Stabilizing the Spray: BlueStacks List of Low Recoil Guns in PUBG Mobile

One of the key aspects of PUBG Mobile is the guns. There are multiple guns in PUBG Mobile, and they come in various categories. Guns like SMGs, LMGs, Assault Rifles, among others, are all present in the game and are a part of the loadout. Some players might argue that the options of the guns are not a lot in the game. There are very selected guns in the game, and the developers are working towards bringing in more guns. The recent gun that the game saw was Famas. That is the latest addition to the Assault rifle category in the game.
The reason behind the low number of guns is that the developers have worked on making all the guns in the game very realistic. This makes all the guns behave very differently in fights. The differences are starker when the guns are used for long-range fights. The one thing that differentiates all the guns is the recoil of the guns. Some guns are very powerful in the game and can secure kills faster than other guns. These powerful guns come with a compromise: they have very high recoil.
This means that it is difficult to control these guns and players need to be very precise in order to have good control over these guns.
While playing the game on the BlueStacks Emulator, we figured out that different guns work differently. This means that not all guns have the same recoil. There is a lot of debate among players about the guns with the lowest recoil in PUBG Mobile. This guide will tell you all about the guns that you need to go for if you don’t want recoil to be a roadblock in the way of your assaulting skills. This list will not include any snipers or Designated Marksman Rifle. These guns run on single mode and the recoil makes its presence felt when spraying down with a gun from a distance.
Here are the guns that have low recoil in PUBG Mobile.
The first gun on the list is the Vikendi specific, G36C. This is one of the map-exclusive guns in the game. It is not very easy to acquire and is easily available in many places on the Vikendi map. The best place to get the gun is the Villa. The gun can also be looked as a replacement to Scar-L on this particular map. The gun shoots 5.56 mm bullets and these are not very difficult to find.
The gun has a magazine size of 30 bullets, and that can be increased further with the help of attachments. The gun has very low recoil and the reload speed is also very low. The gun is ideal if you are an entry fragger in the team or follow an assault form of play.
Ideal Attachments to Lower the Recoil
The G36C comes with multiple attachments options. Some of these options can help the players reduce the recoil of the gun even further. One should ideally have a compensator, a vertical foregrip along with the extended quickdraw mag. The scope depends on the choice of the players depending on their play style. If you are a long-range player, then going for a scope like 6x would be a good option as it can be doubled as a 3x. If you are a close-range player, then going for a scope like the red dot sight makes more sense. The gun does not generate a lot of recoil in general, but these attachments will help you reduce that and be more precise with your aiming.
Scar-L is another gun that fires 5.56 mm bullets. The difference between the Scar-L and the G36C is that Scar-L is available on every map in the game. It is a very commonly found gun and is very famous among the players as well.
Some people might argue that M416 is a better gun but when it comes to recoil and control, Scar-L is a better gun. The 4x scope is very notorious and not everyone can handle that. It is very easy and comfortable for players to control the recoil of the gun with a 4x on.
Ideal Attachments to Lower the Recoil
Just like the G36C, Scar-L also has a number of attachment options. However, if you want to lower the recoil, then go for a compensator or suppressor along with a vertical foregrip or the laser sight. You can go for a combination of compensator and vertical foregrip if you want to aim for longer ranges. For close range, attaching the suppressor and laser sight would be a better option. This will enhance your precision in close ranges and help you control the recoil even better. The scope is, again, the choice of the player. 4x is a good option for long-range fights and the red-dot sight can be used for close-range fights.
It is the first gun on the list that fires 7.62 mm bullets. It is common in PUBG Mobile that guns using 7.62 mm bullets are more powerful and come with more recoil. The DP-28 is different. This gun comes with very little recoil, good damage, and power. This combination is very rare in PUBG Mobile.
This gun is extremely preferred by players who like taking long-range fights. It is also not an assault rifle, it is an LMG and produces way less recoil by those standards. The also has a large magazine, making it better for a continuous spray of bullets.
Ideal Attachments to Lower the Recoil
The DP-28 only has support for a scope. You can start from a red dot sight and go all the way up to 6x scope. The most preferred choice of scope for this gun is 4x. The scope fits very well with the gun and is one of the most lethal combinations in the game.
Considered to be one of the best guns in the game, M416 has a number of plus sides to it. It is the most versatile assault rifle in PUBG Mobile. Players tend to prefer it over any other gun in their loadout. It is good for close-range, mid-range, and long-range fights. It fires 5.56 mm bullets. It can be seen on all the maps in the game and is easily acquired by the players. It is not as common as finding a Scar-L, but it is not difficult either. The gun does not come with a lot of recoils to start with.
However, some players might feel that the stability of the gun can be enhanced with the help of attachments. The magazine size of the gun is the usual 30 bullets that can be increased with attachments.
Ideal Attachments to Lower the Recoil
The M416 comes with multiple attachment slots. Players can go with the attachment of their choice, but there is one combination that effectively reduces recoil. Players should ideally go for a compensator, paired with a vertical foregrip and tactical stock. This makes the gun extremely stable and reduces the recoil even further. To increase the magazine size, players should also attach an extended quickdraw mag to the gun. This will reduce the reload time of the gun as well. The ideal choice of scope has nothing to do with the recoil control of the gun, but players should preferably go for a 6x as it works best with the gun and is the preferred option for most players out there.
This is, without a doubt, the gun with the lowest recoil. The AUG A3 is also known as the gun with “no recoil”. The recoil of the gun is extremely low and players can control it very easily even if they are beginners. However, it is a drop-exclusive gun. Therefore, the players need to loot a drop and acquire the gun.
Since the gun is drop-exclusive, it is available on every map, but the rarity is high. The only aspect that goes against the gun is the reload time. Other than that, the assault rifle is a beast.
Ideal Attachments to Lower the Recoil
The gun does not need a lot of tweaking when it comes to reducing the recoil. However, the recoil can be slightly lowered down further with the help of a compensator. Players should attach a compensator to lower the recoil, along with an extended quickdraw mag to deal with the slow reload speed. The low recoil of the gun also increases the compatibility with any scope in the game. It is up to the players which scope they want to use on the gun.
There are multiple other guns in the game that has low recoil, as the UMP and Uzi, but these guns are SMGs and have less damage in comparison to assault rifles. In order to get better at the game and have good control over the guns, it is important for players to practice with all the guns in the game rather than these guns. You might not always find these guns in every match, therefore you should start using all the weapons in the game. To know more about the other weapons in the game, check this out.