Free Fire UMP Skin Guide: Gators Papercut vs Art of War vs Booyah Day

In Free Fire, every weapon fills a specific role and players tend to use these weapons to amplify their playstyle. If you are a player who prefers long-range fights and your skill combinations are geared towards that playstyle then you won’t like using an SMG or shotgun. The same rule applies to players who are aggressive and tend to push towards their opponents. They will prefer using a shotgun like M1887 or an SMG like UMP to fight. Every game in Free Fire, Clash Squad, or battle royale, has a ton of elements that a player needs to be mindful about. There are your skill combinations, which depend a lot on which map you are playing on and if you’re playing with a teammate or solo.
You have pets that also have unique skills which can be very useful in the game. A pet skill that can keep giving you gloo walls is going to come very useful in battle royale games. Likewise, something else that players need to take into account is gun skins. In Free Fire, your gun skins are not just for the visual effect like they are in other games. Here, every gun skin makes changes to the weapon stats. These changes may be very minor at face value but you will regret not knowing about this detail in many of your fights. A player who understands these mechanics of the game uses a gun skin that not only amplifies the weapon stats but also goes well with their character combinations.
This Free Fire guide will be comparing the three gun skins of the UMP SMG. The comparison will be done between the UMP Booyah Day 2021, UMP Art of War, and UMP Gators Papercut gun skins. Each of them offers a minor upgrade and downgrade to your weapon stats. If used correctly you can maximize the upgrades these skins offer while minimizing the impact of the downgrade. All of the UMP gun skins will only make changes to the accuracy, rate of fire, and damage.
Gun Skin Attributes
Gun skins in Free Fire will mention which stats of the weapon they will be changing. As mentioned above, a gun skin can only affect three functional areas of a gun. However, with changes to only these three areas, most of the other stats get affected as well. The UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin will increase the damage and accuracy by one green arrow each. The reload speed will get slower with this skin by two red arrows. These arrows denote the change in stats by 1. So if a gun can do 5 damage, one green arrow will increase it to 6 damage. So your reload speed will get a bit slower. If you are using Nikita’s character skill Firearms Expert, then you can negate this minor nerf to your reload speed. Firearms Expert skill reduces the reload time on SMGs. This is a passive skill that is used by many SMG players in Clash Squad games.
Unlike the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin, the UMP Gators Papercut gun skin increases damage by 1 and the rate of fire by 2. However, this gun skin will nerf the reload speed by 1. Again, this nerf is something you can counter by using Nikita’s Firearms Expert skill. Something to keep in mind when choosing gun skins is how they play with your skill combination. If your skill combination has a skill that increases damage then choosing a gun skin that also increases damage will be beneficial. Again, these may seem like very minor changes to the base weapon’s stats but these changes affect the gun mechanics as a whole.
Lastly, the UMP Art of War gun skin has a floral pattern on it. This gun skin will add 1 damage and increase the rate of fire by 2. However, unlike the previous two gun skins, this one will nerf the gun’s accuracy by 1. Since the UMP Art of War is going to nerf your accuracy by 1, you should use D-Bee’s Bullet Beats skill to counter it. Bullet Beats is a passive skill used by many SMG players as it increases accuracy while moving and also increases movement speed. It is one of those skills that every SMG user should consider having in their arsenal.
Rate of Fire
From the above UMP gun skin breakdown, you know that the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin will nerf the reload speed. The UMP Gators Papercut will also nerf the reload speed and the UMP Art of War will nerf the rate of fire. Now, here’s where most of the players make the mistake when it comes to understanding the gun skin stats. When a gun’s reloading speed is affected, it also affects the firing rate. The slower reload time means that you will be open for a split second more than the enemy. In order to understand which of the gun skin has a better rate of fire, a test was done. The first gun skin that was tested was the UMP Art of War, which will increase the rate of fire by 2. When tested with this gun skin, the UMP shot 30 bullets in 2.4 seconds. That translates to a firing rate of 0.080 seconds per bullet.
The UMP Gators Papercut gun skin also increases the rate of fire by 2 but will nerf the reload speed. When testes, the gun with this skin on was firing 30 bullets at 2.4 seconds, just like the UMP Art of War. The UMP Gators Papercut also shows the same firing rate of 0.080 seconds per bullet. Now, the UMP Booyah Day 2021 is a gun skin that has no effect on the rate of fire stat. So the firing rate with this gun skin will be the same as the base weapon. So the firing rate will be 30 bullets in 2.5 seconds. That is a 0.1-second difference already when compared to the two gun skins. It takes the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin 0.083 seconds to fire a single bullet. In a fight, this difference can play out in multiple ways. However, just having more rate of fire is not enough since the nerfs have not been taken into account.
Reload Speed
When you are playing Free Fire Clash Squads, you will inevitably encounter intense fights. In those fights, you are constantly reloading your gun in the middle of a fight. If your reload speed is even a little slow, you can get punished by the enemy. However, that is where the other stats affected by the gun skins come into play. The UMP Art of War has no effect on the reload speed and even with the gun skin, the UMP will reload at the normal speed. So the reload speed of UMP Art of War gun skin in Free Fire is 1.4 seconds. However, the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin had nerfed the reload speed by 2.
