Minecraft is Now Available on BlueStacks

If you’ve been gaming for a while—no, scratch that; if you’ve been living on Earth for the past few years, you’ve obviously heard of Minecraft. This massive game requires little introduction, but in case you’ve been living under a very large rock for the past decade, Minecraft is THE survival crafting game by excellence. Ever since its launch on PC back in 2009, the game has acquired a massive following, mostly due to its innovative and immersive gameplay mechanics, coupled with its virtually-limitless procedurally-generated world that gives players vast environments to explore and play in.
Minecraft is one of those endless games that offer hours, days, or even months of enjoyment depending on what the player is looking for. Simply put, the game has no real story to experience, and its enjoyment depends entirely on the player. In other words, the world is a sandbox and you decide what to do in it.
The defining feature of Minecraft is, without a doubt, its voxel-based world where everything comes in the form of cubes. Everything from the rocks, to the grass, earth, mountains, trees—even the monsters and characters—,are made up of blocks. The clouds and sun are giant cubes in the sky! All these materials, with some exceptions, can be broken down using the right tools and collected, and then set elsewhere to build all sorts of structures. Think of all the materials that you can gather in Minecraft as your Lego pieces, and the world as the enormous table in which you can build your masterpieces.
Now, while the building is an important aspect of Minecraft (some might even go as far as to say that it’s the sole point of the game), this title also features tons of exploration. While the world is procedurally-generated and seemingly endless, you can spot many dungeons and caverns that you can explore. These places are often filled with spiders, skeletons, and other nasties that are guarding the bounties within. As you explore caves and dig further down into the world, you will find ores and materials of increasing rarity, the most coveted of which being the elusive Diamonds, with which you can create many different weapons, tools, and armors.
While the premise behind Minecraft is quite simple and self-explanatory and relies mostly on player input to provide entertainment, the way the world is presented, coupled with its mellow and relaxing soundtrack, make this game a veritable source of entertainment for those who enjoy immersing themselves into a game world for hours on end. We don’t play Minecraft as much as we’d like to, but every time we do, we sink hours upon hours into every single session.
It’s this massive popularity that made Minecraft into what it is today. The game has been ported to many platforms including consoles like PS4, Xbox One, and even Android. It’s the latter the one we want to talk about today as the mobile version of Minecraft is, by far, one of the most convenient ways to enjoy this awesome survival crafting game on the go.
Minecraft Mobile Version on PC
Also known as simply “Minecraft” on the Google Play Store, this game is a 1:1 port of the PC version, which is the most popular way of enjoying it. However, for those who don’t have the time to sit on their PCs for extended periods, or simply don’t have good enough hardware to run it, the mobile version of Minecraft will be the way to go.
This game is, in most aspects, similar to the PC version, with a few exceptions such as the types of mobs that appear in it. However, for the most part, barring the UI adapted for mobile devices, and the addition of some quality-of-life features for mobile users, the experience is exactly the same, which makes this version of Minecraft the preferred version for those who want to get a quick fix of survival crafting while out and about. However, for those who actually have a decent PC, as well as a copy of this version of Minecraft, we’re pleased to announce that you’re no longer restricted to enjoying Minecraft on your phone.
Play Minecraft on PC
In a recent BlueStacks update, Minecraft became playable on our Android emulator, through which you can enjoy the entire Minecraft experience, on a larger monitor, and with better performance than on most phones on the market. Seriously, unless you drop hundreds of dollars on some of the most expensive mobile devices on the market, odds are that you can run your favorite phone games with much better performance on BlueStacks.
In one of the most recent BlueStacks version, we added Native Gamepad Support, which means that games that offer controller support can now be enjoyed using a gamepad, without the need for any additional setup—just plug and play! In the case of Minecraft, you can download the game and launch it, and use your controller to enjoy a much better experience than you could ever do when playing on your phone. In this sense, not only are you playing Minecraft on a large monitor and with better performance than on most phones, but you’re also playing with a controller, which is similar to playing the console version.
For reasons that are too numerous to mention here, we can safely say that Minecraft was definitely meant to be enjoyed on PC. While the mobile version of Minecraft is definitely a great way to enjoy this awesome game on the go, the experience pales in comparison to its PC counterparts. Luckily, if you happen to own a copy of the mobile version, and don’t have the PC client, you can enjoy the full Minecraft PC experience by playing the Mobile version on BlueStacks.