Ultimate Free Fire Weapons Guide: The 7 Best Guns to Master

Free Fire thrives on its diverse weaponry, even with its impressive character roster. Guns remain your primary means of eliminating enemies, making it crucial to understand which weapons excel in each category. With numerous guns available and the ability to carry only two, making the right choice is essential. This guide highlights the best weapons to carry as you progress through the game. While it’s smart to grab the first weapon you find upon landing, this guide will help you identify the optimal firearms to equip as you continue looting.
1. M60
Packs A Punch But Averaging In Stats
M60 Stats:
- Damage: 56
- Range: 65
- Magazine: 60
- Rate of Fire: 56
- Accuracy: 43
It might be cheating to add a whopping LMG to a recommended weapons list, especially since it’s a bit overkill to be on its business end. However, the M60 is a must-have for players who wish to work on their aim but still want to deal decent damage while having a bit of room to miss.
Not only that, but the M60 is one of the easiest to handle at mid-range incursions. Granted, players who use the M60 better not have to reload since the time it takes to do so can leave them open to a counterattack. Nevertheless, players who get to bunker down in a good defensive position can tear through opponents much faster with minimal effort with this weapon and a couple of explosives.
When To Use M60:
Players not confident with the traditional assault rifle could opt for the M60. Its average stats and 68-round magazine should encourage prolonged engagements at mid-range, unlike assault rifles that pack a punch but still rely on frequent reloads. In turn, the M60 is best used by aggressive teams, particularly those who love spray-firing opponents to submission.
2. Desert Eagle
Fire Rate Puts High-Damage Melee Plays At Risk
Desert Eagle Stats:
- Damage: 90
- Range: 74
- Magazine: 7
- Rate of Fire: 33
- Accuracy: 45
Despite the flak pistols get for being generally “unusable” weapons, it’s the Desert Eagle that disproves detractors. Players who want an ever-reliable secondary firearm can have the Desert Eagle with them, with its speed offering decent mobility to help users chase opponents down or even mow down foes at close range in the unfortunate circumstance of meeting them in a closed space.
While the Desert Eagle packs a punch, its lackluster rate of fire and accuracy puts players in precarious positions should they miss their shots. Switching to the Desert Eagle in emergencies can save players, but using the pistol as a shotgun can increase unnecessary risks at close quarters.
When To Use Desert Eagle:
Among pistols in the game, the Desert Eagle packs some of the highest damage, range, reload speed, and movement speed stats. Despite these high numbers encouraging a Deagle-reliant kit, it’s still best used in case of emergencies. Its slow-firing nature means the Desert Eagle can become a liability for fast-paced plays, which means players may want to pack another rifle for general gameplay.
3. M500
Long-Range Advantage Offset By Poor Accuracy
M500 Stats:
- Damage: 67
- Range: 76
- Magazine: 5
- Rate of Fire: 43
- Accuracy: 10
Players in the mood for experimentation might want to try the M500 for a handy pistol option, primarily for the inclusion of a 2x Scope. While certainly not a scope for larger distances, the decent damage and fast-enough reload speed can help players aim for opponents and run away fast enough to avoid any form of retaliation.
The M500 is also a handy ranged sidearm for players who strive to stay in the mid-to-close range in combat but still want a way to annoy opponents they see from afar. Although experimental in terms of build options, the M500 is certainly strong enough to help players compete but at the same time test new weapon combinations.
When To Use M500:
Players who want a long-range pistol should pick up the M500. Its incredible range and high movement speed encourage sniper-like gameplay with its 2x scope, although it can still accommodate close-quarters plays. While it doesn’t pack as much firepower as traditional snipers, players who simply need a weapon to accommodate further distances should opt for the M500 instead of risking their inventory space for a sniper they may barely use.
4. KAR98K
Powerful Sniper That Lacks Range For Distance Supremacy
KAR98K Stats:
- Damage: 90
- Range: 84
- Magazine: 5
- Rate of Fire: 27
- Accuracy: 90
Players looking to dominate long-range matches need a reliable sniper, and KAR98K won’t disappoint. Properly placed shots either knock the opponents down or kill them entirely, and its 5-shot magazine could even damage the victim’s squad mates.
What’s interesting is that the KAR98K is a weapon that can be found almost anywhere, meaning players who want to train snipers or want to switch to a marksman build can easily grab this gun and start shooting enemies from afar. Its easy-to-find nature can help players start a defensive build and defend a garrison point before heading to safe zones, which they can use in tandem with explosives and other throwables.
