Ragnarok M: Classic Guide to All Classes and their Jobs

Ragnarok M: Classic is the latest game donning the Ragnarok franchise, developed by Gravity Game Interactive. The classic version is more focused towards helping players get right to the action without the annoying shop pop-ups. In fact, the game has no shop or micro transactional currencies. It instead uses a universal currency called Zeny that can be earned by completing events and quests in-game. Similarly, players can grind items and equipment in-game as well. While all of this differentiates the classic version from its previous counterparts, one thing remains the same – Class system. This guide provides new players with a complete overview of all classes and their advancements. Let’s begin!
All Classes/Jobs in Ragnarok M: Classic
Each class in Ragnarok M: Classic acts as a unique character with distinctive playstyles. In official terminology, these classes are also called “Jobs”. So, don’t get confused with the wordings, they both mean the same. Each job or class can further diversify into taking multiple roles. For example, the Swordsman can choose to be a Rune Knight or Royal Guard. This diversification of classes makes the gameplay more enjoyable and customization more prevalent. At the time of writing, there are 6 main classes you can choose at the beginning:
- Swordsman
- Mage
- Thief
- Archer
- Acolyte
- Merchant
Each of these classes can further branch out into different sub-classes at certain levels. Your account level is the main threshold taken into account before you can transition into a subclass. Advancing your class not only unlocks specialisation for your character but also provides you with unique skills (active and passive), equipment, and stats. Check out a mini-guide for all classes below!
Swordsman Class
The Swordsman is a melee ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptionally high physical attack and defense, making them perfect to spearhead any quest as they can charge right to the enemy without fear. Their main attributes are STR, VIT, LUK, and AGI. Swordsman can advance to Knights and Crusaders. The base abilities of the Swordsman class are as follows:
- Endure (Active) – When attacked, self won’t pause or get knocked back but gains 10 M.Def. Endure lasts 10 seconds but ends instantly after taking 7 hits.
- Taunt (Active) – Taunts enemies in the target area, forcing them to attack you for 3 seconds and increasing their attack by 50%. Does not affect players.
- Magnum Break (Active) – Knocks back all nearby units and deals fire damage. Applies auto attacks with fire attribute and gains 20% attack damage. Lasts 10 seconds.
- Bash (Active) – Deals attack damage to the target.
- Sword Mastery (Passive) – When using swords, attack increases by 4, auto attack increases by 20.
- Increase Recuperative Power (Passive) – Permanently increases HP regen speed. Restore HP every 5 seconds. Increases effects of HP regen items by 5%.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Swordsman → Knight → Lord Knight → Rune Knight
- Swordsman → Crusader→ Paladin → Royal Guard
Mage Class
The Mage is a long-ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptionally high magical attacks and can dish out tons of AOE damage, making them perfect to use in team fights or in PvE scenarios where there are a lot of monsters. Their main attributes are INT, DEX, and VIT. Mages can advance to Wizard and Sage. The base abilities of the Mage class are as follows:
- Cold Bolt (Active) – Attacks an enemy with the ice arrows from the sky, dealing water elemental magical damage.
- Fire Bolt (Active) – Attacks an enemy with fire arrows from the sky, dealing fire elemental magical damage.
- Lightning Bolt (Active) – Deals wind elemental magical attack damage to the target.
- Frost Diver (Active) – Deals water elemental magical attack damage to the target. Has a 38% chance to freeze it for 3 seconds.
- Ring of Fire (Active) – Blocks enemies with a fire circle wall, dealing magical fire damage to enemy units who try to get through it. Lasts 15 seconds. The wall can block 5 times.
- Soul Strike (Active) – Summons holy spirits to attack, dealing magical natural damage to the target. If the target is an undead, it deals 5% more damage.
- Increase Spiritual Recovery (Passive) – Every 10 seconds, recovers SP and increases SP granted by items by 5%.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Mage → Wizard → High Wizard → Warlock
- Mage → Sage → Professor → Sorcerer
Thief Class
The Thief is a melee ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptionally high physical attack and burst damage, making them the perfect assassins. Although they are not as valuable as the other classes in the early game, their value jumps extraordinarily high in the mid-late game stages when you have more powerful equipment. Their main attributes are STR, AGI, LUK, and VIT. Thief can advance to Assassin and Rogue. The base abilities of the Thief class are as follows:
- Strong Blade Attack (Active) – Deals attack damage to an enemy and reduces its movement speed by 30% for 5 seconds.
- Ambush (Active) – Deals damage equal to 150% attack to a single enemy; if the skill is released in hiding state, it deals 100% more damage and stuns the enemy for 3 seconds. Katar or dagger must be equipped to release this skill.
