League of Pantheons Tier with the Best Characters in the Game

The new League of Pantheons gacha idle RPG has a lot of things to see and discover. Despite the game itself being nothing new or not doing much to innovate upon the tried and true gacha RPG formula, it’s a fun and fresh experience for players to jump into. And now that the game has officially been launched, it’s a race to see who can climb the leaderboards the fastest and reign supreme in their respective servers.
Of course, being the best is definitely easier said than done, particularly since, in most cases, your success in this game boils down to your luck with the gacha system. In other words, if you manage to summon a few good characters from the very beginning, you’ll be at a significant advantage over those who aren’t as lucky as you. However, in a game where there are so many characters to choose from, and with League of Pantheons still being quite new, how can we know which characters to keep and which to avoid?
This is exactly why we wrote this guide: to give you an idea of which characters are the best and which are, well, not as good. In the following paragraphs, you’ll find our League of Pantheons tier list with the strongest units in this game. This will come in handy particularly if you’re looking to reroll to unlock the best characters from the start.
Let’s get started!
S Tier
If you’ve read any of our tier lists in the past, you probably already know that we usually divide the characters into four distinct categories. The ones in the S tier correspond to the absolute best units in the game; the best in their respective roles. Summoning one or two of these from the start will give you a massive advantage in the game, which makes them some of the most coveted units.
This character brings a lot to the table, though she definitely stands out thanks to her hugely powerful AoE skills, combined with her support potential. In this sense, she’s not only quite powerful by herself, but she can also boost the potential of her allies in combat.
A good support character that can inflict status debuffs on the enemy while also shielding and healing her allies. Great to have on any team, especially if you’re looking for good support to round out your offensive setup.
Boasting extreme burst damage, and the ability to transform himself at 50% HP to dramatically boost his own stats as well as buff his Dark allies, Nidhogg is a veritable powerhouse that can single-handedly destroy most weaker formations.
A Tier
The units in the A-Tier, while not as strong as the previous tier, are quite powerful in their own right. However, some of these units actually rely on others in order to realize their full potential, while their S Tier counterparts are usually stronger and don’t require such synergies. Nevertheless, you could do much worse than these characters, and you should count yourself lucky if you manage to score a few of these early on.
The god of gods is here, and yet he’s not quite as strong as his S Tier counterparts. Nevertheless, Zeus is a great offensive character that specializes in not only doing damage but also in inflicting debuffs that further increase the damage that the enemy takes while limiting their offensive potential.
- Raphael
A support character that can remove debuffs from her allies, while also buffing their own stats. She specializes in redistributing damage, which is great for preventing the enemy from focusing down on your DPS units, as all the damage will be shared equally by the entire group.
A great support alternative, with a more straightforward approach. Aside from dispelling debuffs from her allies, Erial can also buff the ATK of her teammates, and even revive fallen companions. She’s one of the best supports around, at least if you’re struggling with keeping your units alive.
B Tier
Units in the B Tier are very average in strength and utility. These characters are neither bad nor good, and they will usually be the first ones you replace whenever you manage to score better units.
Support with a slightly different approach than the others, with the ability to debuff the enemy and increase their damage taken as well as put them to sleep, but also to shield allies from harm. She can also heal the entire group and apply powerful shields when they’re at full HP.
Interesting tank support that can shield allies from harm by redirecting damage to himself, and afterward dispelling any debuffs on himself while also restoring a great part of his lost HP.
A powerful debuffer that can deal tons of damage to single targets, especially if they’re Mages. She specializes in silencing her foes, preventing them from using their skills, while also finishing off wounded targets with her ultimate.
C Tier
This tier serves as an example of which characters to avoid, as they usually represent the bottom rungs of performance, in relation to other League of Pantheons units. In other words, you don’t want any of these in your team.
Weak skills with mostly ineffectual debuffs make him a bad pick for any occasion. His only saving grace is the blindness he can inflict with his ultimate, and that’s saying a lot.
Though she has some interesting offerings for PvP, such as blocking the enemy’s healing capabilities, her damage output is ultimately quite weak, which makes her a bad choice for any team.
Though not exactly a bad unit, Aensland’s utility is quite circumstantial, exceeding mostly in PvP thanks to her ultimate which, upon defeating an enemy, prevents them from being resurrected. Nevertheless, her damage output is on the low side, which somewhat invalidates her strengths.
And that’s it for our League of Pantheons tier list. Keep in mind that we haven’t even scratched the surface in terms of the total number of characters that are actually in the game. However, our hope is that, by knowing which characters are good and bad, you can get an idea of what to look for when creating your own teams.
What are your favorite characters in this new gacha game? Leave your own personal picks in the comments below!