Epic Seven 6th Anniversary – Best Heroes and Artifacts to Choose

Epic Seven, the world famous turn-based RPG are currently celebrating their 6th anniversary in style! The rewards are well worth the minimal efforts required to progress through the Epic Dash pass. The core rewards are multiple 5-star hero and artifact selectors that both new and existing players will be able to get in abundance. If you’re starting out the game or simply returning back after a long time, do not fret as this guide will help you choose the best heroes and artifacts from the selectors given. Let’s begin!
Best Heroes to Choose
For starters, the 5-Star hero selectors given out as part of the 6th anniversary rewards will include only non-limited R/G/B heroes. This means that players cannot summon moonlight 5-star heroes or any other limited/collaboration heroes. Some other exceptions to these selectors include the heores Jenua, Immortal Wukong, and Birgitta. Apart from these heroes, there are several others which will greatly benefit you in both PvE and PvP content. Check them out:
Ravi is a 5-Star Fire elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior in-game. Her ultimate ability Devil Drive states that Ravi brutally attacks all enemies, inflicting injuries before a 75% chance to stun for 1 turn. A successful attack always results in a critical hit. The severity of injuries increases proportional to damage dealt, injuries decrease max Health of the target by up to 20% every time this skill is used.
Aria is a 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Mage in-game. Her ultimate ability The Umbral Hour states that Aria uses the power of the shadows, increasing her own Defense and adopting a counterattacking stance for 2 turns. Grant stealth and a barrier to all allies except for the caster for 2 turns. Barrier strength increases proportional to the caster’s Defense.
Sigret is a 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior in-game. Her ultimate ability Guilotine states that Sigret inflicts lethal damage to the enemy, piercing their weak point, penetrating Defense by 30%, with an additional 10% for each debuff inflicted on the enemy. Inflicts extinction when the enemy is defeated. Sigret is a staple hero used in high level Wyvern 13 teams. She can effectively keep the boss debuffed with constant bleeds and works the best with a Rage set.
Cermia is a 5-Star Fire elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior in-game. Her ultimate ability All-In! states that Cermia attacks with a blazing inferno, penetrating Defense by 50%. Her 2nd active ability Hot Streak states that Cermia shoots fire, granting the caster Increase Attack (Greater), resetting the cooldown of All-In!, and granting an extra turn. She is a great unit to take in the Golem hunts and often used to 1-shot bosses, thanks to her penetrating damage.
Vivian is a 5-Star Earth elemental hero that is classified as a Mage in-game. Her ultimate ability Mana Amplification states that Vivian fully amplifies mana, granting immunity to all allies for 3 turns before granting increased Attack (Greater) to the caster for 3 turns while increasing Attack of all allies except for the caster for 3 turns. Vivian is a solid DPS mage that can clear mobs of enemies while also providing utility for the team. With her exclusive weapon, she gets a fat shield each time her ultimate ability is used, making her quite tanky for PvE hunts.
Ran is a 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Thief in-game. His ultimate ability Instant Blade states that Ran attacks all enemies with a sword, dispelling two buffs before an 80% chance to inflict stigma for 2 turns, and a 65% chance to decrease Defense for 2 turns. Grants skill nullifier once to the caster. Damage dealt increases proportional to the caster and the target’s Speed.
Best Artifacts to Choose
The Artifact choices are more rigid than the hero choices but the importance of these Artifacts only feel beneficial if you have the supportive heroes. Naturally, some artifacts are much better than others due to better utility gained. We have compiled a list of the best must have 5-Star Artifacts that all players can mindlessly choose from the free selectors:
Elbris Ritual Sword
Elbris Ritual Sword is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Knight class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that there’s a 10.0% chance to counterattack when an ally is attacked.
Sigurd Scythe
Sigurd Scythe is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Warrior class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that when the caster’s Health is less than 50%, increase Attack by 25% and absorbs 25.0% of the damage dealt as Health.
Song of Stars
Song of Stars is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Ranger class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that there’s a 50.0% chance for an enemy to become targeted for 2 turns after a Single Attack. Damage dealt on targeted enemies is increased by 15%.
Golden Rose
Golden Rose is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Warrior class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that when attacking, if the caster’s Health is 50% or more, increases damage dealt by 8.0%, and when Health is less than 50%, recovers 15.0% of damage dealt.
Durandal is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Warrior class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that after being attacked, increases Combat Readiness by 4% and when the caster’s Health is 75% or less, increases Combat Readiness by an additional 4%.
Abyssal Crown
Abyssal Crown is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Mage class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that there’s a 15% chance to stun the enemy for 1 turn when attacking.
Rhianna & Luciella
Rhianna & Luciella is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Thief class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that there’s a 10.0% chance to be granted an extra turn at the end of the turn. Can be activated once per turn. (Extra Turn: Grants an extra turn.)
Alexa’s Basket
Alexa’s Basket is a 5-Star Artifact that can only be equipped to Thief class heroes. It’s Level 1 ability states that there’s a 35% chance to increase Attack for 1 turn and 20% chance to grant increased Attack (Greater) each to the caster for 1 turn at the start of the turn.
Players can enjoy Epic Seven even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop with keyboard and mouse via BlueStacks for an elevated gameplay experience.