Tael and EXP Farming Guide for Crasher: Nirvana on PC

When you play Crasher: Nirvana bank on continuously upgrading your character to defeat stronger enemies. There are plenty of ways to make your character more powerful but what they all have in common is that you need Taels and EXP for upgrades. Tael is the main currency of the game which can be used to enhance gear. EXP is the resourced needed to level up your character and unlock more features. In this guide, we’ll look at the various ways to farm Tael and EXP and also bonus items like stones and rune essence which can also be used for upgrades.
Table of Contents
The easiest way to farm EXP in Crasher: Nirvana is idling. This means letting the game automatically control your character to kill enemies for EXP perpetually.
To start idling, simply click on the “Auto” button to let the game control your character. They will automatically go to the nearest group of enemies in the map and continuously fight them to earn EXP. Note that the EXP you gain from idling is quick but very minimal compared to the other methods in this guide. Nevertheless, idling is always worth doing compared to nothing. Idling is best done while running the game in the background which can be easily done when you play it on BlueStacks.
The resources you gain from idling are Taels, EXP, Expertise (for upgrading Meridian), and bronze chests. Bronze chests require 9000 Taels to open and doing so gives you one of the following:
- Clan Contribution Point x10
- Lv.1 Random Gen x1
- Basic Mount Skill Book x1
- Rune Essence x10
- Awakening Pill x1
To make idling more efficient, you simply need to enhance your character’s gear to increase damage dealt to enemies. You can check out this guide to learn how to make your character more powerful.
Instances are game modes that are specifically dedicated to earning resources including Tael and EXP. You can check out instance modes by clicking on “Daily Challenge” and clicking on “Instance”. There are six instance modes.
- Main Story Instance – defeat the boss within the time limit to earn EXP, stones (depending on the stage), bronze chests, and Taels. If you are rated 3-stars, you get a bonus gold chest. After completing one stage, you can replay it through raids to earn the rewards again.
- Advanced Instance – defeat three bosses to earn stones (depending on the stage), rune essence, gem box, Taels, and silver chests. Like the main story instance, you can replay stages through raiding. With a VIP status, you can raid the instance for 200% more reward.
- Material Instance – defeat waves of enemies to earn B.Ingots (premium currency), rune essence/halo essence, Taels, gem box, and silver chests. If you complete a stage on the first try, you get a bonus gold chest.
- EXP Instance – defeat 100 waves of high-EXP enemies to farm enormous amounts of EXP. You can spend 9000 Taels or 15 Ingots to temporarily increase your damage by 10% (up to 50%) to kill enemies quicker. Additionally, you can consume EXP potions to temporarily double EXP gain. After the instance, you must wait for a cooldown period to replay the EXP instance.
- Dragon Temple – idle for 30 minutes to earn EXP and Taels from enemies and also earn more EXP, pills, and expertise. You can consume Dragon Enhance Pill to temporarily increase your DMG and DMG range by 10% and 2% respectively.
- EXP Prayer – spend 10 ingots to earn a large amount of EXP instantly. You can “pray” for EXP up to three times.
- Tael Instance – fight a powerful boss to earn a huge amount of Taels. Killing the boss earns you a bonus drop of Taels. Like EXP, you can also “pray” to get a large amout of Taels for free.
- Gear Instance – select a stage to earn a specific rank of gear and then defeat the boss to earn high-quality gear. You can play this instance with teammates or you can do it solo. More stages are unlocked as you level up. You can only attempt the gear instance three times per day.
Trials are like instance modes. However, trials have more diverse rewards and the enemies you fight are generally more difficult.
- EXP Boss – there are multiple stages with one boss for each stage. Defeat the boss and their minions to earn a huge amount of EXP and bonus rewards such as pills. After defeating a certain number of bosses, you earn a bonus rewards chest. More bosses are unlocked as you level up.
- Demonic Cult Invasion – you must fight multiple waves of enemies to stop them from entering a portal. You fail this instance if a certain number of enemies get into the portal. The more waves you survive, the more rewards you can receive. These are the specific rewards:
- Wave 5 – Lv.1 HP Gem
- Wave 10 – Int. Rank 2 Stats Pill
- Wave 15 – Wings Adv. Stone
- Wave 20 – Adv. Crit RES Pill
- Guardian Trial – defeat waves of very strong enemies to earn stones and expertise. It is recommended to play the trial with a teammate because of its difficulty. You receive bonus rewards once you reach certain waves and these are:
- Wave 5 – Lv. 2 Gem Box
- Wave 10 – Int. Rank 2 Stats Pill
- Wave 15 – Pet Adv. Stone
- Wave 20 – Adv. Crit Pill
Daily Events
Daily events are small side quests that you can do to earn EXP, Taels, gear, and other useful resources. These quests are usually very simple tasks that you are only allocated 24 hours to complete. It can be accessed by clicking on the “Daily” button. There are two categories: daily events and timed events.
Daily events are the simple tasks, and you are required to perform them for a certain number of times. Completing them earns you EXP and other resources and you also earn activity points. When you gain enough activity points, you can earn bonus rewards which you can redeem on the activity progress bar.
Timed events only run for a limited time. Take note of the time that they’re going to start. Like daily events, you also earn activity points here. Both daily events and timed events share the same activity progress bar so all activity points are dumped there.