Garena Free Fire - Complete Character Guide

Update: Now you can also try this game on your Mac with BlueStacks Air, built for Apple Silicon Mac. Visit:
Free Fire has evolved dramatically as a shooter since we first wrote about it in our blog years ago. From that moment, the developers have added lots of new things, including weapons, vehicles, game modes, and even new maps. However, what sets Free Fire apart from the rest is its character system, which adds lots of variety to the game and allows players to unlock new heroes with different skills and stats.
Currently, there are over 50 playable characters in the game, 2 of which are available from the very beginning. In this guide, we’re going to look at all the different characters that you can unlock in Free Fire, as well as give our impressions of each, with a score based on their utility in the current meta.
Free Fire Character Tier List
Before we begin with the list, however, let’s share our Free Fire character tier list:
- S Tier: The best characters that are good in both solo, as well as in duos or squads.
- A Tier: Great characters that are useful mostly for playing solo, or whose utilities don’t benefit the rest of the team.
- B Tier: Balanced characters that could be good in the right hands.
- C Tier: Bad characters, but you could do worse.
- D Tier: Don’t use these.
We know that some of you might want to come and burn down our offices because of this tier list, but we’ll take a few moments to explain the reason behind our choices. In the following section, you will find a brief description of every character, alongside our impressions of each. We covered the Top 5 Free Fire Characters in another article, so feel free to check that one if you’re looking for the best. Additionally, remember that playing Free Fire on PC with BlueStacks is the way to go, as you’ll enjoy a whopping 240 FPS along with a suite of tools and features to enhance your gameplay.
But enough talk, let’s get to the characters!
Prima & Nullis
Role: N/A
Score: N/A
These are the default characters of the game. They don’t have any special abilities so they don’t have a score.
Role: Close combat
Score: 4*
Clu has a very useful skill, especially for those who like to play solo. She can track all STANDING enemies within a 30-meter radius on the minimap (not counting crouching or crawling enemies) for up to 10 seconds.
Role: Balanced
Score: 5*
Wolfrahh has the potential to be one of the strongest and resilient characters in the game. His passive skill both increases his headshot damage inflicted and reduces his headshot damage taken by 10% for every kill he gets, up to a maximum of 30% for both bonuses.
Role: Support
Score: 5*
Kapella is an excellent alternative for those who enjoy playing a support role. Her skill passively gives players a shield and a boost to movement speed whenever Paloma revives them from a knockdown state. She also prolongs the time allies can stay in knocked down status before dying.
Role: Support
Score: 4*
Steffie’s skill is a very useful defensive tool that, for 15 seconds, creates a safe zone that prevents throwables from entering and reduces damage taken from bullets to all allies that stay within the area. This zone also restores 10% armor durability per second. This is very useful for fights that take place in the final circles, when grenades and bullets start to fly, and things become really hectic.
Role: Close combat
Score: 4*
Jota is excellent in the right hands since every firearm kill he gets will heal him for up to 20% of his max HP. He also heals a bit of HP when damaging enemies with guns.
Role: Balanced
Score: 1*
Her passive skill heal her and her allies a bit every 2 seconds when they are inside a vehicle while Notora is driving. Notora is a good character for players who like to make a ton of noise and drive around the map in cars. However, more often than not, you’ll want to avoid using vehicles since they draw a lot of attention to you. Furthermore, the healing received is actually quite mediocre, which detracts even more from the skill’s usefulness.
Role: Close combat
Score: 3*
Alvaro is a character that specializes in everything that goes Boom! His passive skill increases the range and damage of all explosives. He’s a circumstantial character that could be really useful in the last circle, which is when most players start blindly throwing grenades everywhere. At the very least, you’ll have a better chance of hitting someone with your explosions by using Alvaro.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Shani is a tough character whose passive skill allows her to herself a nearby teammates a shield whenever she uses an active skill. This shield decays after 5 seconds, upon which it can be reapplied.
Role: Support
Score: 5*
It’s not a coincidence that Alok is one of the most used characters in the current meta. His skill, once activated, increases movement speed and heals all nearby allies for 10 seconds. This skill is crucial in any context, so you’ll probably always see him in most teams if you play squads.
Role: Close combat
Score: 4*
A124’s skill creates a field around her for 20 seconds that inflicts 25 damage to enemies inside the area, blocking their skill activation, and interrupting any ongoing interactions. This skill makes A124 excellent for storming camping players and playing aggressively.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Considered by many to be one of the best solo characters. His passive makes him immune to disruptive effects and can be activated to give him a speed boost for a short duration. His blinding speed in combat allows him to easily reposition at any moment, or even to flank his enemies.
Role: Long-range combat
Score: 5*
The character of choice for snipers. Laura has 50% better aim when using a scope, which makes it much easier for her to shoot distant targets.
