LUDUS – Merge Arena PvP stands out as one of the most unique strategy games available, combining elements of merging mechanics and auto chess in a fast-paced, competitive environment. Players must strategically deploy and merge units on the battlefield, making quick decisions to outmaneuver their opponents.

In this guide, we’ll explore the essential merging and buffing system, a crucial part of winning battles in LUDUS. Understanding how to effectively merge units and apply buffs can significantly enhance your gameplay, leading to more victories and higher rankings. Let’s dive into the details of this core mechanic and see how it can give you the edge you need in your matches.

Merging in LUDUS

Merging is a fundamental mechanic in LUDUS – Merge Arena PvP that can significantly influence the outcome of battles. When you have two identical units of the same type and tier on the battlefield, you can drag one onto the other to merge them, creating a unit of the same type but at a higher merge level. Each merge boosts the unit’s stats, making it stronger and more effective in combat. Additionally, reaching merge level 3 unlocks special skills that can dramatically impact the battle.

There are a few important benefits of merging units whenever possible:

  • Increased Stats: Boosts health, attack power, and other vital stats.
  • Unlocking Skills: At merge level 3, units gain special skills that can turn the tide of battle.
  • Efficient Use of Space: Frees up grid space, allowing you to summon more units.

Mastering Merging and Buffing in LUDUS - Merge Arena PvP

Merging units should be a constant goal during the preparation phase, and is actually one of the most important tips and tricks to keep in mind in this regard. It maximizes combat effectiveness, provides strategic advantages, and ensures optimal use of resources. By consistently merging units, you bolster your immediate strength and set the stage for unlocking powerful abilities that can dominate the battlefield. Always look for opportunities to merge and enhance your units to maintain a competitive edge.

Buffing Tiles

In LUDUS, buffing is an essential aspect that complements merging. Each unit has a specific buffing range, which activates upon merging, affecting specific tiles around them. When units are within this range, they receive buffs that increase their level for the current match, providing significant stat boosts such as higher attack power and increased health.

Buffing isn’t limited to just units. If the buffing range includes tiles with rocks, these rocks will lose HP each time a unit within range is merged. Once a rock’s HP reaches 0, it shatters, granting the player extra coins, which are crucial for summoning more units and continuing the fight.

Mastering Merging and Buffing in LUDUS - Merge Arena PvP

To maximize the benefits of buffing, players can check the buff range of any unit by inspecting them in the Cards tab outside of matches. During matches, you can also see which tiles will be buffed by dragging a unit on top of another similar unit, which highlights the tiles that will receive the buffs if the merge is completed.

Understanding and utilizing buffing effectively can give you a significant advantage in battles, making your units stronger and more resilient. By combining strategic merging and buffing, you’ll enhance your gameplay and increase your chances of victory in LUDUS – Merge Arena PvP. Make sure to check out our beginner’s guide for LUDUS if you want to learn more about the basics of this strategy game.