RAID: Shadow Legends – New Community Made Champion Kalvalax Guide

RAID: Shadow Legends, the popular turn-based RPG game developed by Plarium has just announced the release of one of the most anticipated champions made by the community – Kalvalax, the legendary grade Attack type champion from the Knights Revenant faction. The champion is made completely from community suggestions, but the artwork is done by Plarium.
Kalvalax, the newest champion coming to RAID: Shadow Legends is also the first-ever community-made champion. Plarium itself tells all the players that they will be going forward with more potential community champions as it not only keeps the players more engaged in the game but also makes the development process much easier with devs directly interacting with the community to make a solid champion. Kalvalax is a legendary grade champion from the Knights Revenant faction in-game. He is an Attacker-type champion that has a solid skillset for almost every type of content in-game, be it PvE, PvP, Clan Boss, or Faction Wars. Kalvalax does this job by simply being a great Poisoner champion that relies on Poison debuffs and gets stronger the more Poisons the enemies have.
His passive skill Pestilence states that he starts any round by inflicting 4 Poison debuffs on all enemies and every turn with a single tick of Poison debuff. He is also immune to Poison debuffs. If he is inflicted with a Poison debuff from enemy champions, he will cleanse it and replace it with a Continuous Heal buff for 2 turns. This Passive alone makes him a great pick for any PvE content. We will get into the rest of his skills in this guide for Kalvalax, the latest legendary champion, and the first community-made champion.
Kalvalax Champion Skills
Kalvalax is a legendary grade Attack type champion from the Knights Revenant Faction. He is currently being contested as one of the best non-void legendary champions just because of his amazing skill set. His skill set is so highly synchronized that he feels like a complete package and does not rely on other champions to enable him. Kalvalax boasts legendary tier stats like 12,720 HP, 1663 Attack, 1068 Defense, and 99 Speed at level 60 max awakened. He also doesn’t require many legendary tomes to max out his skills as well as maxing them isn’t particularly required as it only increases the damage of his skills but does not decrease the cooldown of his skills.
His 1st ability Dozing Greatsword is a single target damaging skill that does more damage according to the number of Poison debuffs on the target he is hitting. He also heals by 2.5% of his MAX HP per Poison debuff on the target. This ability works very well in a poison team as well as his Passive Pestilence. This passive states that Kalvalax starts any round by inflicting 4 stacks of Poison debuffs with each dealing 5% of the targets MAX HP. He also starts every turn with a single stack of Poison debuff on a random enemy. Kalvalax is also indirectly immune to Poison debuffs as this passive states that whenever he is inflicted by a Poison debuff, Kalvalax will cleanse it and replace it with a Continuous Heal buff for 2 turns. His 2nd skill Corruption Locus is a single targeted damaging ability that can deal up to 3 extra hits depending on the number of Poison debuffs on the target he is hitting. His 3rd ability Storm of Vitriol is an AOE skill that targets all enemies and deals increased damage according to the number of Poison debuffs on the targets. As we can see, all of his skills deal more damage according to the number of Poison debuffs on targets. This makes him synergize very well with the likes of Frozen Banshee, Bad El Kazar, Urogrim, Occult Brawler, etc.
Here is a list of Kalavlax’s skills: –
Dozing GreatSword (Active)
Attacks 1 enemy. Has a 40% chance of increasing the duration of all [Poison] debuffs on the target by 1 turn. Heals this Champion by 2.5% of their MAX HP for each [Poison] debuff on the target
Corruption Locus (Active)
Attacks 1 enemy. Places an Extra Hit for each [Poison] debuff on the target (up to 3 extra hits).
Storm of Vitriol (Active)
Attacks all enemies. Damage increases according to the number of [Poison] debuffs on each target.
Pestilence (Passive)
Places four 5% [Poison] debuffs on all enemies for 2 turns at the start of each round.
Has a 50% chance of placing a 5% [Poison] debuff on all enemies for 1 turn at the start of each turn.
Whenever an enemy places a [Poison] debuff on this Champion, instantly removes it and replaces it with a 15% [Continuous Heal] buff for 2 turns instead.
Increases Ally SPD in all Battles by 19%
Kalvalax Mastery Guide
Kalvalax is a great Attack type champion that can hit very hard while sustaining himself from his 1st skill. He does insane damage when tested, with overall very good multipliers on his skills. He can be used in various areas in the game but is mainly more suited to be played in PvE contents of RAID: Shadow Legends like the Campaign mode, Faction Wars, Clan Boss, and Doom Tower. Players who have champions like Bad El Kazar, Urogrim, and even Frozen Banshee can make great use of Kalvalax in a very good Clan Boss team. Kalvalax can fulfill many areas of the game as a DPS hero with his continuous poisons. We recommend building him with the given masteries for any PvE content. However, in this guide, we will also list the masteries used for Kalvalax in the Clan Boss as they are a bit different from general PvE use.
Deadly Precision: Critical Rate +5%
Keen Strike: Critical Damage +10%
Heart of Glory: Increases damage inflicted by 5% when attacking with full HP
Single Out: Increases Damage to targets with less than 40% HP by 8%
Life Drinker: Heals by 5% damage inflicted when attacking with 50% HP or less
Bring It Down: Increases damage by 6% when attacking targets having higher MAX HP
The cycle of Violence: Has a 30% chance of decreasing the cooldown of a random skill by 1 turn if the damage inflicted by a skill exceeds 30% of the target’s max HP. Occurs once per turn.