Role: Long-range combat
Score: 3*
Rafael is a stealthy assassin whose passive skill automatically silences Snipers and Marksman Rifles. On top of that, players who are knocked down by Rafael expire 85% faster.
Role: Support
Score: 5*
An excellent option for team players. Moco can tag enemies she shoots for up to 5 seconds, making it much easier for her teammates to spot them and assist.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Hayato’s skill activates when he takes damage, granting him 5% armor penetration for every 13% health he is missing. When awakened, this skill also reduces frontal damage received by 3% for every 10% of HP missing.
Role: Close combat
Score: 1* (5* in the right hands)
Caroline gains movement speed when wielding shotguns. This type of weapon is excellent for ambushing or rushing enemies since they can easily eliminate anyone with 1 or 2 shots. However, they are very difficult to use correctly, which makes Caroline suited only for expert players.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Wukong has the ability to turn into a bush to trick his enemies. If he stays completely still, he can blend into the environment for a long time. The cooldown of this skill resets whenever Wukong takes down an enemy. Wukong can freely move while transformed.
Role: Balanced
Score: 1*
Paloma is an arms specialist that can carry up to 120 units of ammo without them taking up space in her inventory. This is apart from sniper and shotgun ammo, as this bonus only grants an extra 60 of these types of ammo. Also, launcher ammo is unaffected by this passive. There’s not much to say here other than this bonus is really terrible and useless compared to the rest.
Role: Balanced
Score: 1*
Just like Paloma, Maxim’s skill is mostly useless; it allows him to eat and heal 25% faster.
Role: Close combat
Score: 1* (5* in the right hands)
Kla is a powerful melee character. His skill allows him to deal an extra 400% damage with his fists. At a glance, this doesn’t seem very useful, but there are occasions in which it’s more feasible to go for a melee kill than using your guns, especially if you’re rushing an enemy that’s reloading behind cover. This character is recommended only for experts.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Miguel’s passive ability guarantees that he’s always in top health as long as he can get a few kills. This character recovers up to 200 EP for every kill, which will help to slowly regenerate his health over time without the need of using a first aid kit.
Role: Balanced
Score: 2*
Antonio begins every match with up to 30 extra shield points. This shield regenerates upon surviving combat. This bonus could mean the difference between winning or losing a fight in the beginning of the match, but it’ll rarely help you get through to the end of the round.
Role: Balanced
Score: 2*
Like Notora, Misha’s special skill only activates when she’s using vehicles. Vehicles that she drives have 10% more speed, and Misha is harder to target and takes less damage when in a vehicle. As you may know, any skill that depends on being inside a vehicle will never be very useful, in general. In this case, thanks to the damage resistance, Misha can at least survive for long enough to run over a few players.
Role: Close combat
Score: 3*
Nikita is a weapons expert whose skill allows her to recharge weapons up to 30% faster. On top of that, enemies hit by Nikita suffer a 30% healing reduction debuff for 10 seconds.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Agile and quick, Kelly can travel the field faster than others thanks to her passive skill, which always gives her up to 6% increased sprinting speed. Kelly has this skill active at all times, which makes her into a good all-around choice.
Role: Support
Score: 2*
Her only utility is in duos or squads since, thanks to her skill, Olivia can spread the healing produced by single-target healing items to allies within 10m of her. 80% of her single-target healing is converted to healing for her allies with this passive.
Role: Balanced
Score: 1*
Andrew is a defensive character whose skill reduces the damage that his vest suffers. This character is mediocre for 2 important reasons: The first is that, in order for his skill to work, you need to get shot. And the second is that his bonus is not even significant or useful at all. In most cases, it’s likely that you’ll die long before your vest breaks with any character. In this sense, if you use Andrew and someone kills you, all you’ll do is leave behind a level 4 vest in better condition so that the enemy can loot and use it to win the match.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Ford was strong but circumstantial years ago when his passive skill reduced the damage he took from staying outside the safe zone. However, he has since been changed to simply receive a heal over time every time he takes damage, making this skill arguably more useful in a wider variety of situations. While this change removed Ford’s unique strategy of staying outside the safe zone and ambushing fleeing players, he’s stronger in a wider variety of scenarios.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Otho can mark and slow the movement of teammates within 20 meters of a knocked down enemy for four seconds. If Otho is knocked down by an enemy close by, he also marks the enemy and their teammates. This skill is useful, but since it’s limited to duos or squads, its solo potential is non-existent.
Role: Support
Score: 4*
Nairi enhances Gloo Walls so they regain durability when hit and heal teammates within 5 meters, restoring up to 20 HP per second with a maximum of 40 HP per Gloo Wall. This makes him highly valuable in defensive strategies and team support roles.
