Free Fire Battle Royale Guide to Ranked Games, Climb Grand Master

Hierarchy in Free Fire is decided by the rank of each player. The higher rank you have the more respect you get among your in-game peers. The ranking system of this game is not very complicated when it comes to the battle royale mode. Every player starts from the base rank of bronze 1 and has to climb all the way to heroic rank by winning booyahs after booyahs. Now, beyond the rank of heroic lies the rank of the region called Grandmaster which is held by only 300 players. Reaching the top of the top rank of this game is something that many players aspire to do, but it ain’t easy.
The competition has gotten much tougher now but what this guide will try to do is to teach you how to reach Grandmaster rank in 1 day. By all logical calculations, it is very much achievable and by doing a little time investment you can reach it too. Here’s how this works, let’s say you’re at gold I, and you’re at 1600 and want to reach Grandmaster then you would need 42 booyahs. That means 42 matches that you are winning back to back. Since one game of Free Fire is of 15 minutes each then in one hour you would have played 4 games. In terms of time that is 10.5 hours of playing time. Now, it would be too much to ask of any player to win all 42 matches at the same time. Let’s say it takes you 50 games to reach 42 booyahs.
That means maybe two to three hours more of playing time. Now, the reason why there is so much focus on the time limit is that only 300 players of a specific region can get Grandmaster. This rank basically has a limit on it. So the quicker you reach it, the better it will be for you. Another thing you can do to reduce the time to reach Grand Master is to use a Double Rank Token Card. This will basically reward you with twice the number of points in each game.
How to Push Rank
Something that players should be aware of is that serious rank pushing in Free Fire is mostly done in squad games. The thing is however that it is really difficult to reach higher ranks in squad games. First is the problem of you having to lose your kills to teammates. Another thing is that at higher ranks most of the time when you engage with a squad you will lose one or two of your teammates. Ranked matches are very tough and against a coordinated squad they can become an impossible objective to achieve. So the right thing to do here would be to push rank either in solo or duo games. It’s not that the competition is easier there, but it’s lesser.
Instead of dealing with four enemies, you will be dealing with either two or one. Even if you’re also in the same position, it reduces the time to give information and in solo games you only have yourself. The best and a sure-shot way to earn rank points in Free Fire is by doing three to four kills in each game. Make sure that you deliver at least 1500 damage to the enemy. Finally, make sure that you get a booyah in that game. If you fulfill these conditions in each game then you will be on the fastest route to Grandmaster. You should know that you will receive the most rank points in solo games. They will then reduce in duo and squad games. If you want the fastest way to reach Grandmaster, then go solo.
Proper Landing
The road to Booyah start from the moment you land in the game. So it makes sense that you should pay a lot of attention to your landing place. Since you need three to four kills in each match to get enough rank points, you should be focusing on your survival and loot. For that you should choose a landing place that is away from the path of your flight. The reason for doing this is to avoid coming across players as soon as you land.
You don’t need to start taking engagements when you don’t even have a proper weapon to fight back. Instead, prioritize looting and then move to find a good location to take a few free kills. Hopefully near a hot drop location. Just be careful here to not spend too much time looting, or you will get caught outside the safe zone.
Avoid Airdrops
This is a tip that most Free Fire guides on the internet will not give you. The fact is that when you’re playing in the higher ranks of the game your competition will be very seasoned. They know when and how to loot and bait airdrops. Especially in solo games, do not go near the airdrop. The moment you open your bag to loot items you will get a headshot almost immediately. Basically, in higher ranks looting airdrops is not as rewarding as you might think.
The final goal of each game that you’re playing in ranked is to win and get the right amount of kills. Players are attracted to this box of goodies as moths to light. At least in solo games, you can get a revive from your teammates. Now, if you have to loot an airdrop to get an AWM or M82B then make sure that you empty your bag first. Don’t waste time sorting through your loot at the drop itself. Make the process faster for yourself.
Cover to Cover Movement
It is no secret that most players in Free Fire make the biggest mistake in their battle royale ranked games. That is moving in the open without any awareness. This is a battle royale game that starts with 50 players. In the higher ranks, your games will be filled with extremely adept snipers who will give you a headshot if you keep running willy-nilly in the open. So make sure that you use all the covers you can get when you’re in the open. Better yet, get a car to move around in the game. A vehicle can be used as a weapon to run down players in the open or even as cover from the enemy’s fire.
Use walls to peek inside buildings. Your awareness when you’re in the open should be at the maximum level. If you’re taking a fight in the open you can get shot from multiple angles. That is the amount of information you need to handle if you want to booyah in fifty games. And never organize your loot or loot with your bags opened. You need to do all of that inside a cover where you don’t get shot. A big part of a movement in any battle royale game is about priority. Since you’re playing on a map with different locations you need to choose where you want to go in the game. A good rule of thumb when it comes to reaching the end game in Free Fire is to be inside the safe zone at all times. Doing this helps you in two ways.
First, it keeps you always in a safer position, and you don’t need to panic when the zone really starts to push in. Second is the fact that if you reach inside the safe zone before other players, you can then choose your location to hold and punish players coming inside the zone. Lastly, when you’re running from one location to another, make sure that you make as little sound as possible. Avoid misfire at all costs so you don’t let your enemies know your location. Survival is all about stealth and not camping.