A Thorough Farming and Spending Guide for King Arthur: Legends Rise

One of the biggest turn-based RPGs of 2023, King Arthur: Legends Rise is currently being operated in an open beta environment for a limited number of players. Developed and published by Kabam Games INC, the game has already held multiple closed beta tests to test out the stability of the game as well as response from the community regarding areas of improvement. Expected to launch sometime in the 4th quarter of 2023, King Arthur: Legends Rise boasts a lot of unique elements and features that sets it apart from its competitors. Some of them include high resolution graphics, a medieval era setting, a vast semi-open world to explore and interact with, and over 60+ collectible heroes that can further change forms depending on equipped weapons.
In this article, we are going to be all the different areas you are required to farm to collect some of the most wanted currencies in the game. We will also be listing the different purchases that you should make as a free-to-play player on a daily/weekly/monthly basis to stay ahead of the curve. We have divided the article in multiple sections to make it easy to read. King Arthur: Legends Rise is available to be downloaded as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store with in-game microtransactions enabled.
Things to Purchase Monthly
King Arthur: Legends Rise is a gacha game that also has some of the core elements of a live service RPG. One such element are the numerous amounts of daily, weekly, and monthly missions that you can complete in order to get some juicy rewards on a consistent basis. The best part? These are absolutely free to do and do not require you to spend anything other than your time in-game. Further, majority of these missions are something which you should do anyways in order to get stronger.
Here is a list of the monthly missions:
- Win Talisman from Dungeons 20 times (Talisman chests are rare)
- Go on Expeditions 4 times (Tome chests are rare)
- Participate in the Arena 80 times (5 Special Summon Tickets)
- Complete any of the given Weekly Missions x35 (+ 100 Gems)
- You can also complete 3 out of any of the other monthly missions to get the final reward of 5 Special Summon tickets.
Things to Purchase Weekly
Much like things you need to do monthly, there also things that you are required to do on a weekly basis. As usual, all of these missions are something which you should do anyways in order to get stronger. Apart from missions, there are also general things to do for some extra resources along the way.
Here is a list of the weekly tips:
- There’s a special weekly bundle available completely for free in the Shop. This bundle gives the claimer 100 gems but you will need to manually go to the Shop section -> Weekly products -> Weekly bundle.
- Make sure to purchase the Expedition key for 600 Clan coins in the Clan shop. The extra attempt is very beneficial for a free-to-play player.
- We would also recommend to go ahead and purchase the coins in Arena if you’re an Arena buff. If not, then avoid it as it costs 100 arena points which is quite expensive.
Here is a list of the weekly missions:
- Participate in the Arena 25 times (Talisman chests are rare)
- Go on an Expedition 1 time (Tome chests are rare)
- Complete 50 Daily Missions (+ 50 Gems)
- Do Alchemy 3 times (Special Summon Ticket)
- You can also complete 3 out of any of the other weekly missions to get the final reward of 3 Special Summon tickets.
Things to Purchase Daily
Much like things you need to do weekly, there also things that you are required to do on a daily basis. As usual, all of these listed tips are something which you should do anyways in order to get stronger. We are also going to be listing the daily missions, which offer some juicy resources along the way.
Here is a list of the daily tips:
- There’s a special daily bundle available completely for free in the Shop. This bundle gives the claimer 20 gems but you will need to manually go to the Shop section -> Daily products -> Daily bundle.
- Make sure to purchase 1 time in the Shop in order to complete the daily mission for the same. It’s recommended to spend Gold and not gems.
- Make sure to purchase the Daily Summon Bundle which offers 2 special summon tickets for 140 gems. Also, you can purchase the extra 90 stamina for 50 gems but only 1 time.
- The Forge is a great place to get some crazy good gear, provided you are lucky. Make sure to use it only for gear sets you require and use. You can also feel free to refresh 1 time.
- Buy 5 Arena tickets for 50 arena tokens in the Arena Shop
Here are some of the areas to farm daily:
- Clear the Talisman Dungeon 4 times. (2 without shop, but it’s better to buy since Skill-up resources are rare and you will require a lot of them)
- Make sure to participate in the Arena 10 times. (Buy 5 tickets for 50 gems each day you will need to push rating fast for better rewards + coins for Talisman and Tome Chests)
- Make sure to do your daily Clan Raid attempt. (DO NOT LEAVE BATTLE IN ANY CASE, it will not return your key. You have 20 turns, deal as much dmg to parts as you can, but don’t overextend because you also need to kill the boss. Don’t worry if you are unable to.)
- Do the Clan Solo Missions 3 times for the maximum amount of Clan tokens.
- Clear the Gold Dungeon twice daily for the maximum gold input.
- Clear the World Tree Dungeon 2 times
- Expedition when you have keys (You can buy 1 more key every week from clan shop. You will get 1 key every 48 hours. The max you can hold is 3, so don’t hoard them!)
Tips for Expedition Farming
- Enter Max Level of the Expedition, so that you can clear 100%, because the highest level has the potential to give out Gems as rewards. Collect Arcana nodes first as they can give you passive abilities which gives stats for completion of the node after this, then do Battle nodes, then collect every Gather and Treasure node + Boss. Do Inn if need heal or you have passive which gives stats after Inn.
- During battles, always pay attention to the amount of turns, since after you run out of them, the battle will end and HP of your units and HP of the opponent units will be saved. If this happens, you can revive part of your team if this is needed and finish the job, or use another party for it!
- Leave Battle if you see that you can’t win and you don’t want to lose party, it will reset HP of your team to the state before battle”
To enjoy King Arthur: Legends Rise on a bigger screen of your PC, it is highly recommended to use BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.