Free Fire Guide for Winning in Duo Games: Two to Tango

Games in the Free Fire Battle Royale mode keep evolving constantly and as a player, you need to evolve as well. Every scenario or engagement in your BR games depends on a number of factors. Map, location, guns, grenades, gloo walls, health, character skills, and pets are just a few of those factors. Free Fire allows players to play battle royale in a solo game, duo game, and squad games on all maps. Solo games are straightforward for the most part and winning in them depends mostly on you. Duo and Squad games are where things start getting a bit interesting as there is another player involved. Many players tend to queue solo in duo and squad games because they don’t want another player involved.
In this Free Fire guide, you will be learning about how you as a player can win in duo battle royale matches. Before the guide begins, you should understand the dynamic of duo games in Free Fire. In solo games, there is only one player who has to take care of themselves. Winning and losing in a solo game rests entirely upon the player playing it. Squad games have four players and each player needs a role along with good coordination. However, random lobbies in squad games can get frustrating for many players. Four can be too many and solo can be too daunting for many players. Duo games take the best of both sides and give players a more challenging environment.
Two teammates or even random players can coordinate with each other much more easily. Even communication between the two teammates is easier since both of them will probably be in the same location. What has always worked for winning in duo battle royale games is using your head before running into a situation. Four players can mess up a strategy easily if there is a weak link among them or a gap in the line of communication. Messing up in a duo game is much more difficult as the two players can coordinate plays with each other easily.
Duties and Roles:
In a solo game, you are responsible for yourself and have to do all duties that are required to win on your own. This includes sniping, scouting, healing, and more, that a player has to do in a solo game. That is a lot of roles for one player to fulfill and that’s why in solo games players are extra cautious. Higher-ranked solo lobbies of the game are so frustrating to play since most of the highly ranked solo players have mastered the art of covering their weaknesses by playing passively. When you are playing a solo game in Free Fire, you’ll notice that the end game is always very tactical.
Players will try to hunt each other from a safe spot where they cannot get spotted from. Some players even use dummy grenades and dummy shots to bait their enemies. All this is done because a solo player cannot afford to scout enemies at the end game. In duo and squad games, there are teammates that can help you in delegating the roles. In duo games, it is easier to have more coordination even in random lobbies as there are only two players. The biggest reason players tend to avoid playing in random lobbies for squad games is that there are three other players to play with. More players mean more coordination is required and it is hard to do that when four players are unfamiliar with each other’s playing style.
However, in duo games, you will have just one more player and even if your playstyle doesn’t match, it will still be easier to compensate for it. It also is easier to be more flexible in duo games since taking on two enemies solo is a lot easier. Even if your teammate is completely useless, you can still ask them to throw a grenade for you. So make sure that you decide what roles you have to play in the game.
Duo Skills:
Playing Free Fire as a duo and winning is all about playing off the other player. To expand on the tip above, you need to use your character skills a bit differently in a duo game. A squad allows for more character skills to be deployed in a fight. In a solo game, your choice becomes extremely limited with skills, but you can still hone in on making the skill combo to match your play style. Duo games require the character skill combinations to be a bit more nuanced. In a duo game, you are not playing solo, but you can become a solo player very quickly. All you need to be playing solo is a dead teammate.
So your character skill combination needs to be covering all bases of a team player as well as a solo player. For active skill, you can go with Chrono’s Time Turner or Wukong’s Camouflage, or Alok’s Drop the Beat skill. All of them have proved to be very useful in battle royale games. Time Turner is a great skill to have for players who are playing the role of a tank. Tanks are players who run in a fight head-first to take the most damage and attract the attention of the enemy. Wukong is perfect for sneaking up on enemy campers or going into an ambush solo. Alok’s Drop the Beat skill is more team-oriented as it will also help your teammate with HP and speed. Passive skills should be based on two things in a duo game.
First is the HP factor since your survival depends on it. A passive skill that can help you keep your HP up during the game will be a massive advantage. Jota’s Sustained Raids character skill is perfect for users who like taking on fights. With this character skill, you can keep recovering HP in a fight. You can also use Thiva’s Vital Vibes ability which is more team-oriented. This character skill increases the reviving speed and grants HP upon a successful revival. An ability like this is perfect for players who tend to play as healers and defensive. Increasing damage power and accuracy is another area you should focus on. Shirou’s damage-delivered character skill is perfect for sniping and increasing damage.
With this ability, the first shot you take on the enemy will mark them on your mini-map. The first hit on the marked enemy will have 50% more armor penetration. D-bee’s Bullet Beats is another character skill that is useful for duo games. This character skill increases your movement speed and accuracy together.