List of SR Characters in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

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While not as powerful (or rare) as SSR characters, some of the best team formations actually include at least one of these SR heroes. In the right hands, they can be as powerful as anyone else.
SR Heroes Tier List
If you’re looking for some of the best 7DS Grand Cross characters in the SR category, take a look at these:
- Green Gilthunder
- Green Elizabeth & Hawk
- Red Elizabeth & Hawk
- Red Griamore
And now, here’s the list of SR characters.
TIP: If you’re looking for a specific hero, we recommend using the search (Ctrl + F) function in your browser.
[The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Arden

Arden is not a very good choice in general. His strongest skills are against enemies using stances, which are already uncommon in general play.
- Cheap Shot: Deals light damage to an enemy and inflicts a DoT that does an additional 50% of the initial damage every turn for 3 turns.
- Mid-Air Shot: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. Damage is doubled against targets that are using a stance.
- Vain: Deals heavy damage to a single target. Also decreases HP stats by 40% for 2 turns.
- You Mad? (Passive): When Arden enters battle, reduces the enemy team’s ultimate gauges by 2 orbs.
Recommended for: As a character that thrives on breaking stance skills, Arden is not very good. We really can’t recommend him if you have any other character to replace him.
Favorite Foods: Fried Chicken.
[King of Prophecies] Adventurer Arthur

Blue Arthur is a decent choice early on. He can deal decent AoE damage and even block the enemy’s recovery skills. He can also capitalize on enemies who are almost ready to use their ultimates.
- Sharp Blade: Deals moderate damage to a single enemy. Damage is increased by 15% for every ultimate orb that the enemy currently has.
- Covering Fire: Deals light damage to the enemy team. At higher levels, the damage increases and also blocks all recovery skills for up to 2 turns.
- Cross Blade: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and decreases defense stats by 40% for 2 turns.
- The King’s Will (Passive): If Arthur takes damage, increases his HP stats by 6% on the next turn. Stacks up to 5 times.
Recommended for: This is likely to be one of the first characters you unlock in 7DS Grand Cross. While he’s not very good, he’s far from being one of the worst in this category. Use him well, and exploit his AoE skills to deal with those pesky PvE battles.
Favorite Foods: Sugar Grilled Chicken Wings; Milk Caviar Canape.
[Undead] Prisoner Ban

This version of Ban is one of those characters that, by himself, is quite weak. However, when paired with characters like Green Meliodas and Blue King, he’s actually quite useful.
- Eliminate Spirit: Deals light damage to a single enemy and removes 1 ultimate orb. At higher levels, damage increases and removes up to 3 ultimate orbs.
- Undead Physical: Assumes a stance that recovers 30% of the damage taken on the next turn. At level 2, also grants debuff immunity and recovers up to 50% of the damage taken. At level 3, also grants immunity to attack skills.
- Power Hunt Effect: Inflicts massive damage on one enemy. Ignores defense.
- Extort HP (Passive): When below 50% HP, Ban gains 30% lifesteal on all his skills.
Recommended for: This version of Ban is very situational. By himself, he can be quite weak, but when paired with the characters mentioned above, he’s actually a very good character for PvE in chapter 6.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Stew; Bread and Cheese With Vegetables.
[Burning Ember] Knight of Danafor Cain

Denefor is a strong character that focuses on placing ignite debuffs. This allows him to considerably soften up an enemy and leave them exposed to further attacks. His ultimate is tremendously powerful when used correctly.
- Chain Vertical Attack: Inflicts light damage to a single enemy and increases damage taken by the target by 10% for 3 turns. At level 2, the damage increases and the debuff is doubled. At level 3, the damage increases even further and the debuff caps out at 30% for 5 turns.
- Charge Fire: Inflicts light damage to a single enemy and increases damage taken by the target by 10% for 3 turns. At level 2, the damage is increased and also removes the buffs from the target. At level 3, the damage is increased even more and the debuff increases to 20% for 4 turns.
- Fire Tornado: Inflicts light damage to all enemies. The damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Extreme Counter: Increases the team’s attack stats by 10%. Only usable in Death Match.
Recommended for: Cain is a veritable one-trick pony, specializing in igniting enemies before finishing them off with his ultimate skill. He’s fairly self-sufficient, though he takes a while to do damage since he needs to stack his debuffs before letting loose. Use him in Death Match.
Favorite Foods: Sand Crawler Grilled With Butter.
[Heart of the Land] Mercenary Diane

