blast to disable enemy abilities. Keep your drone active in areas where teammates frequently engage enemies. Use EMP Blast to disrupt critical enemy abilities during key moments.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Nyx is a high-risk, high-reward sniper with a powerful railgun. He excels at long-range precision shots but is vulnerable to flanking and close combat. Nyx’s special abilities include a railgun for piercing shots through enemies, and a Hologram Decoy to distract enemies. Position Nyx far from the frontline and use the Hologram Decoy to create confusion. Focus on high-value targets like supports and squishy damage dealers.


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Swanny is a precise hunter that will do anything for a huge bounty, including murdering enemies in cold blood. Not known to show much emotions, this feared bounty hunter can terrify even the sharpest foes. Swanny’s abilities include a Tracer Rifle to track down his targets, and a Stealth Snare that sets out invisible traps in key locations to help hunt his next victim. Ensure you have studied the map carefully before setting his traps, as you will be allowed to only set them up 1 trap at a time. 

B Tier Heroes

Let’s look at all of the heroes in this tier:


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Jackson is a pyro hunter that was once killed but brought back to life with secret techniques of resurrection. Sworn to take revenge against the huggables that put killed him, he has become sharper and faster than before. Jackson’s abilities include a flamethrower that is statistically used to burn down anyone that comes in his path. His ultimate ability include a fire trail that burns anyone who dares to follow in his steps. 


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Necromancer is a dark wizard that is widely seen as some sort of a twisted God in the huggable community. Necromancer uses his trusty Scythe of Death to deal fatal blows towards his enemies, and the damage dealt is unhealable. His ultimate ability Tornado of Souls is an AOE-targeted skill that conjures up a vast tornado towards enemies on top of summoning 3 undead huggables. 


Battle Bear Heroes Tier List: Strongest Heroes to Play

Saberi, a proud and mother medic on the battlefield will do anything to protect her young ones. She is often called a “cherished asset” on any team she joins, thanks to her multiple supportive abilities and skills. Saberi’s weapon of choice is a Huggable Slicer that is ideal for hitting multiple enemies in one swing, albeit being a little slow. Her ultimate ability Healing Turret provides a large healing field for all teammates. 

Players can enjoy Battle Bear Heroes even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop with keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks for an elevated gameplay experience.