Nations of Darkness - A Guide to Economy

The most important step to play Nations of Darkness is being able to build a stable economy where the player can afford to do all the important tasks in the game. Resources are scarce in this game and those who can’t properly manage the loot that they have don’t make it into the later stages of the game because it becomes difficult to do anything with slow production. This guide aims to give players a better idea of how to manage their economy and allow them to support their own nation.
Developing the economy is a difficult job since it can lead to the player feeling rushed and overwhelmed with chore-like tasks. Maximizing your economy is definitely something that you want to do but if you’re not looking at playing the game at a competitive level for a long time, this might not apply to you, and playing casually will do just fine. Although, we always want to give players these options so that they can understand the importance of these features in games like Nations of Darkness.
Production Buildings
Production buildings are the best source of resources in Nations of Darkness simply because they provide a steady amount of supplies at all times. We talked about production buildings in our Beginners’ Guide. They can be constructed once you hit a certain level and more buildings will become available as you raise your main building’s level. Once you reach the later stages of the game, the production buildings will be the primary source of resources that you have, especially if you are unable to mobilize your army due to threats of being attacked.
Production buildings aren’t as valuable in the early stages of the game because they have low production values since the levels are low and there aren’t many available at the start. However, players should still put a lot of priority into constructing new production buildings and upgrading them to the highest possible level whenever they can. This gives the players the resources they need whenever they take a long break like sleeping or working/studying for an extended period.
Inventory Resources
Inventory resources are also a good source of resources supplied by the game itself. These come in the form of bundles that can be claimed by opening your inventory, giving the player a specific amount of resources instantly. These are really good to supplement low production values in the early game since most tasks don’t use up a lot of resources to accomplish. It’s a good idea for players to use their inventory resources whenever they need to during the first few days of playing Nations of Darkness.
While inventory resources may seem like a nice way to get instant resources that you’ll feel like there’s no need to focus on the other economic sectors, you’ll come to realize that these supplies aren’t enough to supplement your economy once you reach a certain level. They might seem unlimited with how Nations of Darkness gives them out but you’ll eventually run out of them as the costs of every task you do starts to rise once you reach the higher structure levels.
Economic Research
Economic research involves going to the research center and researching new tech in the development branch that focuses on resource production and acquisition. Upgrading these will indirectly increase the number of resources you acquire by affecting other economic sectors, making them more efficient at gathering supplies. At the early stages of the game, we recommend focusing solely on the economic branch of research because it is much more impactful than the other tech branches.
The upgrade values of research may not seem like a lot at first glance but once you start stacking up those tech points, the upgrades will start becoming extremely relevant to your nation. In fact, even the early upgrades can really help out a lot since every bit of resource that you can scrap is valuable towards the development of your nation. Make sure that you max out all of the upgrades you can get from the research center during your initial playthrough and invest all your resources toward the economy branch.
Military Campaigns
Military campaigns are an advanced way to supplement a player’s economy and it involves mobilizing your troops to attack an enemy encampment, whether it be PvE or PvP battles in the world map. PvE skirmishes are the most common way to use your army because it doesn’t pose a serious risk of losing your entire squadron in one attack. This involves searching the map for enemy encampments and trying to overwhelm them with a high troop count to minimize the losses.
PvP campaigns are a lot more complicated as they can instantly lead to the ruination of your entire account. Attacking other players isn’t always a good idea because they can initiate a counter-attack. If they are a lot stronger or have connections with other powerful players, they can initiate an all-out attack until your nation is left with nothing. Players who do initiate in PvP do so by attacking extremely weak players or accounts that have been AFK for a very long time.
Missions & Rewards
Completing missions is the final way to supplement your economy but this is another method that only really works in the early stages of the game. This is done by rushing missions and using the rewards that the game gives to upgrade your nation. Most of the rewards are really helpful because they give an abundant amount of supplies upon completion, especially if the player completes an entire chapter. This means that it is rewarding to follow the quest line and do your daily quests as well as participate in time-limited events for the loot.
In the later stages of the game, missions become more time-consuming with the rewards not being worth the effort. However, players will get some decent rewards every now and then so it’s still a good idea to complete missions whenever you can. It’s not a good idea for players to rely on mission rewards as their primary source of supplies so developing the other sectors of your economy should still be at the top of your priority list.