Kingdom Heroes – Empire offers a unique MMORPG experience where history’s greatest factions clash in epic battles. As a player, you’ll traverse time and space, commanding armies from different eras, capturing legendary warriors, and strategizing your way to victory. Whether you’re a seasoned MMORPG player or just getting started, Kingdom Heroes – Empire has something to offer everyone.

In this guide, we’ll walk you through the essential steps to kickstart your journey in this expansive world. From mastering the art of combat to participating in grand national wars, this guide will help you get the most out of your early days in the game, ensuring that you make swift and smooth progression through its many challenges.

Getting Started: Preparing for Battle

As you create your first character and jump into the world, the first thing you’ll want to do is check your in-game mail for starter equipment. This gear will give you an early boost, helping you tackle the game’s initial challenges with ease. The game also provides a tutorial that guides you through the basics of character development and game functions. Even if you’re familiar with MMORPGs, it’s worth following this tutorial to get a feel for the game’s unique mechanics.

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

Once you’ve equipped your starter gear, it’s time to jump into the action. Enable auto-combat to make your early battles easier. The auto-combat system is a key feature in Kingdom Heroes – Empire, allowing you to focus on strategic decisions while your character handles the basics. This feature is especially useful in the early stages when you’re still learning the ropes.

Mastering Combat: Skills and Strategies

Combat in Kingdom Heroes – Empire is more than just hacking and slashing; it’s about strategy and skill management. Start by customizing your quick skill and item toolbars. These toolbars are your go-to for activating skills and using items in the heat of battle, so make sure they’re set up in a way that complements your playstyle.

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

Understanding the game’s weapon attributes is crucial for maximizing your combat effectiveness. There are four main attributes—Slash, Pierce, Crush, and Shoot—that correspond to different weapon types. Matching your weapon to the appropriate skill attribute will enhance your attacks. For example, use short-range weapons with Slash attributes for close combat, while long-range weapons should be paired with Pierce attributes for maximum efficiency. While your weapon can be changed later on in the game, your choice of faction will determine your starting attributes and weapon types.

Another key aspect of combat is the ability to capture enemies. When an enemy’s health drops to a certain point, you’ll have the opportunity to capture them using specific items. The success of a capture attempt depends on the enemy’s “Affection” level. High Affection means you can continue using capture items until successful, while Low Affection requires you to wait before trying again. Capturing powerful enemies can turn the tide in your favor, especially in tougher battles.

Building Your Character: Attribute Allocation and Morphs

As you progress in Kingdom Heroes – Empire, your character will gain levels and earn points to distribute across various attributes. These attributes will define your character’s strengths and weaknesses, so a great tip or trick for this game would be to allocate them wisely. Every time you level up, you’ll get 5 points to distribute to your desired stats. Here is a quick explanation of what each of the stats do:

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

  • STR (Strength): Increases physical attack, physical accuracy, and physical critical hit rate.
  • DEX (Dexterity): Boosts physical evasion, magical evasion, basic attack speed, and chanting speed.
  • STA (Stamina): Enhances maximum HP, physical defense, physical critical resistance, and HP regeneration.
  • WIS (Wisdom): Raises maximum MP, healing power, magical defense, magical critical resistance, and MP regeneration.
  • INT (Intelligence): Increases magical attack, magical accuracy, and magical critical hit rate.
  • CHA (Charisma): Improves Form. HP, Form. physical attack, Form. physical defense, Form. magical attack, Form. magical defense, and Form. healing power.

Distributing these points effectively is key to developing a powerful character. If you’re unsure about where to put your points, the game offers recommended allocations based on your current build and playstyle. This feature is particularly helpful for beginners who might not yet be familiar with the nuances of character development in MMORPGs.

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

In addition to attribute allocation, the game features a system of “Morphs.” Morph cards represent different forms your character can take, each with its own set of benefits. Understanding the information on these cards and how they interact with your character’s attributes is key to creating a powerful build. Experimenting with different morphs can lead to discovering unique combinations that suit your style of play.

Conquering National Wars: Strategy and Tactics

One of the most exciting aspects of Kingdom Heroes – Empire is its national wars. These large-scale battles pit you against players from around the world in a fight for dominance. Success in national wars requires not just brute force but also strategic planning and teamwork.

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

When participating in national wars, your first objective should be to capture key cities. Each city has defensive gates that must be breached before you can claim it. Prioritize cities marked with “Harvest,” “Big Harvest,” or “Small Harvest” for their valuable gold reserves, which can be distributed among your legion members. The player who delivers the final blow to an outpost tower or city statue earns the highest contribution, making these targets highly contested.

Teamwork is crucial in national wars, so coordinate with your legion to maximize your impact. Focus on taking down key structures and defending your own. The legion that controls the most territory will have a significant advantage, so it’s important to work together to achieve your objectives.

Free Trading and Equipment: Gearing Up for Success

In Kingdom Heroes – Empire, the economy plays a significant role in your journey to power. The game features a robust trading system that allows players to buy and sell items and gear. As you explore the world and defeat enemies, you’ll come across various treasures that can be traded for better equipment or sold for profit.

When trading, always keep an eye out for high-quality gear that suits your character’s build. Upgrading your equipment is essential for staying competitive, especially as you progress to more challenging content. The game also offers rich rewards for participating in events and completing quests, so take advantage of these opportunities to bolster your inventory. Regardless, understanding the market and knowing when to buy or sell can give you a significant edge over your competition. Whether you’re looking for the perfect weapon to complete your set or just trying to make some extra gold, mastering the trading system is key to your success.

Kingdom Heroes - Empire: A Beginner's Guide to Becoming a Legendary Hero

Kingdom Heroes – Empire offers a rich and dynamic world where history’s greatest factions clash in epic battles. As a beginner, you’ll have the opportunity to explore this world, build your character, and participate in grand national wars that could change the course of history. 

With the tips and strategies outlined in this guide, you’re now equipped to start your journey with confidence. Remember to play Kingdom Heroes – Empire on PC with BlueStacks to enjoy the best gameplay and features. Whether you’re capturing powerful enemies, dominating in national wars, or trading your way to the top, every decision you make will shape your path to becoming a legend in Kingdom Heroes – Empire.