Diane is average when it comes to dealing damage. In fact, she’s average at most aspects. Since you get her for free, you’ll likely use her for a bit until you’re able to replace her for someone better.
- Metal Fist: Deals light damage to one enemy. At high levels, also removes and blocks stance skills for up to 2 turns.
- Sand Whirl: Decreases the defense stats of all enemies by up to 40% for 3 turns.
- Stone Blast: Deals moderate damage to all enemies with triple pierce rate.
- Energy of the Earth (Passive): Increases the pierce rate of all allies by 8% if Diane took damage on the previous turn. Caps at 5 stacks.
Recommended for: Not bad, not good. You could definitely do worse. Use her as much as you need in the beginning, but try to replace her for someone better when you get the chance.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Meat Pie; Honey-roasted Chicken Matango.
[The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Dogedo

Dogedo has the potential to deal massive damage to single targets, but he must set the field first by debuffing his enemies. He’s strong, but also a slow starter.
- Nitro Rush: Inflicts light damage on a single target and prevents their ultimate gauges from filling for 1 turn. At high levels, the damage increases considerably and the debuff
- Burst Combination: Inflicts moderate damage to a single target. Damage is increased by 30% for every debuff on the target and removes the debuffs afterward.
- Boost Hammer: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy while removing buffs and stances. Stuns for 1 turn.
- Overwhelming Power (Passive): Increases Strength attribute allies’ Defense-related stats by 30%.
Recommended for: Dogedo is a strong character by himself, though he requires a bit of setting up. Try to pair him with someone that can apply debuffs.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Grilled Beef; Sand Crawler Grilled With Salt.
[Omen of Chaos] Grandmaster Dreyfus

Dreyfus offers some decent debuffs and the ability to restrict the enemy’s healing. However, he lacks ways to deal real damage, except maybe with a lucky crit from his ultimate.
- Pierce: Deals light damage to one target and decreases their attack stats by 20% for 1 turn. At higher levels, the damage increases and the debuff caps out at 40% for 2 turns.
- Piercing Stab: Deals light damage to a single enemy. At higher levels, also decreases the recovery stats of the target for up to 2 turns.
- Milky Way Jail Break Blade: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. This skill deals double crit damage.
- Iron Will (Passive): Increases Strength attribute allies’ Defense by 60%.
Recommended for: Dreyfus really doesn’t deal much damage, though he can cause mild disruptions to the enemy by restricting their healing, which makes him somewhat good for PvP.
Favorite Foods: Milk Meat Pie; Butter Dragon Skewer.
[“Break”] Grandmaster Dreyfus

Just like his Red counterpart, Green Dreyfus isn’t very good in general, though he’s a much better team player. He can deal heavy single-target damage and even cancel and remove buffs. Furthermore, his passive lends itself to certain team compositions that rely on pierce damage.
- Imperial Sword Art Type 3: Deals moderate damage to an enemy and removes their buffs. At higher levels, also cancels stances.
- Demolishing Attack: Deals light damage to all enemies. At higher levels, also blocks their buff and debuff skills for up to 2 turns.
- Milky Way Jail Break Blade: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. This skill deals double crit damage.
- Concentration (Passive): Increases the team’s pierce rate by 200% when Dreyfus’ ultimate gauge is full.
Recommended for: Green Dreyfus is definitely one of the better SR characters for general use. If you unlock him early on, he will help through the first few stages with ease. Don’t invest too much on him, though, as you’ll want to replace him soon.
Favorite Foods: Milk Meat Pie; Butter Dragon Skewer.
[Boar Hat Tavern] Hostess Elizabeth

