Push Through to the Top of Free Fire Rankings Quickly with This Guide

Ranks in Free Fire are everything and for many players achieving those higher rankings is important. The higher your rank rises the better chance you have of matching with better players and improving your skillset. With that said, there seems to be a ceiling that many players are not able to break and that is reaching the Grandmaster rank. As the name says, Grandmaster rank in Free Fire is achieved only by those who have mastered the game to an insane degree. Achieving that Grandmaster rank is a tough mission for many including us but there is hope.
When we started making this guide we were nowhere near the Grandmaster rank but as we kept playing we started figuring things out. The thing is when we were pushing for higher ranks we discovered that it is not just the kills that matter. That is not to say that high kill numbers don’t matter. They matter when it comes to increasing your K/D but when it comes to pushing rank it is the Booyah that matters. The way ranking system of Free Fire has been designed, it rewards the player winning the match and not the player that has ten kills. It may seem unjust but there is a logical thought process to it.
Free Fire ranking system takes a holistic approach when it comes to awarding players. If you get the highest number of kills then you will be rewarded for it but if you win a Booyah with the highest number of kills then you will be rewarded more. Now, if you don’t have the highest kills but you do win the booyah then you will be rewarded as well. In both of those scenarios, you will be able to push rank but not as fast as a player who also takes a holistic approach. This means that if a player has only five or six kills and wins the Booyah then he will be rewarded far more than a player who got ten kills and died when there were sixteen players left.
In a nutshell, that is how Free Fire’s ranking system works. Thankfully it is a system and that means it can be exploited as well. After spending hours upon hours of playing and pushing ranks we have finally figured out the most optimal way you can push rank quickly and safely with a few kills as well. This will be a step by step process so make sure that you go through each one.
We have been playing Free Fire on our BlueStacks emulator and frankly speaking, we don’t think we would pushing through ranks so quickly as we were. Having that keyboard and mouse precision comes in handy when you have just an assault rifle and you need to snipe someone.
1. Landing Spot
Till now in our Free Fire guides, we have talked about the hot drop areas and some safer areas. That won’t be the case when it comes to pushing rank. The best way to push for rank is by making sure that you are alive till the last circle. With that in mind, we recommend dropping at the edge of the map. When you drop at the edge of the map you will minimize your chances of getting good loot initially but what you maximize upon is survival. Most players will not land at the edge of the map and at best you might get one. You don’t need to worry about the quality of loot here since looting will come much later. For now, you will stay at the edge of the map and camp there.
2. Looting
Looting is important but you need to time it as well. We recommend that you stay at the edge of the map till the first blue zone arrives. Once you are inside the blue zone and there is no one near you, then you start looting. Since you are at the edge of the map and also in the blue zone you will be positioned behind all the players so you will be able to get some kills and good loot as well. Bear in mind that this is only for the first blue zone and not for the second or third blue zone. Once you have looted to your heart’s content, get into a car and move towards the safe zone.
3. Zone Prediction
This is something that comes with time and skill but once you get the hang of it, there’s no stopping it. Predicting the next safe zone is something that you will see a lot of pro players do in Free Fire. It may seem that they have so much experience and that part is true but there is a trick as well. When the first safe zone has formed, open your map and see the circle. Now, check for the side of the map that has the most area outside the safe zone.
Take that area and the side that has the least area outside the safezone. Chances are that the next zone will be forming on the side that has the least area outside the safezone. This is a very rudimentary way of predicting safe zones in Free Fire but it does work 70% of the time.
4. Booyah Time
Now, assuming that you have survived all the zones and have a decent loot on you it is time to booyah. Here is where you will make sure that you win or at the very least come second. Since this is about pushing rank you will need to bring your best game forward. In the last circle, there might be three players left or just two but what matters is finding that player quickly and killing them. Lose here and all that effort will go to waste.
With that, this game guide comes to an end. These pointers are not a guarantee that you will win all the time but if you do follow them then you will be alive till the last circle and as we mentioned above, that is what matters in Free Fire.