Dragon Champions on PC - How to Obtain and Upgrade Your Heroes

On another occasion, we talked about the best heroes in Dragon Champions; the characters that you should aim to unlock if you want to stay competitive as you complete missions. Champions like Hera, Hardorc, or Nightiel, among others, are equipped with specific kits that vastly outshine other heroes. Due to their sheer offensive, defensive, or supportive potential, they are vital pieces of any formation, regardless of whether they’re competitive, or casual.
However, even the best heroes in your team become ineffective if not upgraded properly as most of their skills unlock after fulfilling certain conditions. For this reason, we have created a guide detailing how to go about summoning new heroes, as well as how to upgrade them to unleash their maximum potential.
How to Summon New Heroes in Dragon Champions
Dragon Champions is different than its counterparts since it doesn’t have a daily free summoning feature where you can directly obtain new characters. In contrast with other gacha games, the only way to unlock new characters here is by collecting enough fragments and then using them to summon the specific hero. While some heroes require different amounts of fragments, depending on their quality and rarity, these shards can be found through many game modes.
Obtaining Hero Fragments
Once you have collected enough fragments of a specific hero, unlocking them is as simple as going to the hero menu, and clicking the “summon” button inside the corresponding champions’ profile. Finding the fragments, however, is an entirely different matter as there are many ways in which you can do so.
First and foremost, some heroes in Dragon Champions are actually unlocked via the campaigns. Though these champions are usually sub-par and weak, they will definitely help to get you through the early levels, and perhaps even to help you earn a good place in the arena. However, most of the fragments you receive will come from the shop, from completing daily quests and achievements, and from the aforementioned arena, among a few others.
As a general rule of thumb, if you want to start working towards creating a good team, you’ll need to complete your dailies as well as aim to fulfill as many achievements as you can. This is because the reward for completing the daily rewards include 5 shards for Korkhrim, a powerful Clans champion. Similarly, many early achievements award fragments for other Clans champions, which will be necessary to unlock other aspects of the game, especially the “Rage of the Clans” campaign, which requires 3 Clans heroes to unlock.
Aside from the daily missions and achievements, you can also visit the Events menu where you may find specific missions and questlines that award fragments for certain heroes. And speaking of Clans champions, an upcoming legendary event, called “Solius’ Mystery” will help to unlock the powerful spellcaster, Solius. However, this event will only be playable with a Clans team, which gives you yet another reason to focus on unlocking Orcish characters.
Play Dragon Champions on PC
Other heroes that you can unlock through the events in Dragon Champions, at the time of writing, include ATOM, Kaggie, and Hilda (upcoming).
You can also purchase hero fragments from the shop using Dracoins, but your currency is better spent elsewhere. If you’re a whale, however, feel free to go crazy on the shop and purchase the heroes that tickle your fancy. Feel free to check out our character tier list if you want to learn about the best heroes in Dragon Champions, so far.
Other sources of hero fragments include Tower runs (unlocked at level 35), from participating in the Arena (unlocked at level 25), and as daily rewards from guild participation and activity (unlocked at level 20). When it comes to the latter, it’s important to join a good guild in order to obtain the best possible daily rewards.
Upgrading Your Champions
Now that you’ve unlocked your favorite heroes in Dragon Champions, it’s time to upgrade them to unleash their full potential. Luckily, the process is fairly straightforward, compared to actually collecting the fragments from the many, many sources where they’re available.
For starters, in order to unlock a hero’s skills, you’ll need to increase their gear level. By equipping a piece of gear on every slot, you can consume all of them to provide a permanent boost to a champion’s stats, as well as promote them to the next gear level. Each character can equip up to 6 pieces of gear at any given time. Luckily, you can easily consult where to obtain the corresponding piece by clicking on an empty slot, and then on “find.” These pieces usually come as rewards from farming certain stages, or from opening chests.
Now, when it comes to stats, there are two main methods of improving a hero: by evolving, or through standard leveling up. Evolving is a process where you take your surplus hero fragments, and use them to provide permanent stat boosts to a hero you’ve already unlocked. Whereas leveling up is just as you’d expect; increasing their experience enough so that they can proceed to the next level and increase their stats.
Both of these methods work towards the same goal; increasing stats. Meanwhile, promoting a champion’s gear level is, sometimes, more important than increasing a hero’s stats since some champions only become truly useful once you unlock their skills. Nevertheless, if you want to unlock a hero’s full potential in Dragon Champions, you’ll want to perform all three procedures.
And that’s all there is to unlocking new champions in this RPG. This process requires quite a lot of grinding to collect the necessary hero fragments, XP tomes, and other related paraphernalia. Luckily, if you’re playing Dragon Champions on BlueStacks, you can automate the grind by using macros. At the very least, you can greatly improve your experience by playing the game with your keyboard as opposed to having to tap on every button as you would have to do on your phone.
What are your favorite heroes and team comps in Dragon Champions? Feel free to share your strats and setups to help your fellow gamers improve their skills in this awesome new RPG!