In the game, this translates to 1.5 seconds which is slower even than the base UMP’s reload speed. If you want to use the Booyah Day gun skin then use the Firearms Expert skill with it. Like the Booyah Day 2021 gun skin, the UMP Gators Papercut gun skin also nerfs the reload speed by 1. However, the time to reload is the same for both the Gators Papercut and Booyah Day 2021 gun skin at 1.5 seconds. This is something that players need to keep in mind. The difference in reloading speed between the UMP Art of War skin and UMP Gators Papercut and Booyah Day 2021 skin is of 0.1 seconds. However, reloading speed is not enough to decide the gun skin you should pick.
A player who uses SMGs in the game tends to fight mostly in close range. In those situations, you need to create as many advantages as you can as a player to win a fight. These fights require a high level of accuracy as most of them you will either be facing another SMG user or a shotgun user. The UMP Art of War, UMP Gators Papercut, and UMP Booyah Day 2021 affect the gun in different ways. Art of War gun skin nerfs accuracy by 1 and that means you will have a little more recoil in your UMP. You can counter this nerf of accuracy by using D-bee’s Bullet Beats skill as it will increase your accuracy while moving.
When you shoot with the Art of War gun skin, you will notice that the gun will jump a little while shooting. That is the accuracy nerf in action. UMP Gators Papercut skin will not be affecting the accuracy of the base weapon, so there is no change in the bullet spread pattern. However, the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin increases the accuracy by 1. This bump in the accuracy leads to a tighter bullet spread when shooting and also a bit more range over the base weapon. Against M1887 users, this gun skin has the highest chance to make an impact.
Damage Stats
This is probably the deciding stat for many players when they are choosing gun skins. In Free Fire, most of your fights will get decided based on which player delivered more damage and delivered it faster. Just having a big damage stat is not enough when you’re in a fight. A lot also depends on how many of your shots are connecting with the target. In essence, the damage stat is only worth its number when you are able to connect your bullets with the target. With that in mind, the UMP Art of War gun skin has a positive effect on the base weapon’s damage and increases it by 1. This translates to 143 damage to the head with no helmet and 26 damage to the body without a vest.
The test was done in the effective range of the UMP and each damage stat is of one bullet. So, a single bullet from the UMP Art of War gun skin will do 143 damage to the head and 26 to the body. When you add the level 1 helmet, the damage stat reduces to 109 to the head and 19 to the body with a level 1 vest. With a level 2 helmet and vest, the damage further reduces to 97 and 16. On a level 3 helmet and vest, the UMP Art of War does 83 on the head and 13 on the body. Level 4 is where you hit a wall and your damage drop is only to 81 on the head from 85 on a level 3 helmet. Bodyshot damage will be the same as it was with the level 3 vest.
The UMP Gators Papercut gun skin also adds 1 damage to the base weapon stats. This results in the gun skin having the same damage stats as the UMP Art of War. With this gun skin too, you will do 143 damage to the head without helmet and 96 damage to the body with no vest. With a level 1 helmet and vest, the gun does 109 headshot damage and 19 body shot damage. When you add a level 2 vest and helmet on the target, the damage drops to 97 and 16 respectively. The damage further drops with a level 3 helmet and vest at 85 headshot damage and 13 body shot damage. At level 4, only the headshot damage changes from 85 to 81 while the body shot damage remains the same at 13.
Finally, the UMP Booyah Day 2021 will be increasing the damage of the base weapon by 1. In the tests, the gun skin showed that it will do 148 headshot damage on a target without a helmet and 27 body shot damage without a vest. That is a +5 damage from both the UMP Art of War and UMP Gators Papercut skins. On a level 1 helmet and vest, the damage was 114 on headshot and 20 body shot damage. With a level 2 helmet and vest, you get 101 damage on the headshot and 17 damage on a body shot. Even with a level 3 helmet and vest, the damage still remains at 89 on a headshot and 14 on a body shot.
However, it is the damage that the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin does on a level 4 helmet and vest that makes it a better choice. Unlike the Art of War and Gators Papercut gun skins where the damage stat didn’t change much between the level 3 and level 4 helmet and vest. The UMP Booyah Day does 85 headshot damage on a level 4 helmet and 13 damage to the body. This alone makes it a better gun skin to pick but to get a more complete picture, you also need to take DPS into account as well.
Damage Per Second
This is the stat that matters the most when choosing a gun skin and also a stat that is not calculated by players. Damage per second or DPS combines all the gun mechanics and stats together. To calculate it you need to add all of the above stats together. The UMP Art of War gun skin took 2.4 seconds to empty a magazine, so it takes the gun 1 second to shoot 12.5 bullets. That comes down to 1 bullet being shot per 0.080 seconds. With these stats in mind and the damage stats mentioned above, the UMP Art of War has a max DPS of 325. However, the minimum DPS of the gun skin is 162.5.
Since the UMP Gators Papercut gun skin is almost similar to the Art of War gun skin, the DPS stats remain the same. It takes the gun with the Gators Papercut skin 2.4 seconds to empty a magazine, which comes to 12.5 bullets being shot per 1 second. It takes 0.080 seconds to shoot a bullet. As all the rest of the stats are the same, the UMP Gators Papercut also has a max DPS of 325 and a minimum DPS of 162.5. Things change however with the UMP Booyah Day 2021 gun skin. As the Booyah Day 2021 gun skin had no effect on the firing rate of the base weapon, it takes it 2.5 seconds to empty a magazine.
That is already slower than the other two gun skins. This also means that it takes the gun 1 second to shoot twelve bullets. The time to shoot also increases by 0.083 seconds from 0.080 seconds. This brings the max DPS down to 324 from 325 but the minimum DPS remains at 162.5.