Calibria: Crystal Guardians – Daily To-Do List for Active Players

Gacha games are all about collecting heroes. It’s in their name, after all. As we discussed in our guide to the absolute best 5-star units in Calibria: Crystal Guardinas, some units tend to be much, much better than others. But getting these is only part of the equation, since you need to know how to harness the individual and group strength of these heroes in order to beat the game’s content.
The more you play Calibria: Crystal Guardians, the more obvious it becomes that there’s a daily grind you have to go through if you want to keep progressing at a steady rhythm. This will also help maximize your odds of getting more units, thus increasing your chances of getting the LD5s you need to finally land that elusive Hades.
It All Starts with the Dailies
Mobile gacha games have successfully borrowed a fair share of mechanics from PC RPGs and the daily assignments are one of them. From your home screen, you go to Quests and then click on the Daily tab. You have 24 hours to complete these and, if you do, you get rewarded with a stack of 75 gems in total. If you add them up, it takes just 10 days of completing the daily quest to buy the 10+1 Mystic Summon package from the shop.
While we’re here, you should also go to the Fight tab, where you have an overview of your current progression in Calibria. The Advanced Training should be your first stop, since it basically teaches you various aspects of the game. Afterwards, you should head into Quick Level. The latter is pretty self-explanatory, since completing the tasks here grants you various growth materials, some of which can be really impactful towards your progression.
Take, for instance, the reward from completing Blackpool Hills Normal – it’s a 1-day double experience booster. If you’re trying to level your units all the way from 1, this will greatly speed up the process. Other noteworthy loot includes Ascension Cats, Mystic Summon Scrolls, and even Light & Dark Summon Scrolls. All of these will go a long way towards obtaining and upgrading your main line-up.
Starter Path and Growth Plan
All new accounts have a limited-time Starter Path they can complete, sort of like a tutorial that gives you bonus rewards if you do everything within the allotted time. Once you’re done with it, your next priority is the Growth Plan, which we talked about in our guide to finding new heroes and upgrading current ones.
The GP is much like a daily quest, only that it’s meant to be completed over a longer period of time, with the difference being that the rewards are just over the top. In fact, they’re so good you might want to throw in a real-money purchase. If that was ever something you were considering, but never thought you’d do, this is where you get the most bang for your buck.
Play Calibria: Crystal Guardians on PC
At the top right corner of your GP home page there is an X2 golden card, which, if purchased, will double all of the rewards you get. The beauty of it is that it also applies retroactively, so if you completed two or three levels of the GP already, you’re also going to benefit from the doubled rewards from the previous ones as well.
Finally, you get periodical access to a wish. This is the fountain-like icon on the right hand of your homepage. If you have a lot of notifications, it’ll get pushed down, so you might lose track of it. You want to do the wish on cooldown, because you can get a ton of freebies from it, including an Ascension Cat, energy, and even a legendary rune.
Limited Time Events
After completing your dailies and going through as much of your GP as possible, the next thing aspect you want to focus on are limited time events: not the ones where they have discount purchases, which you can see on the left side of the screen, but the ones that actually give you extra rewards for doing various in-game tasks, such as sacrificing or ascending a hero.
Sometimes, there are other types of events active as well. For example, you can now log into Calibria during two timeframes throughout the day and claim 30 stamina twice. This may not seem like much, but we guarantee that the additional resources will help you progress more through the game. Once you hit a progression wall, you can go back to the first scenarios and complete them on a higher difficulty.
If you find that you’re at a loss in terms of evolution materials, you can easily pair one of your high-level farmers, such as the Necromancer or the Angel of Death, with low-level units that you’re going to later use as fodder. Just make sure to lock the crucial ones to prevent them from accidentally being used in the level-up process.
If you haven’t already, you should also check out our tips and tricks to Calibria: Crystal Guardians. All of the information there will help you achieve more with your account now and you can bet that this will also show later on.
Do More with BlueStacks
So far, these are the most important daily tasks you should aim to complete every time you log in. Individually, they might not make much of a difference, but as we’ve seen, the cumulated rewards from all of these tasks will give your account a significant boost in terms of gems, upgrade materials, heroes, and more.
Also, don’t forget to play Calibria: Crystal Guardians on PC with BlueStacks. By doing so, you will be able to automate a lot of these grindy activities and save yourself a lot of dead time which you can later use to challenge the most difficult aspects of this game.