This early in the game, being able to block attack skills is quite good in most cases. Red Elizabeth can do just that, while also keeping her party healed and even charge up their ultimate gauges. She’s a powerful support character.
- Slide Serve: Deals light damage to a single enemy. At higher levels, also blocks their attack skills for up to 2 turns.
- Nurse Call: Heals all allies. At higher levels, the healing increases and fills up to 2 orbs of their ultimate gauges.
- Miracle Wave: Heals the entire party and continues healing for 60% of the original amount every turn for 3 turns.
- Close Call (Passive): When any ally takes damage, they get healed for 10% of their maximum HP at the start of the next turn.
Recommended for: Red Elizabeth is a fantastic support character that can not only keep the team alive, but also speed up their ultimate skills. However, as you progress, you’ll want to replace her for someone who can do more than just support the group.
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[Mascot] Hawk & Elizabeth

Green H&E is a very powerful character for PvE. She can deal both great single-target as well as AoE damage.
- Super Pork Loin Illusion: Deals light damage to one enemy and decreases their defensive stats by up to 40% and 2 turns.
- Super Hawk Illusion: Inflicts light damage to all enemies. This skill has triple the pierce rate.
- Final Pork Stomping: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and cancels their stances.
- Tavern Mascot (Passive): Increases the HP stats of the group in all modes except PvP and Death Match.
Recommended for: Green H&E is a staple for any beginner team, and even some of the best F2P teams include her. Use her; love her; you won’t regret it
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[Mobile Tavern] Hawk & Elizabeth

Just like her Green counterpart, Red H&E is also one of the best SR characters in 7DS Grand Cross due to her high damage and versatile skill set:
- Rolling Ham Attack: Inflicts heavy damage to an enemy. Ignores defense.
- Hawk Knight Rush: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. At higher levels, it removes buffs and blocks buffs and debuff skills for up to 2 turns.
- Final Pork Stomping: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and cancels their stances.
- Fill Up (Passive): Increases basic stats by 10% if H&E didn’t take damage the previous turn.
Recommended for: Red H&E has lots of single-target damage and her versatile skill set makes her a good choice for many stages of Death Match.
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[Chivalrous] Holy Knight Gilthunder

Known by many as the single best SR character in 7DS Grand Cross. His attack buff is surprisingly strong, and he easily has the best AoE damage in this category. Furthermore, his passive skill is tremendously useful for PvP.
- Lightning: Deals light damage to the enemy team. Does double damage to buffed targets.
- Lightning Power: Buffs the team’s attack by up to 60% for 3 turns.
- Lightning King Decapitation: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and places a DoT that inflicts an additional 30% of the initial damage every turn for 4 turns.
- The Lightning King’s Magic (Passive): Increases allies’ defense by 30% in PvP¨.
Recommended for: PvP, no questions asked. If you don’t use him in your main team, you’ll definitely want him as a sub.
Favorite Foods: Bread and Cheese With Sugar; Chicken and Egg Risotto.
[Star of the Kingdom] Holy Knight Gilthunder

Unlike his Green version, Blue Gilthunder is considerably weaker. It’s not that he’s bad per se, but he doesn’t have the overpowered buff of his counterpart, nor his broken passive. Overall; not too bad.
- Thunder Scream Strike: Inflicts light damage to an enemy. This skill does twice the crit damage.
- Lightning King Iron Hammer: Inflicts light damage to an enemy and places a DoT that does an additional 30% of the initial damage every turn for 4 turns.
- Lightning King Decapitation: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and places a DoT that inflicts an additional 30% of the initial damage every turn for 4 turns.
- M‘lady’s Knight (Passive): Increases Speed attribute allies’ Defense by 60%.
Recommended for: While Blue Gilthunder isn’t very bad, he’s also not very good. Use him if you must, but try to replace him early on.
Favorite Foods: Bread and Cheese With Sugar; Chicken and Egg Risotto.
[Weird Fangs] Holy Knight Friesia

Friesia is a quirky hero that’s all about weakening the enemy. She can amplify the damage that the enemy takes and even poison them. She’s quite lacking in direct damage, though, so she can easily be countered by a good healer.
- Storm Rondo: Deals light damage to the enemy team and places a DoT that deals an additional 50% of the initial damage per turn for up to 3 turns.
- Corrosive Bug: Amplifies the damage received by the enemy team by up to 50% for up to 3 turns.
- Rain Capriccio: Inflicts massive damage to all enemies equal to 20% of their max HP at the end of their turn for 3 turns.
- Bloodsucking Parasite (Passive): Decreases the enemy team’s recovery rate proportional to the % of HP that this hero has lost.
Recommended for: Friesia sounds really good on paper, but she can be easily countered by a good healer, rendering her completely useless.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Apple Pie; Salt Dragon Skewer.
[Wanted Man] Young Villager Gowther

