Magic Forest: Dragon Quest Beginners Guide and Tips

Magic Forest: Dragon Quest is a beautiful new MMORPG featuring multiple playable PvE/PvP game modes, an open-world to explore, multiple quests to undertake, and a thorough class system featuring diverse characters. As a new player, you will majorly be focusing on quests to unlock new game modes. In this beginners guide, we will be sharing some insights and knowledge about the core game mechanics and how you can progress efficiently. Let’s begin!

The Class System
One of the core decisions that is directed towards you as you begin your journey would be to choose a class. In Magic Forest: Dragon Quest, classes play a huge role in determining your playstyle and your strengths/weaknesses. They are like a separate character on their own that players will be able to control and use. At the time of writing, the 4 classes that exist are as follows:
- Windsword
- Dancesword
- Priest
- Sorceress

Once you have made your decision, the next step would be to focus on the initial quests. There are 2 types of quests in the game – Main quests and Side quests. The former type of quests are geared towards exploring the different game systems and game modes. The latter type of quests is more personalized and targets the different avenues for growth. While both quests are important, we recommend new players to focus on the main quests first as they help you unlock more content in the game. For example, the Pet system is locked till you complete the 4th quest.

Core Game Mechanics and Controls Explained
Magic Forest: Dragon Quest is an open-world MMORG that exhibits many traits of your regular MMO games. Players can choose a class and undertake multiple quests to progress and reap rewards. The controls of the game are fairly simple to learn and execute as well. On the right-hand side of the screen, you should be able to see your ability wheel consisting of 5 abilities lined-up in a crescent shape.
In the middle section is the basic attack button that can be repeatedly tapped to cast your normal attacks. On the bottom right-hand side, you will find the target button that allows your character to target a specific character or enemy in battles. Below that button is the dodge ability that allows players to make a short instantaneous dash in the specified direction.

On the bottom left-hand side, players can find the virtual control wheel using which they can control the movement of their character. For some classes, there is also a transform button right above your ability wheel. In the middle section on the right-hand side, you will find the active abilities of all the Pets you have deployed in your line-up. Keep in mind, your skills and pet skills both have a specific cooldown that will also reflect when you use them. Talking about combat mechanics, they are also fairly simple to learn.
You can simply tap on the skills in the direction your character is facing to activate them. The game uses the old-school method of tap-targeting when it comes to combat, which isn’t necessarily bad as it results in less complex situations.
The Pet system in Magic Forest: Dragon Quest is quite unique as it allows players to recruit and use trustworthy furry creatures alongside in battles. Each pet is assigned a base rarity to them, according to which their base stats are pre-determined. The higher the rarity of the Pet, the stronger they are generally. Pets are an important factor when it comes to increasing your overall CP (Combat Power). Pets can also be enhanced and levelled up to grant more utility in their abilities. You can also combine lower rarity pets to promote them, or simply discard them to get some extra resources. We would recommend checking out a thorough tier list for the strongest Pets to learn more about their abilities and importance.

Lottery System Explained
The Lottery system in Magic Forest: Dragon Quest is your standard gacha system wherein you can summon for different rarities of Pets. The lottery system unlocks after you have completed the 4th or 5th quest initially and remains unlocked forever. The interface has 2 parts – Pet recruitment and 2000 Free Draws. The former part allows players to get their hands on the strongest pets in the game at varying rates. The probability of summoning any Pet depends on their base rarity.

Each pet can have a base rarity from N to SSR, with N being the lowest and SSR being the highest. The probabilities for summoning different rarities of pets are as follows:
- SSR Pet – 1.6% probability of being summoned
- SR Pet – 7.5% probability of being summoned
- NR Pet – 33.5% probability of being summoned
- N Pet – 23.9% probability of being summoned
Piece draws are the currency used for recruiting pets. The system illustrates that players are guaranteed at least 1 SR pet in 20 draws. Further, summoning a 10-draw will only cost you 9 piece draws.
Playing Magic Forest: Dragon Quest on a bigger screen of your PC or Lapop with BlueStacks without worrying about battery drainage is highly recommended.