Bleach: Immortal Soul on PC – How to Upgrade Characters and Increase Your SP

As you advance through the story of Bleach: Immortal Soul, you discover new ways to improve your overall SP and gain access to more challenging game modes. To begin with, however, the single best way to make your account stronger is to acquire and upgrade more heroes.
Like with any Gacha game, upgrading heroes is an expensive endeavor in Bleach: IS. If you don’t know whether the characters you have are worth the investment, you can always check out our list of the best heroes currently in the game. If, on the other hand, you already have a team of favorite heroes in mind, it’s time to get down to serious business and max out their potentials.
Below, you’ll find the best ways to improve your heroes quickly so that you know exactly what resources to hoard and how to use them most efficiently.
1. Complete Missions to Level Up
New features are unlocked in Bleach: Immortal Soul as you complete more of the main story missions. To begin with, no character upgrades are available, so you have to go through these quests to unlock them in the first place. Plus, there are other reasons to finish as many missions as possible on a daily basis. For example, you get upgrade materials, gold, as well as character fragments from passing certain milestones.
Then, there’s the issue of experience. Although characters level up fairly quickly to begin with, they can’t keep up with the rate at which your enemies grow stronger. As such, you have to farm XP and level up your favorite heroes in order to overcome various progression walls.
One great way to gather XP that isn’t too expensive is – you’ve guessed it – to complete missions. The characters you use during a battle all gain experience if you are victorious. If you have a lot of energy and you need XP to max out one of your best heroes, throw them in a party with characters who are already leveled up and repeat the most challenging mission you have access to.
2. Upgrade Characters for Even More Levels
Sometimes, you don’t have enough energy to waste on XP farming. After all, energy is one of your most precious resources in Bleach: Immortal Soul and you have to spend it wisely if you want to progress through the game at a faster pace. In these cases, your best bet to level up a character is to go to the character screen and select Upgrade.
This is the most basic hero improvement at your disposal. You trade in XP pots of various rarities and your character is levelled up without you having to spend any energy or gold. This can be a great way to bring a new hero up to speed with the rest of your group, especially if you’ve just summoned them and you’re eager to add them to your party.
Remember, though: As much as we’d love them to, XP pots don’t grow in trees. You’ll have to spend real currency or complete more missions to get additional pots once you run out. For this reason, it’s best to keep them for special characters and only use them on other heroes when you absolutely have to in order to progress through the game.
3. Enhance Characters to a Higher Quality
By quality, we don’t mean a character’s native number of stars (also represented by letters R through SR, SSR, and UR). What you can improve through Enhancement is the color behind a character’s portrait, from Gray – which is the color all characters start with – to Green, Blue, Purple, and Yellow. To do this, you need different combinations of soul stones, depending on each hero, and a number of Tenshintai, all of which you can farm during regular missions.
Play Bleach: Immortal Soul on PC
Once you hit certain colors, your characters gain additional stats, as well as new abilities. For example, when we upgrade our Komamura to blue, we unlock the Black Tortoise War Soul, a passive that gives Rage to our hero whenever he is attacked.
4. Promote Heroes for Added Stars
Promoting heroes is probably the most difficult upgrade to make in Bleach: Immortal Soul, especially when you want to improve SSR+ heroes. To promote a character, you need to acquire a certain number their fragments, just like you did when you unlocked the character to begin with. The trouble is, this is easier said than done.
You can try to obtain fragments from specific heroes by summoning, but unless you have a fortune to pour into the game, this is unlikely to yield good results. Instead, your best bet is to gather Omni Shards from missions and achievements and to exchange the latter for the fragments you need for specific heroes. Mind you, though, Omni Shards are not easy to find, so you should hoard them until you come across a character you really love.
5. Upgrade Your Characters’ Skills
Each character has a total of 6 skills, although not all of these can be used as soon as the character is summoned. In fact, your heroes will only be able to use a number of skills that is equal to their number of stars. Since our Ichigo currently has just 3 stars, for example, he can only use his first 3 abilities.
Once unlocked each skill can be levelled up using coin. These improvements will seem cheap to begin with, but don’t be fooled. You’ll end up spending bucket loads of currency in order to max out your characters’ skills, so make sure you prioritize the ones that are really important for each hero.
6. Improve the Gear of Your Favorite Heroes
Last, but not least, you shouldn’t forget that a character’s gear can also be improved in order to boost certain stats. Each character comes with four pieces of gear and these can be levelled up using coin. Once every 10 levels, gear must be Enhanced using specific soul stones. This not only offers a bigger stat boost, but it also allows you to level up items beyond certain threshold levels.
For now, these are all the upgrades that your characters can undergo in Bleach: Immortal Soul in order to become stronger in combat and improve your overall SP. Remember that especially when it comes to special events, the game rewards players who have a higher SP, usually by giving them access to additional game modes. Keep an eye out for the best heroes in the game, but in the meantime, boost the ones you already have in order to keep the progression rolling!