Role: Support
Score: 3*
Kenta forms a shield that reduces front-facing weapon damage by 60%, though this reduction drops to 20% when he is firing. This ability makes Kenta highly effective in direct combat, especially in holding positions under heavy fire.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Homer sends a drone toward the nearest enemy within 100 meters, which then reduces their movement and firing speed by 40% and deals minor damage. This skill is excellent for disrupting enemy tactics and gaining a tactical advantage during skirmishes.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Xayne gains 60 temporary HP for 12 seconds and receives 75% enhanced healing during this period. This skill makes him exceptionally tough in prolonged fights.
Role: N/A
Score: N/A
A-Patroa has no inherent skills but can mimic the ability of any unlocked character. This versatility allows her to adapt to various tactical situations.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Iris can mark enemies up to 7 meters around a Gloo Wall by shooting it, and her shots will penetrate the wall to hit marked enemies with reduced damage. This ability is useful for engaging enemies who are using cover.
Role: Balanced
Score: 5*
Luna permanently increases her fire rate by 8% and can convert up to 15% of her current fire rate into movement speed when attacking. This skill enhances both her offensive and mobility capabilities, making her a dynamic combatant.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Tatsuya can dash forward quickly, with the ability to use this dash twice consecutively with only a one-second cooldown. This mobility makes him adept at both engaging and disengaging from conflicts swiftly.
Role: Close combat
Score: 4*
Orion uses Crimson Energy instead of EP, and can become invulnerable while dealing area damage and healing himself by activating his skill. This makes him powerful in close-range team skirmishes.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Upon taking fatal damage, Sonia revives for 2 seconds before being knocked down. This brief revival can provide critical moments for counterplay or to secure a strategic position.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Suzy marks enemies and places bounties on them, earning extra in-match currency for eliminations. Additionally, she gains more currency per kill and from Coin Machines, which can significantly boost her team’s resource advantage.
Role: Close combat
Score: 4*
Ignis creates a wall of fire that damages enemies and Gloo Walls over time, with additional instant damage to those who contact the flame. This ability is effective for controlling space and deterring enemy movement.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Ryden’s spider drone slows and damages enemies within close range, reducing their speed by 80% and causing sustained damage. This tool is excellent for ambushes and controlling enemy movement.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
In Breaker Mode, Kairos uses EP to enhance damage against shielded or armored enemies, and in Defense Mode, he regenerates EP quickly. His dual-mode capability allows for aggressive attacks followed by rapid recovery, suitable for fluctuating combat dynamics.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
When D-bee moves and fires simultaneously, his movement speed increases by 30% and accuracy by 60%. This skill greatly enhances his mobility and effectiveness in shootouts.
Role: Support
Score: 2*
Thiva can revive knocked-down teammates 70% faster and restores 60 HP to them upon revival. His quick revival capabilities are crucial during intense team fights.
Role: Support
Score: 5*
Dimitri creates a healing zone that not only restores 10 HP per second to allies but also automatically revives knocked allies within it. This ability makes him invaluable for sustaining team health during prolonged battles.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Leon automatically regains 60 HP when he survives a combat encounter. This passive recovery is extremely useful for maintaining his readiness for subsequent fights.
Role: Long-range combat
Score: 4*
Maro’s damage increases with distance, up to a maximum of 25%, and he inflicts an additional 3.5% damage to marked enemies. His skills are tailored for long-range engagements, making him a potent sniper.
Role: Support
Score: 4*
When hit, Shirou automatically marks the attacker up to 100m away, sharing this information with his team. This ability is excellent for pinpointing enemy positions and coordinating counterattacks.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
Skyler unleashes a sonic wave that damages enemies up to 100m away and also damages nearby Gloo Walls upon activation. His skill is effective for both enemy engagement and environmental manipulation.
Role: Support
Score: 3*
Chrono generates an impenetrable field with 800 HP that blocks all shots, in and out. This shield is pivotal for defensive strategies and securing safe revivals or healings.
Role: Support
Score: 4*
K can switch between Jiu-Jitsu and Psychology Modes, enhancing EP conversion rates by 600% or enabling steady EP recovery for everyone nearby. His versatility can adapt to various tactical needs of his team.
Role: Balanced
Score: 4*
In Highlight Mode, triggered by knocking an enemy, Dasha’s rate of fire and movement speed increase by 18% and 12%, respectively, with further enhancements for additional kills. Her escalating combat efficiency makes her formidable as fights progress.
Role: Balanced
Score: 3*
Luqueta increases his maximum HP by 25 with each kill, up to a total of 50 extra HP. This ability rewards aggressive play, allowing him to become tougher as the game progresses.
Role: Balanced
Score: 5*
Santino can deploy a moving mannequin with 200 HP and switch places with it, enhancing strategic positioning and escape options. If the mannequin is destroyed, the attacker is marked, providing critical tactical information. This unique ability offers multiple tactical advantages in both offense and defense.
These are all the characters in Garena Free Fire as of April 2024. What did you think about our tier list? Do you agree with our choices? Remember you can play Free Fire on PC with BlueStacks to get the most out of these characters. Let us know your thoughts in the section below and enjoy this multiplayer game on your windows laptop.