Free Fire Has Crazy Weapons and This Weapon Guide Will Explain Them

When it comes to battle royale games, weapon systems are what make or break a game. Any game that has good weapon mechanics will always make an impact on the mind of its players. Since this is a weapon guide of Free Fire we will be discussing how the game handles its weapon mechanics. Before we begin with the guide itself let’s talk a bit more about Free Fire’s weapon mechanics and how the game tries to differentiate itself from its competition.
If you take a look at the big names of battle royale games then three will come to mind immediately. There is PUBG Mobile, a game that has a fairly balanced weapon mechanics system in place and tries to go for a more realistic look and feel. Then comes CoD Mobile, a game that borrows its weapon mechanics from other CoD games. Both PUBG Mobile and CoD Mobile have PC siblings that they base their maps and weapons upon. However, Free Fire follows a very different trajectory.
From the storyline to the playable characters to guns, Free Fire has always been about giving players a middle ground between a fantastical battle royale and a realistic one. On the fantastical side of things, you have special weapons, gloo walls, pets, special abilities, and on the realistic side, you have guns that are based on real weapons and maps based on the real-world environment.
When it comes to weapons with special abilities, one has to talk about the Treatment gun. If you don’t already know about the Treatment gun you definitely should. It is one of those guns that can make your squad win the booyah. Treatment gun, as the name implies, can treat your teammates. You can’t kill enemies with this weapon. You can however give them damage. Treatment gun is a great weapon to have when you are playing squad matches but we wouldn’t suggest using it when you are playing a solo match. Any player who decides to use the treatment gun will sacrifice a weapon slot so make sure that your primary weapon is an SMG with a ton of ammo.
Another crazy weapon in Free Fire is the hand cannon called the MGL140. Now if you are thinking that you can fire cannonballs from this gun then you’re almost right. MGL140 shoots grenades and can be deadly in the game. Even if an enemy player has a gloo wall covering him they won’t be safe from the MGL140. One drawback of using the MGL140 is that it can only shoot two grenades at a time. Sadly, it seems that Free Fire has removed it or made it very rare in the game.
Plasma GUN
This was a gun that Free Fire did add to their weapon roster but it was quite useless in the game. Plasma Gun is an AR or assault rifle in the game and unlike most weapons, this one doesn’t use any ammo. Plasma gun looks like a gun one sees in sci-fi movies but that is where all the good parts of this gun end. Yes, the plasma gun doesn’t use any ammo to fire but it gets overheated very quickly, and since you can’t reload it, you will be stuck with a gun and no bullets. We would not recommend this gun if you want to win booyahs but we do recommend it if you want to just have a little bit of fun.
When it comes to sheer firepower nothing in Free Fire can beat the Gatling gun. The game has two LMGs or Light Machine Guns and both of them are powerful but only one of them can have one thousand two hundred rounds of ammo. If you can find the Gatling gun anywhere then just pick it up without even thinking. There is nothing the Gatling gun cannot destroy in Free Fire. You can destroy gloo walls, moving vehicles, and anything you can imagine. This is one of the most powerful weapons in the game hands down. Just remember that using a Gatling gun will impact your movement speed so switch to your secondary gun when you are moving.
If we are going to talk about crazy weapons then we have to mention the M500. This is one gun that no other game has as far as we can tell. The M500 is a revolver that has a scope on it that you can use for sniping. We would not suggest using the M500 if you are playing to win the match but if you want to have fun then there is nothing like it. Playing with the M500 is almost like playing with a BB gun. You can keep shooting at the enemy but if they have a level two vest then you will have a hard time doing any meaningful damage to them.
One of the most powerful and brutal sniper rifles in Free Fire is the M82B. There is literally nothing that the M82B cannot penetrate. Vest, helmet, gloo wall, nothing can stand in front of this gun. It is the definition of a broken weapon but the good thing is that it is not easy to find. To get the M82B you need to loot an airdrop and even then there is a good chance that you won’t find it. If you can find it and the Gatling gun as well then you probably will win that Booyah.
Playing on BlueStacks gives you a leg up allowing you to use a keyboard and mouse- to play Free Fire the way it was meant to be played. Our favorite weapon combination in Free Fire is an AR rifle as the primary weapon and an SMG as a secondary weapon. Both offer fast rates of fire and with SMGs, we love taking close fights.