- Enchant Poison (Active) – Applies poison to the weapon that lasts 30 seconds. Auto attacks has a 3% chance to poison the enemy unit for 15 seconds. Poisoned units lose defense, HPR, and SPR as well as some HP every second. HP reduction effects stack up to 3 layers. When HP gets too low, HP losing effects won’t work; however the debuffs brought by Poison still exist.
- Venom Knife (Active) – Attacks the target with venom knife, dealing poison damage. If the target is poisoned, it deals 100% more damage.
- Hiding (Active) – Becomes hidden for 30 seconds. Unable to be spotted by enemies. Meanwhile, movement speed has decreased by 80%.
- Detoxify (Active) – Removes your and the whole party’s poison status.
- Double Attack (Passive) – When launching auto attacks with daggers, there is a 5% chance to deal double damage.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Thief → Assassin → Assassin Cross → Guillotine Cross
- Thief → Rogue → Stalker → Shadow Chaser
Archer Class
The Archer is a long-ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptionally high physical attack, ultra long range, and high single target DPS abilities. Archers are often regarded as one of the best classes to choose for beginners and veterans alike, thanks to their high DPS gameplay style. Their main attributes are DEX, AGI, INT, and LUK. Archers can advance to Hunters and Bards. The base abilities of the Archer class are as follows:
- Double Strafe (Active) – Fires 2 arrows that deal double attack damage to an enemy. Bow type weapons are required to use this skill.
- Arrow Repel (Active) – Shoots a powerful arrow, dealing damage to the target and knocking it back.
- Ankle Snare (Active) – Lay traps in specified area, the enemy caught in the trap will be snared for 2 seconds (this effect cannot be removed from Panacea). At most 2 traps can be laid at the same time. The same target would not be snared within 1.5 seconds after the snare effect.
- Arrow Shower (Active) – Shoots 4 waves of arrows to the target area, each wave dealing attack damage to up to 8 enemy units.
- Vulture’s Eye (Passive) – Permanently increases 5% range and hit 2 enemies.
- Elemental Arrow (Passive) – Increases attack by 3 and auto attack by 10 when using Bow, whip-type weapon, and music-type weapons.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Archer → Hunter → Sniper → Ranger
- Archer → Bard → Clown → Minstrel
Acolyte Class
The Acolyte is a long-ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptionally useful supportive and healing abilities that allows them to become a crucial part of group activities. Their main attributes are INT, DEX, STR, and VIT. Acolyte can advance to Priest and Monk. The base abilities of the Acolyte class are as follows:
- Heal (Active) – Restores HP for an allies unit and yourself. When the target is an undead monster, deals holy damage as well.
- Light Shield (Active) – Becomes immune to ranged attack. The barrier could take up to 10 times of attack for 8 seconds. Could have 1 barriers at the same time.
- Kyrie Eleison (Active) – Provides a single ally unit shield against physical damage. The shield can provide a limited number of protection and resist a limited amount of damage. It loses effect once maxed out. Resists up to 5 times of attack. The max damage it can take is 12% of the beneficiary’s MAX HP. The shield will last for 120 seconds. It will lose effect immediately if attacked by the holy strike effect.
- Ruwach (Active) – Searches hidden enemy units with the holy spirit in 10 seconds, dealing holy magical damage to any enemy units found.
- Holy Light Strike (Active) – Attacks an enemy with holy light, dealing magical attack damage and some true damage. It also expels Kyrie Eleison.
- Maces Mastery (Passive) – When uses Maces and Knuckles, attack increases by 6 points, auto attack increases by 20 points.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Acolyte → Priest → High Priest → Archbishop
- Acolyte → Monk → Champion → Shura
Merchant Class
The Merchant is a ranged class in Ragnarok M: Classic. They have exceptional supportive skills that can change the tide of battles in their favour. However, merchants are more known for their out of combat effectiveness. Using them can ease the burden of increasing your economy and enhance your zeny gains. Their main attributes are STR, DEX, and VIT. Merchants can advance to Blacksmith and Alchemist. The base abilities of the Merchant class are as follows:
- Mammonite (Active) – Attacks an enemy with gold coins, dealing attack damage.
- Cart Attack (Active) – Attacks an enemy with cart attack, dealing 300% lane damage. Carts are required.
- Loud Exclamation (Active) – Merchant raises strength with loud exclamation, within 120 seconds, raises your strength by 1 point.
- Fund Raising (Passive) – Zeny makes the most beautiful music. When a merchant picks up zeny, gains 2% extra.
- Enhanced Cart (Passive) – When using cart related skills, attack + 15.
- Buying Low (Passive) – Could buy items at a 1% discount from some NPC merchants.
They have 2 main paths of progression:
- Merchant → Blacksmith → Whitesmith → Mechanic
- Merchant → Alchemist → Creator → Genetic
Players can enjoy playing Ragnarok M: Classic on a bigger screen of their PC or Laptop via BlueStacks along with your keyboard and mouse.