Methodical: Increases the damage inflicted by this champion’s default skill by 2% each time it is used in battle. Stacks across each round in a battle, up to 10%.
Warmaster: Has a 60% chance of inflicting bonus damage when attacking. Bonus damage is equal to 10% of the target Champion’s MAX HP or 4% of the target’s MAX HP when attacking Bosses. Bonus damage can only occur once per Skill and does not count as an extra hit.
Pinpoint Accuracy: Accuracy +10
Charged Focus: Increases Accuracy by 20 when this champion has no skills on cooldown
Swarm Smiter: Accuracy increased by 4 for each enemy alive, up to 16 Maximum.
Lore of Steel: Increase base stat bonuses provided by Artifact sets that offer base stats by 15%.
Evil Eye: Decreases enemies turn-meter when hit by this champion. 20% turn meter reduction if single target and 5% turn meter reduction if AOE skill. Occurs only once per battle
Master Hexer: This mastery gives a 30% chance to extend the duration of debuffs inflicted by this champion. Does not include Freeze debuff.
Offensive Tree
Deadly Precision: Critical Rate +5%
Heart of Glory: Increases damage inflicted by 5% when attacking with full HP
Keen Strike: Critical Damage +10%
Single Out: Increases Damage to targets with less than 40% HP by 8%
Life Drinker: Heals by 5% damage inflicted when attacking with 50% HP or less
Bring It Down: Increases damage by 6% when attacking targets having higher MAX HP
The cycle of Violence: Has a 30% chance of decreasing the cooldown of a random skill by 1 turn if the damage inflicted by a skill exceeds 30% of the target’s max HP. Occurs once per turn.
Methodical: Increases the damage inflicted by this champion’s default skill by 2% each time it is used in battle. Stacks across each round in a battle, up to 10%.
Warmaster: Has a 60% chance of inflicting bonus damage when attacking. Bonus damage is equal to 10% of the target Champion’s MAX HP or 4% of the target’s MAX HP when attacking Bosses. Bonus damage can only occur once per Skill and does not count as an extra hit.
Defense Tree
Tough Skin: Defense + 75
Blastproof: Decreases damage from AoE attacks by 5%.
Resurgent: Has a 50% chance to remove 1 random debuff from this Champion when they lose 25% of their MAX HP or more from a single enemy skill.
Delay Death: Reduces the damage this Champion receives from a specific enemy by 0.75% with each hit taken from that enemy, Damage reduction stacks up to 6% for each enemy.
Retribution: Has a 50% chance to counterattack when this Champion loses 25% of their MAX HP or more from a single enemy skill.
Deterrence: Has a 20% chance to counterattack an enemy when they apply a [Stun], [Sleep], [Fear], [True fear], or [Freeze] debuff on an ally.
Kalvalax Artifact and Stat Recommendations
Kalvalax is a great Attacker champion that can easily replace any of your existing DPS units if he is geared well. His multipliers on his skills are very good and well above average. He can deal continuous damage and doesn’t require extra setup champions to enable him for any mode. His overall kit is synchronized and the only thing stopping him from wreaking havoc in Teleria is how he is geared. But do not worry as we have some of our best recommendations for you in building Kalvalax. We recommend building Kalvalax for PvE first and if you have a stable PvE team for most of the content like dungeons and Clan Boss then we recommend moving on to focus on PvP. However, there are just our preferences and in no way or form, these are absolute or must. Feel free to take pleasure in testing out different builds and masteries to get the feel of your champion.
Keep in mind that we do not include stats as they are variable according to your artifacts. We just provide the Set values and stats the players should be aiming for. With that in mind, let’s explore Kalvalax’s Artifact and Stat preferences:
PvE Artifact Sets Accuracy Set, Perception Set, Speed Set, Immortal Set, Regeneration Set.
Stats to Focus On (PvE): Accuracy, Speed, HP%, Defense%
Bad El Kazar Team Building and Synergies
Kalvalax in itself does not require many team-building aspects as he can dish out damage by Poisons and does more damage according to the number of stacks of Poisons the enemy has. Kalvalax fulfills this role as a poisoner by himself using his passive Pestilence which is on a mere 1 turn cooldown. Kalvalax, however, can himself fit in many teams, especially Poison-based Clan Boss teams. We already recommended the masteries used for Clan Boss and team synergizes we recommend pairing him with Bad El Kazar, Dracomorph, and 2 Maneaters for the most optimal Unkillable Poison Clan Boss team. For Dungeons and Faction Wars, we recommend going for your standard team but replacing the DPS hero with Kalvalax if you want to use him. Overall, we feel Kalvalax is a solid champion and option for players who have summoned him.
That is it from our site for everything you need to know about the legendary community-made champion Kalvalax. Leave your thoughts below regarding this champion. To read more such guides, check out our blog section where we cover the latest happenings at RSL for our lovely community.
Play RAID: Shadow Legends on PC, download it from BlueStacks for a smooth experience.