Call of Duty: Mobile Weapon Guide - Start Shredding with the FR 556 Loadout

This Call of Duty: Mobile weapon guide will explain in detail the assault rifle FR 556. It was added in January 2021 as part of the Season 1: New Order update in CoD Mobile. The gun’s fire mode is fully automatic instead of 3-round burst fire like in other Call of Duty games. Will this new weapon be the one that will dominate in BR and MP mode?
The FR 556 deals a rather high damage when hitting the chest, but the gun will suffer from damage penalties upon hitting the body, especially the legs. However, the gun does not suffer from damage drop until past 25 meters, making it extremely effective at mid-range fights. The FR 556 does have a lot of recoil, which kicks mainly upwards. However, bear in mind that it also has very unpredictable horizontal recoil, which might cause problems fighting at longer ranges.
Stats and Details:
If you go through the weapon stats first, the FR 556 has high damage, fast fire rate, and moderate accuracy. It’s best to use this gun in close to medium range combat. By default, it has 30 bullets in the magazine with a fire rate of 674 rounds per minute. This is above the average of most assault rifles in the game. Time to reload is 2.1 seconds, which is faster than most assault rifles. ADS speed is 268 milliseconds, which is also above the average. The drop time is around 167 milliseconds.
Raise time is around 500 milliseconds, which is about the average. Drop time is calculated when switching the weapon to another weapon. Raise time is calculated when switching it back. Basically, they indicate how long it takes to switch between weapons. The base weapon stats of FR 556 in CoD Mobile seem to be quite impressive, in terms of weapon speed.
Damage and Range:
FR 556 is a fast weapon similar to an SMG, but with better range and accuracy. It has a unique damage range profile, where it only has 1 damage drop in the mid range. It deals 25 damage up to 26 meters, and 19 damage beyond that. The weapon has 3 body multipliers just like the DR-H. Basically, if the bullet hits the head and chest, it deals 1.2 times normal damage. If the bullet hits the body below the chest then it deals normal damage. If the bullet hits the leg, it deals 0.9 times normal damage.
As a result, the time to kill figure is really impressive in close to mid range. In long range it’s not that effective, like most assault rifles in CoD Mobile. FR 556 deals decent damage in close to mid range, it can 4-shot kill the enemy up to 26 meters. This makes the weapon really powerful in MP mode of CoD Mobile.
As most of the time, it can shred the enemy in close to mid range. However, the damage drops significantly in the longer range. It needs 5 to 6 shots to kill the enemy depending on where the bullets land. To rank this weapon, it has decent damage in all ranges, very good accuracy, especially for the first few shots and excellent mobility, in terms of weapon speed. The main strength of FR 556 is not the long range, rather the close to mid range gunfights.
FR 556 MP Loadout:
In MP games, most fights are in close to mid range. This is the range where FR 556 has the advantage. To enhance its ability in close range combat, focus on improving hip-fire accuracy, and ADS speed of the weapon. To achieve this, choose MIP light flash guard for its hip fire, and the short barrel for its ADS speed improvement. Then use YKM light stock to boost the ADS speed even further.
Next, apply the granulated grip tape to remedy the loss of weapon accuracy. To finish up the build, the MIP laser is chosen as the last attachment. It not only improves hip-fire accuracy, but also decreases the sprint to fire delay. This is extremely useful in close range combat in MP. When pitted against the default FR 556, this loadout performed much better. The default ADS speed is 16 frames which is 267 milliseconds. With this MP build, the ADS speed is 3 frames faster than the default, which gives a huge advantage in the fast pace game.
Since this build is focused on hip fire and ADS speed, you won’t see much improvement in terms of weapon accuracy. The recoil patterns are almost identical here. There is in fact a huge improvement in hip fire accuracy. With this MP build, you can easily melt your enemy in close range using hip fire. To sum up, this MP build provides good hip fire accuracy and quick ADS speed. In close range, try to confront the enemies with hip fire. It really shines in mid range, from 15 to 26 meters, where the weapon Time To Kill is at the top level.
FR 556 BR Loadout:
In BR games most of your fights are going to happen in long ranges. You will maximize the damage range to make the weapon more practical in BR. Although the default FR 556 isn’t designed for long range fights, with the help of the monolithic suppressor, it can improve damage range by 45%. It makes dealing constant high damage at any range a breeze for this gun. The result of the range increase is significant, it increases 4 shots to kill range from 26 meters to 38 meters. This turns the FR 556 into a viable weapon in ranged fights in a BR game.
Next, choose the steady stock to improve weapon accuracy and flinch stability. Apart from the weapon damage, the ADS accuracy is the most important value for BR games. This is extremely important in a long range fight. Choose the granulated grip tap and the tactical laser to boost weapon accuracy to the max level. Since the weapon accuracy is high enough, you can replace the granulated grip tap with a mag or an optic, depending on your personal preference.
You will be sacrificing mobility for a longer range, so ADS speed is 3 frames slower than the default, which is as expected. It’s a bit slower in close range fight, but it’s not a big issue in mid to long range. The bullet spread accuracy is good with this BR build. This can help you to melt the enemies in long range. However, you will notice some horizontal recoil with this weapon, which might cause some trouble for aiming in the long range.
At 30+ meters, the default damage drops to 6 shots to kill, whereas the damage of this BR build still remains as 4 shots to kill. With this BR build, it can deal 30 damage to the upper body up to 38 meters, which is good enough. To sum up, this is a max range build with insanely good weapon accuracy, specially designed for BR. It provides good accuracy, easy to control recoil and constant high damage at a longer range. Overall, the FR 556 is definitely the meta in this game, one of the best assault rifles in CoD Mobile. It’s a good assault rifle in close range and works really well in mid to long range combat as well.