Green Gowther is ALMOST decent, but he’s the embodiment of one-trick pony. He can only do one thing, and that doesn’t include doing decent damage.
- Overdrive: Deals slight damage to one enemy and decreases their skill ranks. At higher levels, it also decreases ultimate orbs by the number of skill ranks subtracted.
- Nightmare Teller: Decreases the damage of ultimate skills of one enemy by 50% and for up to 3 turns.
- Gatling Jack: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and decreases skill ranks. Also decreases ultimate orbs by the number of skill ranks subtracted.
- Mental Fabrication (Passive): Decreases enemy defenses by 15% in PvP.
Recommended for: Green Gowther seems like he would only be useful in PvP, but his toolset is simply too limited to be of any use. Skip this character entirely, except for maybe using him as a sub for PvP.
Favorite Foods: Raisins With Pepper; Milk and Strawberry Combo.
[Adventurer] Ranger Griamore

Blue Griamore is in the race to be one of the worst characters in the entire game. Check out his skills and decide for yourself.
- Wall Crush: Inflicts moderate damage to one enemy. Ignores defense.
- Long Shield: Takes a stance that taunts enemies and reduces damage taken by up to 75% and for up to 2 turns.
- Panic Room: Deals light damage to all enemies and decreases their attack by 30% for 3 turns.
- Perfect Protection (Passive): Increases the team’s defense stats by 20% in Death Match.
Recommended for: As you can see, he’s utterly unremarkable. Just skip him and move on.
Favorite Foods: Honey Apple Pie; Sand Crawler Grilled With Salt.
[Champion] Ranger Griamore

This version of Griamore is actually up there with some of the best SR characters in the game. He combines good offense with awesome defenses that extend to the entire team. Also, his passive is very useful in PvP.
- Burning Strike: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy.
- Wall: Erects a barrier for the entire team that blocks damage for 2 turns.
- Panic Room: Deals light damage to all enemies and decreases their attack by 30% for 3 turns.
- Champion’s Dignity (Passive): Increases the team’s HP stats by 15% in PvP.
Recommended for: Red Griamore is a much better alternative both for PvP and PvE. Use him freely.
Favorite Foods: Honey Apple Pie; Sand Crawler Grilled With Salt.
[Rapier] Holy Knight Guila

This is a well-balanced character, with lots of AoE pressure and the ability to heal and remove debuffs from allies. Moreover, she can easily charge her ultimate thanks to her passive skill.
- Flame Focus: Deals minor damage to all enemies and increases the damage they take by 10% for 3 turns. Higher levels increase the initial damage, duration of the debuff, and intensity to up to 20% for 5 turns.
- Rejuvenation: Removes debuffs from all allies. At higher levels, also heals them for up to 50% of their missing HP.
- Brilliant Detonation: Deals moderate damage to all enemies and removes their stances. Also increases the damage they take by 20% for 4 turns.
- Demon’s Blood (Passive): Recharges Guila’s ultimate gauge by 1 orb if she didn’t take damage the previous turn.
Recommended for: Blue Guila is a decent hero for many purposes. She can significantly weaken the enemy’s defenses, which could work well in AoE formations.
Favorite Foods: Glazed Chicken; Chicken Rice Ball With Butter.
[Knight of Ice] Holy Knight Gustaf

Gustaf is an awesome team player that can incapacitate enemies by freezing them. He could be useful for PvP to put those pesky healers or attackers out of commission and give you some breathing room.
- Blizzard Axel: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. At higher levels, also blocks their recovery skills for up to 2 turns.
- Freezing Field: Freezes an enemy for 1 turn. At higher levels, deals moderate damage, and extends the duration of the freezing effect to 2 turns.Freezing is removed if the target is attacked.
- Killer Iceberg: Deals moderate damage to the enemy team. The crit damage of this skill is doubled.
- Cryodiffusion (Passive): Decreases the enemy team’s resistance by Gustaf’s pierce rate at the start of battle.
Recommended for: Gustaf is quite a catch and will help to score you some points in PvP early on. If you can buff his crit rate somehow, he can make short work of entire enemy teams with his ultimate skill.
Favorite Foods: Butter and Strawberry Combo; Sugar Caviar Canape.
[Omen of Chaos] Druid Hendrickson

