Light Chaser - Conquer All Dungeons and Events

It’s easy to lose track of all the content that Light Chaser offers its players. Because gameplay usually takes place on auto-combat, many forget about all of the bosses and events happening throughout the world of Lorraine. It’s not just fun that they’re missing on, but also valuable rewards and opportunities to increase their CP.
To be able to enjoy all of the dungeons and events in-game, you’ll most likely need a certain amount of CP to begin with. If you’re lucky, though, all you need to do sometimes is to join an event in order to benefit from its rewards. Other characters with a higher CP get the job done.
The Basic Dungeons
As you might have noticed by now, each and every dungeon you can enter in LC has a specific goal. Some of them are aimed at providing you with more loot, while others are designed solely for the progression of your character. Below is a complete list of the daily events you can join.
Virtue Realm for Experience. This should be one of your first priorities when logging in. The more experience you get, the higher your odds of levelling up. Once you’ve passed that level 45ish mark, you’ll notice that your progression is much slower than before. In LC, you can do as much of the Virtue Realm as your CP allows. Don’t forget to use a 1.5x or 2x EXP orb from your bag, as this will maximize your gain while farming the dungeon.
Expeditions for Bound Diamonds. Bound diamonds are the “soft” currency in Light Chaser, which means that you don’t have to pay money to get them. They can be used for anything from equipment upgrades to mount and even relic progression. If you’re an F2P player, these are the bread and butter of your game. Get as many as possible and use them with great care. You get three shots at Expeditions per day, so use them every time this is possible.
Multi-Dungeon for Prestige and Experience. Multi-Dungeons are indicated for groups of 2, ideally 3 individuals. You can do them alone, but it takes a long, long while. They give immense amounts of experience, as well as a currency unique to them: prestige. The latter can be used to purchase a host of things in the prestige shop, such as mats to evolve your mount, relic, or elf. Your upper limit is 50 successful attempts, so if you get a party going, take full advantage of it because the prestige is more than worth the effort.
Beyond the Top Dungeons. You have a limited pool of tries for dungeons that give mount, partner, wings, elf, and weapons relics. The latter are the upgrade mats required to improve your husbandry, so you’ll need as many of them as you can get your hands on. Use them wisely. You can obtain most of these through prestige as well, but they’re really not worth the expenditure.
Play Light Chaser on BlueStacks
The Eternal Temple. After the Expeditions, this is the best place where you can get hundreds of bound diamonds. Don’t pay attention to the CP requirement, though, because you can always take on bosses that are a bit higher than you. Just try and see how far you can go. Once in a while, you’ll get a rewarding boss in the form of a chest – hit it and reap the booty. As a bonus, you’ll get awesome titles for completing certain stages. We’re rocking the Berserk now.
The Void Path. On the lower end of your priority list should be the Void Path. The dust you get from here can be used to upgrade your artifact. Although it’s not that powerful, you ought to do it if you want to get the most out of your daily playtime. Here, you’re usually limited by how fast you can down bosses. You usually fail only if the timer runs out.
The Minion Trial. Last, but certainly not least in the list of must-do dungeons is the Minion Trial. Aside from a neat gift box, this dungeon gives you experience to feed to your pet. As with the Void Path, the only limit is your ability to clear waves within the 10-minute timer. Just enter, let your character do its thing and reap the rewards once it’s done.
Pro Tip. If you want more points, don’t let the Minion Trial go on auto-battle all the time. The mobs drop blue spheres you can collect for additional points. If you’re playing Light Chaser on BlueStacks, you’ll have an easy time picking up the drops whenever they are available.
As you might have expected, most of these dungeons, such as the Expeditions, can be reset using regular diamonds, which are Light Chaser’s premium currency. If you want to spend real money on your character, investing in these is probably your best value purchase. Regardless of whether you choose to pay or not, you should always try to synchronize your highest EXP-giving dungeons with the daily hot time. This will significantly improve your daily experience gain.
Daily Events You Shouldn’t Miss Out On
The developers at Eyougame like to spice things up for seasoned players. Every day, at specific hours, events take place that can give you additional rewards in the form of experience or amazing loot. Although these are usually timed, you should definitely watch out for them and participate. There are PvP events, trivia ones reminding us of the good ol’ days of iRC, world bosses, and much more.
Sometimes, you just get the chance to relax and blow off some steam, like in the case of the Charming Hotspring. Here, all you have to do is have your character jump into a refreshing hot spring and take in the free experience. Also, don’t worry about not being able to defeat world bosses. You’ll get rewards just for being there and trying your best. As long as your character is at least level 47, you can participate in these events and reap the benefits.
This comprises all of the important daily dungeons and events of Light Chaser that you should strive to do every time you log in. The game might be running on auto-battle for most of the time, but these will definitely a bit of dedication to complete. To make things easier, you can always allow BlueStacks to run in the background and do everything for you. It’s easier and more convenient than squinting on your phone screen every couple of minutes. What happens on your PC while you work is between you and the workstation; nobody has to know.