Crush your Competition Using these Champions in our Tier List for Exos Heroes

Exos Heroes is one of the most popular and well-known 3D Role-Playing turn-based RPG for mobile. The game launched quite recently and has just celebrated its 1st anniversary. Exos Heroes is free to download and available to play globally on both mobile platforms – Android and iOS. The game features unique heroes from different factions who are represented by their beautiful 3D artwork and models in-game. The game also features a turn-based combat system and takes on a unique take with different game modes to give players more content.
Exos Heroes features different PvE and PvP modes to keep both types of players entertained. The game is also scheduled to release Live PvP mode in the future. Currently, the game just released its Season 4 update. The game features over 170 different characters and over 14 chapters worth of story mode.
Exos Heroes features beautiful Live 3D character artwork for all its heroes. The heroes are separated into different rarities – Rare, Legendary, Fated, Fate Core. The characters are generally better than the rarity is. For example, Fate Core characters are generally stronger than their Fated/Legendary counterparts. The Fate Cores also come in different types – black, orange, silver, blue, and gold Fate Cores. PvE content is generally easy by using your strongest heroes. We will rate heroes according to their PvP performance by giving them the following ratings:-
- SS – Must have unit for the team
- S – Top tier hero but can be countered
Tier List for Exos Heroes
- FC Bathory (SS Tier) – Fate Core Bathory is the upgraded version of the fated hero Bathory. She was available for summoning from the String of Creation as well as the Select Fate Core summons. FC Bathory is one of the strongest AOE nuke champions, if not the strongest in Exos Heroes. Her base stats are some of the highest and her abilities are all AOE damaging abilities. Her skill 1 deals 102% of her attack damage to all enemies while her skill 3 deals a massive 357% of her attack damage to all enemies. If FC Bathory can get a full rotation of her skills, most of the squishy units would likely be already dead and hence, winning you the fight more likely. She is a must-have for all Greenland PvP teams as she gives front-line mana +1. Paired with FC Rera, she can make a very strong core Greenland Pvp team with the potential to cleave opponents.
- FC Rachel (SS Tier) – Fate Core Rachel is the Fate Core version of the fated unit Rachel. FC Rachel is from the Lenombe faction and is a fire-type offensive unit. FC Rachel, unlike FC Bathory, is a very strong single target DPS unit with high base stats. His 1st skill is a single target damaging ability with 375% of his attack damage while his skill 3 is another single-target damaging ability with a 525% damage multiplier. FC Rachel is the core of any Lenombe faction PvP team along with FC April. He is also a strong buffer as he buffs all allies’ attack and attack speed by 50% and 10% respectively if the enemy dies with his skill 3.
- FC Garff (SS Tier) – Fate Core Garff is the Fate Core version of the fated unit Garff. FC Garff is from the Wasted Red faction. FC Garff is a very powerful controller and damage dealer both as she can target all backline enemy heroes using her 3rd skill Heavenly Call. Her passive skill Breath of Mana also grants all front row allies 1 mana permanently. She also is great support for low health targets as her passive also gives her the ability to give low health allies a Command mark and increase Defense/Health by 20%. Her skill 2 also casts a curse mark which deals 49% damage for 6 turns as well as single-target damage equal to 187% of her attack to an enemy. FC Garff is the core of any Wasted Red PvP team along with FC Rudley.
- FC Rudley (SS Tier) – Fate Core Rudley is the Fate Core version of the Fated unit Rudley. FC Rudley is from the Wasted Red faction. FC Rudley is a crazy debuffer with amazing utility in his skills. He is one of the most core/required champions in any Wasted Red PvP team along with FC Garff. His 2nd skill The Living Shall Perish is a single target damaging ability with a 100% of attack multiplier. He also inflicts the Silence and The Living Shall Perish debuff for 5 turns and 6 turns respectively along with granting a Vanguard buff. The vanguard buff states that if an ally is marked with a Command mark, then FC Rudley and the target with the lowest health will get a barrier.
- FC Shufraken (SS Tier) – Fate Core Shufraken is the Fate Core version of the Fated unit Shufraken. FC Shufraken is from the North Von Frostly faction and is one of the core units along with FC Valentina for any North Von Frosty PvP team. FC Shufraken is a great continuous damage dealer and he does so with his special Fear of the Abyss mark that he applies to targets. He is the best when paired with FC Valentina but can do some work alone as well.
- FC April (S Tier) – FC April is the Fate Core version of the legendary unit April. She is from the Lenombe faction and is a must for any Lenombe faction PvP team. Her utility and damage output are great and she can cleanse all debuffs as well as heal herself by 10% of the damage she deals. Her passive states “ Heals all allies with 100% health upon dying”.
- FC Jinai (S Tier) – FC Jinai is the Fate Core of the fated unit Jinai. She is from the Greenland faction and is a great buffer for DPS heroes in the backline. Her skills are quite complex and she fits in many teams. Her main abilities and passives are as follows:-
Flow of Mana
[Over Time Effect] Back row allies permanently gain 1 mana
Afflict enemies with lower Attack than self with the Charm mark and decrease their Attack Speed by 30
Afflicts the target with Attention mark for 7 turns when the skill hits
Increases all damage over time on the target hero with Attention by 100
Fan Club
Afflicts the target with an Anti-fan mark when attacked
Triggers Double-Team from all living allies if the Health of the enemy with Anti-fan is 30% or lower (once every 7 turns)
- FC Tantalo (S Tier) – FC Tantalo is the Fate Core version of the Legendary unit Tantalor. FC Tantalo is from the Green land faction and is a great tank with CC type unit. He can be built extremely tanky and can be very annoying with his constant provokes. He gets countered by FC April as she can cleanse his provokes, but he is a great support tank with sustain and provokes.
- FC Zeon (S Tier) – FC Zeon is the Fate Core version of the rare unit Zeon and the fated unit Awakened Zeon. FC Zeon is from the Lenombe faction and is a decimating menace to reckon with. He can solo teams if set up properly along with other Fate Core heroes having the first guardian passive. He was one of the first and the most broken-Fate Core heroes to ever exist in the game and mostly because of his passive Dragon Blood which allowed him to grant counterattack to all allies and increase their attack power. This passive can stack and also provides barriers to all allies which are equal to 10% of their health. These barriers also stack according to the number of Dragon Blood marks. However, with the introduction of FC Iris into the game, he has not seen much use anymore unless picked with FC Iris in his team.
That is it for our Exos Heroes tier list for crushing the Zebenstunier and rising up in the rankings! Comment your thoughts below or if you feel like we missed some champions! We recommend playing Exos Heroes on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse for enjoying the game at its best.