Overhit is your typical Gacha game when it comes to mechanics, but with an extraordinary polish in terms of graphics and a complex system of hero upgrades that makes it worthwhile. Although team composition is important to clear campaign stages and attain victory in the Arena, individual hero performance is even more impactful and should, as such, take priority.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

We’ve covered some of the best heroes in Overhit in a different guide, which you should definitely check out before you start pouring resources into one character or another. Once you do have your favorite heroes in hand, though, there are a few things you can (and should) do to ensure that they perform at their best.

Apart from getting them in their bathing suits, of course… It’s just a given that ditching their clothes will make these heroes tremendously more powerful. Somehow.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Fortify Your Hero to Boost Their Level

Your heroes naturally gain XP whenever you use them to clear a campaign stage, battle in the arena, or perform other tasks. However, compared to the amount they require in order to reach max level, this traditional method might prove to be insufficient.

That’s why you can choose to Fortify heroes in order to boost their level quicker. This is likely the first kind of upgrade you’ll access for your main characters and should be done whenever the possibility arises. It might not seem like much of enhancement at first, but once a hero hits level 40 or higher, they deal significantly more damage against campaign opponents and can, therefore, make your life much, much easier.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

To fortify a hero, you just have to access the right tab at the bottom of the hero screen. This will take you to a screen where you can view the current stats of the selected character, as well as choose the fodder you are willing to sacrifice in the process. You shouldn’t use just any hero to level your main characters, though. Unlike with other Gacha games, Overhit rewards you with additional XP gain if you choose heroes of the same affinity as the character you’re trying to fortify.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

When upgrading Ren, for example, we want to select only those N- or R-ranked fodder heroes that share her affinity for Air. This significantly boosts the amount of XP received by Ren and allows us to use fodder heroes of other affinities for other, suitable characters.

Upgrade a Hero by Increasing Their Grade

When a hero joins your team, it usually starts out as a grade D, regardless of its rarity on the scale from N through R, SR, and SSR. To improve his or her grade and considerably enhance both their stats and their attack speed, you’ll have to access the “Grade” tab at the bottom of the main hero screen.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Much like with Fortification, increasing the Grade of a champion requires materials. This time, however, you’ll be using slightly rarer resources in the form of Catalysts. The latter come in 5 different types to suit each hero affinity. In other words, a Fire-type hero requires a red Fire Catalyst, a Water-type hero will need a blue Water Catalyst, and so on. Add some Arn (as they call gold in Overhit) to the mix and presto! You have yourself a higher grade hero.

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Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

From the very beginning, you’ll notice that Catalysts are not as easy to come by as fodder heroes. If you know where to look, though, they’re not too hard to find, either. You can obtain grade materials from random events, but a far more reliable source are the Mystic’s Warehouse challenges (located under Terra Shift, in the Lobby), which you can complete twice per day. Each day of the week, the challenges award different types of Catalysts, so keep your eyes peeled for the resources you need.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Use Copies to Increase a Hero’s Level Cap

At first, heroes can only be leveled to a maximum of 40. To increase their Level Cap, as well as unlock the ability to upgrade their Skills, access the “Raise Level Cap” tab at the bottom of the main hero screen.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Here, you will be asked to sacrifice either a copy of the hero you’re trying to upgrade or a Flash of Talent of the appropriate rarity. Arn will naturally be required as well, but even though the sums can be steep, they are still much easier to obtain than copies of rare heroes.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

When all the materials are ready, your hero’s level cap is increased by 5 and their max skill level is increased by 1. You can do this up to 5 times for each character.

Upgrade Hero Skills and Unlock New Abilities

Once a hero’s Level Cap was raised for the first time, the “Skills” menu also becomes available at the bottom of the hero screen. You can use this window to consult your champion’s cooldowns in order to have better control over them in combat, but also to upgrade your favorite skills using special materials called Jewels.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Like Catalysts, Jewels come in multiple forms – one for each hero affinity. Cicero, our preferred team tank, for example, is a Dark-type champion and will therefore require Dark Jewels for skill upgrades. In addition, the more you fortify a skill, the more expensive it becomes to boost it further. Keep this in mind when you prioritize between different cooldowns and don’t forget to send your heroes on Expeditions (for more Jewels) whenever this is possible.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

Finally, the “Abilities” tab or tree is where you can unlock passives (referred to as “abilities”) for your best champions. Each hero has a total of 40 available passives, which can be obtained using Essences. The latter are fairly common throughout the campaign stages, so you should have no problem unlocking the first 10-15 abilities for each of your best characters. Better abilities will cost significantly more Essences, though, which is why you should only do this for those champions you are most likely to use during your adventures.

Overhit: Unlock the Maximum Potential of Your Favorite Heroes

With that, we can conclude our guide to upgrading your favorite heroes in Overhit. If, however, you want to boost your champions’ stats even further, it’s time to think about finding, upgrading, and equipping better gear (to be linked to “Overhit: Get the Best Gear for Your Heroes”). Then, surely, nothing will stand in your way!

Apart from those few heroes in their bikinis, of course. They’re just simply OP, aren’t they?

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