Hendrickson is quite proficient at AoE combat and can also heal his entire team. He’s a good asset if you’re just starting out, especially for PvE.
- Acid Tower: Deals light damage to the enemy team. At higher levels, it also removes buffs and stances.
- Purge: Heals the entire team, and continues to heal for an additional 60% of the initial amount for 3 turns.
- Acid Down: Deals moderate damage to the enemy team. This skill does double damage against buffed targets.
- Vulnerability Exploitation (Passive): Increases the hero’s pierce rate by 5% every time an ally uses a skill. Caps at 10 stacks.
Recommended for: A good character that combines AoE damage and some support. He can do lots of damage, especially in PvE and if the enemy relies on buffing themselves.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Pot.
[Star of the Kingdom] Ranger Howzer

Blue Howzer could be better if he wasn’t so redundant. While he can decrease the enemies’ defense, another of his skills also decreases their HP by a certain percentage. His passive has some applications, especially for PvP, though not nearly enough to make him worthwhile.
- Wind Break: Deals light damage to all enemies. At higher levels, also reduces their defense by up to 30% for up to 3 turns.
- Block Shield: Decreases the HP of an enemy for up to 3 turns.
- Triple Upper: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and blocks their recovery skills for 2 turns.
- Just Getting Started (Passive): Decreases the enemy team’s crit chance by this hero’s crit resistance stat.
Recommended for: Blue Howzer is quite lackluster. We recommend using him only as a sub in PvP—that is, if you literally have no one else to fill the slot.
Favorite Foods: Salt Grilled Beef; Egg Sandwich.
[Liones Royalty] Ranger Howzer

Green Howzer’s passive would, in theory, turn him into a powerhouse, if only he had better skills to make use of it.
- Whirl Shock: Deals moderate damage to a single enemy. Higher levels also cancel stances.
- Wind Shoot: Assumes a stance and counterattacks when all allies are damaged.
- Triple Upper: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and blocks their recovery skills for 2 turns.
- Burning Up! (Passive): Increases Howzer’s crit rate by 10% per ultimate orb. This bonus increases by an additional 50% when the ultimate skill is charged up.
Recommended for: Green Howzer’s reliance on a stance counterattack to deal most of his damage works against his performance, especially since these skills are so easy to negate. However, he can dish out some decent single-target damage with his first skill. Use him only if you have no one else.
Favorite Foods: Salt Grilled Beef; Egg Sandwich.
[Adventurer] Holy Knight Jericho

Red Jericho can dish out a ton of damage, especially against buffed targets, while also placing bleed debuffs that continue to damage the enemy for several turns afterward.
- Count Smash: Deals light damage to an enemy and places a DoT that does an additional 80% of the initial damage for 2 turns.
- Pain Blade: Deals heavy damage to an enemy. Damage is doubled against buffed targets.
- Godspeed Ten Flashes: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and places a DoT that does an additional 80% of the initial damage for 2 turns.
- Finding an Opening (Passive): Increases Strength attribute allies’ Attack-related stats by 10%.
Recommended for: She can deal lots of single-target damage, which is great for taking down dangerous targets. However, her lack of AoE skills and reliance on DoTs to do damage could prove to be her downfall.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Grilled Beef; Herbs and Strawberry Combo.
[New Generation] Holy Knight Jericho

Blue Jericho trades in her superior damage for survivability, though she can also score some decent hits thanks to her high crit chance.
- Godspeed Bone Cutter: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. This skill has double the crit chance.
- Super Recovery Spell: Heals all allies equal to a percentage of their max HP.
- Godspeed Ten Flashes: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and places a DoT that does an additional 80% of the initial damage for 2 turns.
- Magic Sword (Passive): Increases Speed attribute allies’ Attack-related stats by 10%.
Recommended for: Blue Jericho is an all-around support attacker that packs quite a punch. She’s great for taking down tough enemies as well as keeping the group alive.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Grilled Beef; Herbs and Strawberry Combo.
[Roars of Dawn] Holy Knight Jillian

