Tips And Tricks To Ease Your Adventure In Raider: Origin

Raider: Origin MMORPG may be a tiny one, but it offers a big world and lots of features to explore. With a couple of tips and tricks, you can ease your adventure and reach the last level much faster. And this is exactly what we are going to do in this guide: Follow our recommendations and become the mightiest hero in no time.
The Map Contains Everything You Need To Know
Raider: Origin MMORPG uses a vertical interface, as we mentioned in our review, which means there is no space for a mini-map. But this does not mean that the game does not have a map. It certainly has one and it contains all the important things you need to know, such as names and locations of important NPCs and rare monsters. If you are looking for a particular “target”, you don’t need to wander aimlessly. Just open the map, see where your target is, and click on its name – your hero will automatically move to that location.
Click here to open the map.
The names of enemies and NPCs are located below the map.
Devour Your Equipment To Empower Your Pet
Raider: Origin MMORPG is a grind-based game, which means you will keep killing the same enemies over and over for a very, very long time. As a result, you will acquire lots of equipment – your inventory will be filled with dozens of weapons and armor in no time. And you won’t even use 90% of them: They won’t be good enough and won’t count as an upgrade. Well, there is a way of benefiting from your “useless” equipment: You can devour it. This means you can give them to your pet and increase its level. Increasing the level of your pet is useful because you will get better battle bonuses by doing that. Just let your pet eat everything unimportant – that’s the most efficient way of “recycling”.
Start by clicking here.
Yes, this cute little rabbit will eat all of these and gain a level. They grow up so quick, aren’t they?
Wings Are Not Just For Decoration
For some reason, every grind-based MMO out there gives wings to heroes and this is mostly a cosmetic effect. However, this is not the case with Raider: Origin MMORPGWings in this game give you battle bonuses too. By “equipping” a different wing, you can significantly increase your attack power, defense, critical rating, and other important character stats. To switch to a different wing, open your profile page and click on “shape”. Then, pick a wing to equip. In the beginning, you have access to only one wing type but you can see where to get others by checking their tooltips.
Play Raider: Origin on BlueStacks
Click the marked section.
All of the wings you can acquire are listed on this screen. Check the tooltip: It tells you where to get that specific wing.
The Easiest Way To Get XP Points For You And Your Pet
You can, of course, keep killing mobs like there is no tomorrow, but there are more effective ways to get XP points. Completing your “dungeon” and “tower” runs on a daily basis will result in much more XP points for you and your pet, plus, there is a chance of getting very rare items. These are different things: Your goal in the Tower run is to clear all floors – you will win runes and other rare equipment as a reward. The dungeon runs, on the other hand, offer you three different difficulty levels and award experience and pet upgrade items. After hitting level 100, these will be most efficient methods to gain more experience – do not forget to complete them every day.
This is the Tower – you start from floor 1 and keep climbing it.
And this is the Dungeon. The final difficulty level will be unlocked at level 200.
Check Weekly Events Easily
Like any other action MMO, Raider: Origin MMORPG is filled with events that “doubles” something. You can win more activity points by joining to an event (which can be used to get free gems), or you can simply double your XP gain rate. There is a different event in the game literally every day and it may be hard to keep track of them all. Well, that’s why there is a separate “weekly event” screen in the game – check it to see what kind of event you can join that day and at which hours.
We can join six different events today. Great!
And as always, the most effective trick you can use will be playing Raider: Origin MMORPG on BlueStacks. Thanks to our Combo Key and Multi-Instance features, you can fully automatize the game and level two different classes at the same time: Check our setup and installation guide to learn how to do these. And now, let’s return to Raider Origin and keep killing mobs – this world won’t save itself!