The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross – How to Increase Your CC

The global version of The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross is finally out and our BlueStacks instances are on fire from playing the game non-stop. The game is bound to be yet another international Netmarble success, and it’s not just because there are so many anime fans. Aside from fantastic graphics, an engaging plot, and complex gameplay, there’s a lot of fun to be had in SDS, and you have learn to have all that fun with our guides on heroes, farming, rerolling and much more.
You may be familiar with CP as a general measure of one’s strength in mobile RPGs. In SDS, it’s called Combat Class (CC) and it does a bit more. For example, when you’ll finally decide it’s time to climb those PvP leaderboards, the player with the highest CC will get to act first.
It doesn’t take a gacha guru to realize that this can be a momentous advantage, especially if any of the combatants relies on crowd control or debuffs. For other crucial tips and tricks, you can check out our beginner’s guide.
The Basics of Your Seven Deadly Sins CC
In team formation, you can get to see the CC of your team. This is an average of all your characters in the line-up, including the supporter. For now, we’ve only got 30k with an average team level of somewhere under 20. However, if we use up our experience pots and level everyone neatly, bringing the average level up to 30, we’ve increased our total CC to 37k. The reason why this happens is because the individual number for each character is determined by adding up their primary stats (HP, defense, attack, and combat class) and dividing that by 3.
Levelling is an easy way to increase stats, which means that you should rush to max your best characters as soon as possible. The immediate consequence of this CC formula is a sort of percentage bias – if either of your stats, say, your HP, is overwhelmingly higher than the others, then it will count more towards your overall CC. You’ll see soon enough why this is important.
Given its outstanding impact on your total stats, gear comes in a close second in terms of importance. We won’t delve in it too much, since we have a full piece dedicated to equipment, but suffice it to say that the main stats are the ones you need to focus on.
Following your gear and level, the Ultimate Move, Awakening, Evolution, and Clothes will also make a difference in terms of your overall CC. Let’s look more closely at each of these categories and discover the underlying mechanics.
Unspeakable Ultimate Moves
Each evolution stage of your ultimate adds roughly 400 CC to your total. If you manage to max out your line-up, you can do that times 4, and then times 6, which cashes in a handsome 9.6k. Aside from this outrageous increase in stats, each additional level will increase the skill’s effectiveness tremendously. For example, our Green Hawk & Elizabeth will soon benefit from an outrageous 1050% of attack and stance break at max level.
To improve each character’s ultimate, you’ll need to use coins. There are two ways to get these:
- The hard way, namely by constantly summoning and hoping to get duplicates which get transformed into hero coins or
- The easy way, from the coin shop where you can trade the same rarity tokens for the ones you need.
For instance, we really want to improve Howzer’s ultimate now, since it does outstanding damage to everyone and depletes their ultimate gauge. To get the coins we need, we’ll trade some of the other ones. Note that you can use silver tokens to get gold ones, and gold to get purple, but with a 30 to 1 ratio, it’s going to be an uphill battle. This is the reason why you’ll see many high-ranked players with SR supports – their ultimate skills don’t take forever to level.
You can also buy other items with the coins, such as hero enhance potions, strength awakening boxes or evolution pendants. Don’t. At least not until you’ve reached the endgame and maxed everything out.
Evolution, Awakening, and Clothes
These are not as complicated, fortunately for us. Evolution is the upgrade you’ll constantly have to do, since it increases your level cap and it adds a noteworthy boost to your main CC stats. Aside from a number of pendants, the requirements include several Grimoires of the hero’s specific type, which you can get from SP dungeons.
Awakening increases your number of stars. Each orb has at least one primary stat reward for you, as well as several secondary ones. These ingredients are usually easier to farm. The primary source is completing world stages, which you’ll be able to flash farm given the right team composition.
Last, but definitely not least, the costumes are also worth your attention. Although less important than all of the previous categories, their aesthetic is complemented by a slight utility boost. For instance, this bard costume we got for Hawk & Elizabeth increases her defense and HP.
Many players tend to forget that characters have a unique passive, which takes quite a bit of CC to unlock. For many units, such as Escanor, this is a crucial aspect of unlocking their true potential. To give you another example, Howzer increases all humans’ basic stats by 8%. To benefit from this, however, we need to get to 16k CC.
Defeat the Ten Commandments
So far, these are the main avenues of increasing your CC in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross. Whatever you do, make sure to settle on upgrading heroes that will be worthwhile during the mid and late game.
We know it can be tempting to go with the characters that we all know and love from the manga or anime series, but they don’t always make for the best long-term investment. Don’t worry, though. As you complete more of the game, you’ll acquire enough mats to upgrade everyone you’re attached to.