In PUBG Mobile, ranks are a core component of the game’s competitive system, designed to match players with others of similar skill levels and to encourage progression. The rank system comprises several tiers, each with distinct divisions, and is essential for players looking to measure their skills against others, earn rewards, and climb the competitive ladder. This guide will break down each rank tier, explain how the ranking system works, and provide tips on how to progress through the ranks efficiently.

Understand the Ranking System in PUBG Mobile

PUBG Mobile’s ranking system is divided into multiple tiers and subdivisions, which players progress through by earning Rank Points (RP). Points are gained (or lost) based on your performance in each match, including factors such as survival time, kills, and match placement. The more points you earn, the higher your rank.

The primary ranks, from lowest to highest, are as follows:

  • Bronze
  • Silver
  • Gold
  • Platinum
  • Diamond
  • Crown
  • Ace
  • Conqueror

Each of these ranks, except Ace and Conqueror, is divided into five divisions, ranging from V (5) to I (1), with V being the lowest and I being the highest within that tier. Players must work through all five divisions to advance to the next rank.

PUBG MOBILE Rank Guide – All the Ranks Explained

Bronze Rank

The Bronze rank is the starting point for all new players. The rank divisions are:

  • Bronze V
  • Bronze IV
  • Bronze III
  • Bronze II
  • Bronze I

Players at this tier are usually new to PUBG Mobile, and competition is generally more accessible here. Most players quickly progress through Bronze as it provides basic experience in gameplay and survival skills.

Silver Rank

The Silver rank indicates a slight improvement in player skill and understanding of game mechanics. The divisions are:

  • Silver V
  • Silver IV
  • Silver III
  • Silver II
  • Silver I

Players here are gaining a better understanding of the game’s core mechanics, including map awareness, weapon handling, and teamwork.

Gold Rank

The Gold rank is where players start to exhibit more advanced skills and tactics. The divisions are:

  • Gold V
  • Gold IV
  • Gold III
  • Gold II
  • Gold I

At this tier, players are expected to have a good understanding of the map, the ability to effectively loot and engage in combat, and some strategic thinking. Many players begin to specialize in specific playstyles here, such as aggressive or stealth-based tactics.

Platinum Rank

Platinum marks a significant increase in the difficulty and competitiveness of matches. The divisions are:

  • Platinum V
  • Platinum IV
  • Platinum III
  • Platinum II
  • Platinum I

Players in Platinum are often more experienced and skilled, focusing on strategies for survival and utilizing game mechanics like flanking and positioning. Here, you’re more likely to face teams that communicate effectively and use tactics to gain the upper hand.

Diamond Rank

Diamond players are highly skilled and dedicated to advancing through the ranks. The divisions are:

  • Diamond V
  • Diamond IV
  • Diamond III
  • Diamond II
  • Diamond I

This tier involves highly competitive gameplay with players who are well-versed in aiming, looting, and map navigation. By this point, players typically know how to effectively manage resources, use vehicles strategically, and engage in tactical positioning.

Crown Rank

Crown is one of the higher ranks in PUBG Mobile, indicating elite-level gameplay. The divisions are:

  • Crown V
  • Crown IV
  • Crown III
  • Crown II
  • Crown I

At this rank, players are highly skilled, with a strong focus on teamwork, map awareness, and advanced combat techniques. Crown players often engage in intense battles against other similarly ranked opponents and are well-versed in the game’s meta.

Ace Rank

Ace is a coveted rank that represents mastery of PUBG Mobile’s mechanics and strategy. Ace, unlike previous tiers, does not feature subdivisions, such as V to I. Instead, Ace players collect Ace stars based on the RP they continue to earn.

The number of Ace stars you receive can influence your leader board position, and achieving this rank typically necessitates a thorough understanding of tactical play, as well as continuous high placements and kill counts.

Conqueror Rank

Conqueror is the highest possible rank in PUBG Mobile, and it is only available to the top 500 players in any region at any one time. Once you’ve reached Ace, amassing enough RP could propel you to the Conqueror tier if you rank among the best players.

Achieving Conqueror indicates remarkable talent and dedication, as you will be competing against the best players in your region. Regular play is required to retain this level owing to its competitive nature and the fact that other players are constantly attempting to obtain it as well. Enjoy playing PUBG Mobile on PC or laptop with BlueStacks!