Hero Cantare With WEBTOON - Rerolling Guide and Tier List of the Best Characters

Unlocking the best characters is, in most, cases, the single most important lasting factor in any gacha game. Even long after you’ve completed the main story in the game, you can still carry on playing and completing your daily challenges in order to continue summoning and obtaining the strongest heroes in the game. The main reason as to why you’ll want to do this is that, while you can beat the main campaigns of most games with decent characters, you will need the best teams if you want to remain competitive in most optional endgame content, including PvP.

Hero Cantare isn’t an exception to this as, while you can play and beat the story with regular A and S-rank characters, most players will bring their strongest teams comprised of SS-rank heroes to the Arena. However, while the process of summoning in this gacha game is quite simple—all you need is enough gems to pay for the ritual—unlocking specific characters is a huge gamble, especially if you want to summon the strongest SS-rank heroes.
This issue applies to most gacha games who use a randomized summoning system, including Hero Cantare, and it’s the reason why rerolling exists. Through this method, players can shift the odds in their favor in the hopes of summoning the best characters.

In this article, we will explain the basics of rerolling and how to do it in Hero Cantare.
What is Rerolling and Why Should I Care?
Rerolling is the process through which you can obtain some of the best characters in any gacha game from the very beginning. And if that statement sounds really enticing as a method for starting off on the right foot in most gacha games, that’s because it really is. Through rerolling, you can get a headstart in Hero Cantare by beginning with SS characters, giving you a huge advantage both in the campaign mode, as well as in the arena against other players.

The process of rerolling, as its name implies, consists of performing multiple summonings back to back until you manage to obtain the specific character you’re looking for. As you can imagine, summoning specific characters takes quite a lot of time since you really can’t manipulate the results in any way. However, the process of rerolling consists of speeding up the rate at which you perform summonings which, with luck, can shorten the time required for unlocking specific heroes.

How to Reroll in Hero Cantare
Rerolling in Hero Cantare is quite simple since the first summoning happens at around 5 minutes into the game. Once you beat stage 1-3, the tutorial will prompt you to use your first free initial summoning, which results in a random character. This attempt is just like a regular summoning, with the resulting character being up to luck. This is in contrast to other games where the tutorial summoning is usually scripted and results in a predetermined character.
Play Hero Cantare with WEBTOON on PC
In this sense, rerolling consists of starting your game, completing stage 1-3, and then using your free summoning attempt. If you’re not happy with the results, you can just go to the settings menu by clicking on the gear icon in the top right, and then to “Account Settings”. In this screen, you just need to click on “Reset Data” in order to delete your progress and start over.

The process takes around 5 minutes if you skip all the cutscenes, which makes it quite easy to reroll in Hero Cantare. Though it’ll likely be a few attempts until you manage to summon that Chloris or Yeon’s Flame Khun, at least you can get through the tutorial fast enough for it to not be completely tedious.
If you manage to summon a good character, you can further improve your team by clearing stage 1-5, after which you can perform a selective summoning and add another strong character to your lineup.

Streamlining Rerolling With BlueStacks
Since you really can’t manipulate the results in any way, the best way to improve your success with rerolling is by summoning as fast as possible. And what better way to speed up the process than by rerolling with multiple accounts simultaneously?
With the BlueStacks Instance Manager, as well as Multi-Instance Sync tools, you can reroll in Hero Cantare with many accounts at the same time. With the former, you can create as many BlueStacks instances as your computer can handle, and use them to log into the game with unique accounts in each. Meanwhile, the latter allows you to control all active instances simply by playing as you normally would, on your main instance. BlueStacks will mirror all your clicks and actions that you perform on your main instance across all other active windows.

With BlueStacks, you can reroll in Hero Cantare with multiple accounts, and without the added hassle of having to control each one individually.
Hero Cantare Tier List
Of course, if you’re going to reroll, you obviously need to know what you’re looking to summon.
Simply put, the current meta in Hero Cantare has many different characters. This is great since you don’t need to rely on a small group of characters as the main meta in the game. Instead, there’s quite a bit of variety in the ways you can play this game.

Here is a list of the best characters in Hero Cantare, according to the current meta and tier lists:
- Maschenny (A)
- Mira Yoo (A)
- Chloris (SS)
- Hilda (SS)
- Black-March Bam (SS)
- Yeon’s Flame Kun (SS)
- Idol Rockcrawler (SS)
- No-Name (SS)
- Daewi Han (S)
While there are many good characters in Hero Cantare, the ones we mentioned above are among some of the best. If you’re rerolling in this game, you will definitely want to aim for these ones.