When To Use KAR98K:
Without a doubt, one of the best snipers in the game, the KAR98K packs extremely high damage, range, and accuracy stats. Despite its rather old appearance, the KAR98K also has high movement speed and above-average armor penetration, making the sniper one of the most balanced samples of its weapon type. It comes pre-equipped with an 8x scope, forcing would-be snipers to adjust their playstyles rather quickly. Its stability should make quick work of enemy squads, especially at the hands of someone who can make pinpoint changes to aim.
5. AWM
Dominates Distance Until Enemies Come Up Close
AWM Stats:
- Damage: 90
- Range: 91
- Magazine: 5
- Rate of Fire: 27
- Accuracy: 90
Sometimes, players can dish out the most damage in a firefight from a distance, and the AWM is a top-tier sniper rifle, boasting a range and damage that makes it one of the most dangerous guns in Garena Free Fire. With a range of 91, the AWM is built for players who love going for a marksman build.
From the right distance, two to three bullets can easily kill an opponent not fast enough to dodge or run for cover. Pairing the AWM with an MP40 can secure all range parameters for the player, letting them deal with enemies from a distance while still providing protection up close.
When To Use AWM:
Contending with the KAR98K for sniper efficiency, the AWM has some of the highest damage, range, and accuracy numbers for its weapon type. Its largest setback is its long reload time, making this weapon unideal for solo setups unless players have an escape route or a backup weapon with them. Using the AWM with allies, however, can secure the player’s safety at a distance while they pick off enemies, with their team as an assist.
6. M1887
Superior Close-Range Damage Offset By Other Stats
M1887 Stats:
- Damage: 100
- Range: 19
- Magazine: 6
- Rate of Fire: 40
- Accuracy: 10
Although shotguns only ever excel in short-range, the shrinking zones in battle royales mean surviving players will inevitably have to fight in close quarters anyway. And people stealthy enough can catch opponents by surprise and kill them up close, especially with a shotgun as powerful as the M1887.
Players have a 15-round magazine that can ruin an opponent’s day in extremely close combat situations. Its movement speed should also help players catch up with foes faster. This is very useful for players who love getting up close and personal, and for emergencies where opponents have no choice but to stay close anyway, such as in the latter parts of the entire match.
When To Use M1887:
The M1887 can kill foes easily at extremely close range, boasting enough movement speed to prepare the next shot especially when enemy reinforcement arrives for an unsuspecting beating. The M1887’s rate of fire is unsurprisingly mediocre, but its high armor penetration should give players enough incentive to make sure they finish off enemies before they even have to reload.
7. Groza (AR)
Rare Assault Rifle For Endgame Skirmishes
Groza Stats:
- Damage: 61
- Range: 77
- Magazine: 30
- Rate of Fire: 58
- Accuracy: 52
The Groza is surprisingly among the strongest firearms in Garena Free Fire, with performance going beyond the capabilities of most other weapons in the battle royale’s gameplay. Its decent accuracy and range can let players fight enemies at a considerable distance. Its innate firepower should make it a desirable gun to acquire, as its performance can be an asset in the late game where opponents are also likely packed with gear.
The Groza’s low rate of fire is manageable, although a definite factor in terms of how heavy-hitting a player wants to be in terms of overall performance. The only downside to the Groza is its nature as a rare find in the resupply map, airdrops, and even bounty tokens. In turn, players are better off using other ARs that they may consistently find and only grab the Groza as soon as it’s readily available.
When To Use Groza:
The rarity of the Groza can make it a difficult acquisition for players, but it’s easily a worthwhile substitute for most ARs in the endgame should players be lucky enough to find it. Its decent firing rate and overall firepower can make it an all-around companion in both the mid-game and the late game, so players shouldn’t find too much difficulty using the Groza
Mastering Free Fire involves not only understanding its dynamic character abilities but also knowing which weapons to wield for maximum efficiency. As you continue to refine your strategy and adapt to various combat situations, remember that the right weapon can significantly influence the outcome of your battles. Whether you’re sniping from a distance, engaging in close-quarter combat, or looking for a reliable all-rounder, this guide should help you make informed choices. Equip wisely, stay agile, and dominate the battlefield with confidence. Enjoy playing Free Fire on PC or laptop with BlueStacks!