Lords Mobile: A Through Guide for Kingdom Clash

Lords Mobile is one of the biggest tower-defense strategy games to ever grace the landscape of mobile games. Developed by IGG, Lords Mobile see’s you command an entire empire and unify the broken factions into a single nation. In this guide, we will be explaining all the mechanics of the biggest game mode in Lords Mobile, the Kingdom Clash, or KvK (Kingdom V/S Kingdom) for short. We have also presented some personalized tips to help new players and seasoned veterans alike to win more KvK’s. Let’s begin!
What is Kingdom Clash or KvK?
Different Kingdoms in Lords Mobile battle against one another during a 24-hour event called Kingdom Clash, sometimes referred to as Kingdom vs. Kingdom (or KvK, for short). Points that are scored by individual players go toward the total number of points that their Kingdom has. Usually between two and four kingdoms compete against one another in KvK. The amount of Kingdoms taking part determines the points needed for Solo War and the event’s rewards.
For a 4-hour Battle Period, players can transport their Castle to any participating Kingdom using a Relocator or Random Relocator. Players will automatically return to a random place in their native Kingdom at the conclusion of the Battle Period.
Wonders won’t enter the Protection Phase during KvK, and any invader can launch an attack in War for Wonders. The Wonder will enter Protection Phase for five to six days following KvK, at which point the head of the guild controlling it will take ownership. The Wonder will enter the Battle Phase if it is not controlled by anyone. Please note that KvK will not be available for protected Kingdoms.
There are several objectives that players need to fulfill and focus on for winning in the KvK:
- Eliminating enemy troops and traps
- Gathering Materials in the Opponent Country
- Attacking monsters in the Enemy Kingdom
- Taking Command of Forts and Wonder
Preparing for KvK in Lords Mobile
Here are some personalized tips to help you prepare strongly for an upcoming KvK:
- Take in as many captives as you can. Begin a few days before KVK starts. To increase your prison ATK bonuses, save some of the inmates. Take off the remainder to increase Altar’s ATK. To get the maximum prison benefit, make sure you have a Level 60 hero prisoner set aside.
- In the medical bay, begin mending all of your soldiers. Don’t accelerate them. View my portion on the Healing Trap below.
- Obtain as many troops as you can. During KVK, you will lose a lot of soldiers. Ensure you have a enough number of hospital beds!
- Together with your guild, devise a plan. Guilds with excellent communication will always perform far better!
- Get your equipment and study done if you intend to farm or go monster hunting. If necessary, upgrade the gears.
- Gather all of your Speed Troop Speed Ups, random relocators, and relocators. You’re going to need these!
- Put energy aside for monster hunting.
Attacking Strategies in KvK
There are several strategies designed by high-ranking players and kingdoms to conquer enemies in the KvK game mode. In this section, we will be talking about a few popular one’s. Let’s check them out!
Solo Attacking Strategy
The bulk of your playtime in the KvK game mode goes in exploring the enemy kingdom and sieging castles that appear easy to attack. Ensure that you have the appropriate soldiers, formations, familiars, talents, ATK boosts, and equipment. Scouting is a must before attacking a castle. You never know what might turn up. A trap castle is the last place you want to go. Be careful to switch your view chat to the global chat as you launch your attack.
Potentially, your adversaries might begin sharing your coordinates in the Global Chat. Keep a watch on things so you can anticipate when the major players will start to pursue you. You can prevent any long-distance attacks if you are aware that individuals are observing you. If necessary, you should be able to move swiftly.
Tile Hitting Strategy
In this strategy, you will attack the enemy’s tiles as chances are they will be focusing on them to produce more resources. This is a very risky strategy but can be worth it in the long term if you manage to successfully hit a tile. Here’s how it works:
- Click on any enemy tile and then proceed to “View Profile”.
- Verify that the enemy’s strength is less than yours. Although not infallible, it’s typically a reliable bearing
- Check to see if he is using resource collecting or combat gear. Look at his sophisticated equipment, too. If he’s entirely mythic, purple, or gold, I advise being cautious.
- Move as close to the tile as possible. As an alternative, go as close as you can and be ready to move your soldiers more quickly.
- Never go scouting. Scouting will reduce the likelihood that you may hit the troops.
- One tile at a time, send your entire army into battle. Only divide your forces if the enemy’s strength is truly negligible. March with heroes, but not the leader.
Resource Farming and Gathering Strategies in KvK
This option suffices for players who might not have the strongest might to take on strong foes. You can still earn a decent chunk of points by gathering and farming resources. Here are some core tips to help you earn more points if you’re a fellow farmer:
- Ensure that you are not within your own realm. Farming your own kingdom won’t get you any points. Move to the enemy’s area first!
- Make sure you have the appropriate equipment to acquire resources before sending troops into battle.
- Always be on the watch for people who hit tiles.
- Feel free to use heroes as troops but do not dispatch your leader. This will improve defense without putting you at danger of being captured.
- Employ a boost to resource gathering and use appropriate resource gathering talents!
- The Rich Vein (Ore) Level 4 and Rich Vein (Ore) Level 5 Tiles are the best resources to use. They award the highest number of points for each tile.
Monster Hunting During KvK
Monster hunting refers to the process of slaying monsters in the wildlands. Keep in mind that you will only get points for monster slain in the enemy kingdom and not your own. You can also get points for stealing monsters. What actually gains points in the monster hunt is the death-hit. Only start monster hunts when you and your guildmates are confident in finishing it.
Players can enjoy Lords Mobile even more on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop with BlueStacks, complete with your keyboard and mouse.