Honkai Impact 3rd : Tips and Tricks for Active F2P Players

As an F2P player, you don’t get many chances to go wrong in Hokai Impact 3rd. This is no idle-RPG game where early mistakes can be fixed in a matter of minutes. The real-time combat system is simply amazing compared to those of other similar games out there, but every level can become a pain if you don’t know how to manage your Valkyrie crew.
Especially since you’ll rely primarily on freebies and hard-earned premium currency, you’ll want to use your resources in an optimal manner. Yet there are a bunch of things the tutorial doesn’t tell you and, since you don’t have all the information from the get-go, you might make some costly choices. The tips and tricks we’ve gathered below are meant to prevent that from happening. Just make sure you read them before you finish the first chapter (aka, the tutorial).
Choose Your First Valkyrie Carefully
If you complete every challenge on every mission during a Chapter, you can earn as many as 225 premium Crystals. However, you need 2,800 of these to summon 10 supply crates and take advantage of the better S Valkyrie drop rates. Unfortunately, that’s a lot of Crystals. Although you do receive some from various achievements along the way, it’s likely that you’ll have to complete upwards of 3 chapters to purchase your first decent draw.
Once this happens, you might get a good S Valkyrie or you might now. You might not get an S Valkyrie at all, which would certainly be a pain in the backside. At this point, though, it’s up to you whether you want to continue with this account or whether you would rather start fresh and re-roll your characters.
In a different guide, we’ve talked about the best Valkyries for F2P players. We recommend you consult the list before your first pull to have a better idea of what is worth keeping and what you should discard. Of course, you don’t have to re-roll your account, but getting a decent S character from the start can significantly reduce the time you spend on each Chapter.
Play the Gacha System to Your Advantage
First off, there is almost never a reason to spend premium Crystals in the shop. It might be tempting to spend Crystals on character fragments for a Valkyrie you like, but it is always a better deal to use Energy in the level that has the chance to drop said fragments. The exchange rate is simply that bad!
Then there’s the Gacha system; because fun as this game may be to play, the intention is still to crack open your wallet and get you to spend premium Crystals like there’s no tomorrow. As an F2P player, you have to pay extra attention to how you spend your hard-earned currencies and that includes your Gacha pulls.
For instance, it’s a good idea to save crystals for new Valkyries that are introduced every now and then. Some of them – such as Kiana’s Herrscher of the Void – can be absolutely extraordinary. You should only use tickets to pull supply crates, even if you have to do it one pull at a time. Unlike with other Gachas, this game cumulates your pulls so you don’t have to do all 10 at once in order to benefit from the higher S character drop rates. Once every 10 pulls, you are guaranteed an A Valkyrie at the very least.
Always Spend Your Stamina
There is no reason whatsoever to hoard Stamina in Hokai Impact 3rd. This resource is your main limitation in the game because it determines how many missions you can do and how far you can upgrade your core Valkyries without investing real money. Plus, you’ll notice during the tutorial that you are sometimes awarded Stamina Potions. You can keep these in your inventory for as long as you want and only pop them when you need them. It therefore makes no sense to sacrifice your Stamina regen in order to stack more than the maximum limit.
Your Stamina reserves will grow (very slowly) as you gain more Captain levels. To begin with, you’ll enjoy tons of it as you make your way through easy levels, but this won’t always be the case. If you have enough time to check on the game, make sure that your Stamina reserves are never full. Spend it to farm your Valkyries, obtain gear and materials, or even in the Open World. The important thing is to keep your Stamina below cap at all times. How you choose to spend it is entirely up to you.
As a pro tip, weekday events are likely the most worthwhile way to use Stamina. These will give you gold, materials, and other noteworthy resources, as well as some Crystals for the first time you complete them. Overall, a great deal for your Stamina.
Select and Farm a Core Team of Valkyries
Valkyries are gorgeous and badass. Whenever a new one joins your ranks, you might feel the urge to immediately boost her and try her out in combat. Unfortunately, as an F2P player, this is a temptation you often have to resist. Resources become increasingly scarce as you progress in the game, while Valkyries need more and more stuff to get better. If you go on spending your materials on every Valkyrie you get, it’s likely that you won’t be able to put together a core team that is powerful enough to help you clear most content.
The best thing to do is to consult a few tier lists and carefully select a core team of Valkyries based on the current meta and your favorite playstyle. At the end of the day, even if a character is God tier, if you don’t enjoy playing them, they’ll just subtract from your experience. Try to find a balance between what you like and what is very good. Upgrade these few Valkyries first and consider other, alternative characters only once you are strong enough to compete in most daily and weekly events.
Like most Gacha games, Honkai Impact 3rd is not very F2P-friendly. However, the combat system in this game is just so good that it might actually be worth a small investment from time to time. Otherwise, it is possible to catch up to P2W players by being constantly active and completing events on a daily basis. It may take some time, but if you stick to these tips, you’ll have a core team up and ready to go within the month.