Survival Tips for the Last Day on Earth

Sandbox games have a certain charm due to the liberty they bestow to the gamers so they can develop their bases in whatever way they want. These games are usually developed for fans of construction games, as well as for those that enjoy building aesthetically-pleasing creations, over those who partake of PvP, or for those who enjoy the social aspects of MMOs. Sometimes, the only thing we want to do is to spend hours gathering materials and building our bases!
Games like Minecraft, Last Craft Survival, and ARK: Survival, among others, all have this aspect in common.
Nevertheless, the vast majority of these games suffer from a mortal flaw; a trait that, for some, is not considered a flaw but, for others, it is an unforgivable sin. As we mentioned in our beginner’s guide for Last Day on Earth, most of these sandbox games lack in-game guides or tutorials to help out the player. For this reason, some may consider these games as incomplete or confusing, and could quickly become bored of them.
Luckily, on previous occasions, we have conversed about how to begin and progress through the initial phases of the game, up until establishing your own base camp. On this occasion, we have created this guide as a way to provide some general tidbits of information about this game, as well as many useful tips that will help you in your adventure to survive in this post-apocalyptic wasteland.
Find Food Easily
An important part of Last Day on Earth is finding enough food to sate your appetite and keep healthy at all times. However, aside from the ferocious wolves that attack you and that drop meat when you defeat them, your main source of nourishment will come from either garden beds, or from hunting deer to obtain meat.
The first method consists of planting seeds, which will grow into carrots after a few minutes. Each carrot can be consumed raw, and recharge 15 HP, 25 hunger points, and 5 thirst points. However, if you cook them in the campfire first, you will create carrot stew, which restores an extra 5 HP. It is not necessary to cook the carrots, but it is recommended when you have some free time to maximize the healing potential of these ingredients.
When hunting for deer, unless you have a ranged weapon, chasing down your quarry is a very risky endeavor. While you chase the animal through the woods, you might attract the attention of zombies and other enemies, and become the prey yourself without noticing. For this reason, stealth is your best friend when hunting for deer, which you can activate by pressing the Z key. In this manner, you can crouch walk towards your prey unnoticed. If you manage to get in melee range, you can unleash a sneak attack that will kill your prey in a single hit. In this manner, you can obtain food without attracting any roaming zombies.
Remember to Recycle
There are some materials that can only be obtained after consuming others. The empty bottles, for example, can only be obtained after consuming a water bottle. Similarly, the tin cans can only be obtained after eating a can of beans. While both of these items may come off as clutter or trash, their true utility goes far beyond this. These materials can actually be used in some crafting recipes. The empty bottles, especially, are used in the rain catcher to create water bottles after some time. In this sense, by recycling your empty bottles, you can create an endless supply of the vital fluid.
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The tin cans, on the other hand, are less useful at the beginning, but this doesn’t mean that you should toss them. These items are used in the crafting of weapon mods, as well as in the crafting of certain combat items such as traps, melee weapons, and even for some furniture.
Whenever possible, try to keep all the cans and water bottles that you pick up along the way.
Protect Yourself from the Zombie Horde
Every 24 hours, your base will come under attack by a horde of zombies that destroy your walls if you don’t fortify them enough. These hordes are unavoidable and, until you manage to strengthen your walls, you won’t be able to stop them from destroying parts of your shelter. Fortunately, these zombies seldom cause any major damage and repairing the holes they poke into your walls only takes a few minutes. However, unless you’re fully armed and well-prepared, we can’t recommend facing a zombie horde by yourself; there are simply too many zombies, and you’ll be overwhelmed in a matter of seconds.
If you’re not prepared to face the horde, we recommend that you stay in the map screen until they’re gone. It’s better to survive and rebuild than to die multiple times to the zombie horde.
Use Your Pockets to Save Space
A very useful tip that the game fails to mention—like so many others—is the existence of a quick slot where you can assign items for use in a pinch without having to open the inventory. This slot is represented by the pocket icon in your equipment screen. You can assign meat, berries, first aid kits, or any other objects, and these will appear in your UI, just above the attack button. Afterward, using these items is only a matter of clicking the button, or pressing E on your keyboard.
Aside from providing a handy way to access important items, this pocket also helps us to save inventory space since the objects you assigned to the quick slot do not take up a slot in your bag. In this sense, by assigning an item to your quick slot, you essentially save an extra slot in your inventory.
Pause your Hunger and Thirst
Have we ever mentioned how thirst and hunger are the true final bosses of this game? Well, they are. The hunger and thirst meters decrease at an accelerated pace whenever you’re out and about, and your character will need to eat and drink every few minutes or run the risk of dying. For this reason, it’s important that you take at least a stack of food and a few water bottles on every expedition you undertake. Furthermore, remember to keep your empty bottles; they are essential to guarantee your continued survival!
Nevertheless, one of our biggest gripes with this game is that there are no ways to pause it, and your hunger and thirst meter will continue decreasing whenever you’re in-game. In this sense, if you’re playing, you’ll need to constantly pay attention to your hunger and thirst meters, which can make playing it heavy and tedious, especially for those who can only play in short sessions.
Luckily, for those who want to take short breaks without having to close the game every time they want to go to the kitchen or bathroom, it is possible to “pause” the game by entering the map screen. We use pause between quotes since, even though the game is not truly paused—this is impossible in most online games—your hunger and thirst meters will stop decreasing when you’re in the map.
If you want to create a system that will allow you to brave the zombie apocalypse in a sustainable manner, you will need to concentrate on developing good habits. If you are still new at this game, we recommend taking a look at our beginner’s guide for Last Day on Earth, in which you will learn everything you need to start your adventure. Alternatively, take a look at our blog where you’ll find numerous useful guides to get ahead of the competition in this game.