Jillian offers some awesome damage, both for AoE and single-target. Her passive also gives plenty of durability to the entire party.
- Cross Shot: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. This skill has triple the pierce rate.
- Cancellation: Inflicts light damage to all enemies. Higher levels also cancels their stances.
- Bind: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and removes and blocks their stance skills for 2 turns.
- Party Support (Passive): Increases the HP of all allies by 30%.
Recommended for: Jillian does good damage both to individual enemies as well as groups of opponents, though she excels against targets that use stance skills.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Pasta.
[Boar Hat Tavern] Master Meliodas

Blue Meliodas is almost at risk of being really bad, except for the fact that he can dish out tons of damage with his ultimate and his first skill. His passive also does wonders to boost his damage output.
- Triple Attack: Deals light damage to an enemy. Damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Full Counter: Assumes a stance and counterattacks when attacked. At level 2, also reduces damage received by 50%. At level 3, also gains immunity to one attack skill.
- Evil Spirit: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. This skill has double crit chance.
- Master of Alacrity (Passive): Increases Meliodas’ crit chance by 30% if he didn’t take damage on the previous turn.
Recommended for: Meliodas has a lot of damage potential. His stance counterattack is even more useful than others since he gains powerful buffs while using it, which makes it more feasible in many scenarios.
Favorite Foods: Grilled Beef With Herbs; Honey Pudding.
[Roars of Dawn] Captain Slater

Red Slater is a powerful debuffer with lots of survivability and damage. His specialty is blocking certain enemy skills, though he’s quite lacking in AoE damage.
- Blade Wave: Deals light damage to an enemy and heals Slater for up to 40% of damage dealt.
- Overpower: Decreases the attack of one enemy and disables everything but attack skills for up to 3 turns.
- Vertical Saw: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and disables attack skills for 2 turns.
- Pressure (Passive): Decreases the enemy team’s crit resistance by the hero’s crit chance.
Recommended for: Slater is strong; he can certainly do lots of damage, as well as completely shut down formations that rely on skills other than attacks. He can also debuff the enemy’s attack to further weaken them.
Favorite Foods: Vegetable Meat Pie; Steak and Chips.
[Reincarnation of Obsession] Mage Vivian

Vivian is a great debuffer, adept at weakening the enemy and blocking their ultimate skills. She can be a great asset against certain formations and can also enable some of your strongest teammates to one-shot squishy targets.
- Darkness Bolt: Deals light damage to a single target and amplifies damage done to them by 10% for 3 turns. At level 2, it also removes stances from the enemy. At level 3, it amplifies damage by 20% for 4 turns.
- Freeze Coffin: Disables ultimate moves of the enemy by up to 3 turns.
- Four Elements of Destruction: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy. Ignores resistances.
- Possessiveness (Passive): Increases Vivian’s attack by 8% for every ultimate orb in the gauge.
Recommended for: Vivian can either be used for PvP as well as PvE, especially for dealing against tough enemies by weakening their defenses, as well as bursting them down with her ultimate.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Bread; Honey Caviar Canape.
[Roars of Dawn] Holy Knight Weindheit

There’s a good reason why Weindheit is a part of some of the most reliable F2P farming teams; his AoE damage is very powerful and can also disable the attack skills of the enemy team.
- Flash Arrow: Inflicts light damage to all enemies. At higher levels, also disables attacks skills for up to 2 turns.
- Death Arrow: Deals light damage to all enemies. At higher level, it also removes stances and disables stance skills for up to 2 turns.
- Blackout Arrow: Inflicts heavy damage on one enemy. This skill has triple the pierce rate.
- Sniper (Passive): Increases the team’s pierce rate by 8% at the end of every turn. Stacks up to 5 times.
Recommended for: Weindheit is a popular choice for F2P farming teams thanks to his awesome AoE potential and debuffs. Combine him with someone like Green Elizabeth & Hawk, and Green Gilthunder and you’re set!
Favorite Foods: Chicken Veggie Fried Rice.