List of SSR Characters in The Seven Deadly Sins: Grand Cross

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Most of the characters of this rarity are commonplace in high-level play. SSR characters in 7DS Grand Cross offer some of the strongest skills, whether direct damage, buff, debuffs, or any other type of special effects, which earns them some of the higher spots in most tier-lists.
SSR Heroes Tier List
There’s a lot of information in this guide, which can seem a bit off-putting if you’re only searching for the best characters in 7DS Grand Cross. If you’re looking for the best SSR characters in the current tier lists, we recommend taking a look at these candidates:
- Escanor
- Red Gowther
- Blue King
- Red Arthur
- Red Helbram
- Red Howzer
- Blue Meliodas
- Green Merlin
With that being said, let’s get started with the list:
TIP: If you’re looking for a specific hero, we recommend using the search (Ctrl + F) function in your browser.
[Mastermind] Mage Lilia
The recently-added Blue Lillia is a veritable powerhouse thanks to her powerful passive buff, as well as her skill to disrupt the enemy’s ultimate attacks. In essence, she’s a great debuffer that can significantly slow the other team down.
- Pathetique: Deals damage to the entire enemy team. At level 2 and 3, also depletes their ultimate orbs by 1 and 3 units, respectively.
- Eroica: Heals the entire team. At levels 2 and 3, it also removes debuffs.
- Star Link: Deals significant damage to the enemy team while lowering their skill ranks, and then removing ultimate orbs for every skill rank decreased.
- Recital of Darkness (Passive): Increases allies’ pierce rates by half of their base amount at the start of battle.
Recommended for: Blue Lillia is a very powerful disruptor that can significantly hinder the enemy team and prevent them from using their ultimates. She’s a welcome asset to anyone that can summon her.
Favorite Foods: Herb Ciabatta; Eggs and Chips.
[Doombringer] Mage Lillia
Green Lillia is similar to her Blue counterpart but with a focus on debuffing rather than supporting and dishing out AoE damage. Her Requiem skill, however, can set the field for massive damage since it significantly amplifies the damage taken by the enemy.
- La Sylphide: Deals damage to a single enemy and reduces their attack for 1 turn. Subsequent levels increase the potency of the debuff, up to a maximum of 40%, as well as extend its duration to 2 turns.
- Requiem: Amplifies damage taken by the enemy by a fixed percentage for 2 turns. Higher levels increase the potency of the debuff, up to a maximum of 50%, and its duration to 3 turns.
- Star Link: Deals significant damage to the enemy team while lowering their skill ranks, and then removing ultimate orbs for every skill rank decreased.
- Dark Design (Passive): Lowers the enemy’s attack in PvP by 16%.
Recommended for: While Blue Lillia is a great all-rounder character, her Green counterpart is much better suited for PvP, especially when paired used in conjunction with strong AoE attackers.
Favorite Foods: Herb Ciabatta; Eggs and Chips.
[“Snatch”] Brawler Ban
Ever since the game’s launch, this version of Green Ban was always moderate in performance, though he’s fallen more out of favor as the meta shifted. Nevertheless, his Snatch skill makes him into a very strong fighter while also weakening the enemy.
- Fearless Shot: Deals damage and heals for a portion of the damage dealt. Higher levels increase damage and lifesteal %.
- Snatch: Deals minor damage to one enemy. At levels 2 and 3, damage increases and Ban also steals up to 50% of attack and defense from the enemy for 2 turns.
- Physical Hunt: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and removes up to 3 ultimate orbs.
- Undead (Passive): Recovers 20% of missing HP at the beginning of every turn.
Recommended for: Despite falling short in recent tier lists, Green Ban is a strong hero, especially thanks to his Snatch skill through which he can weaken enemies while strengthening himself. Make sure to always use the rank 3 version for maximum effect!
Favorite Foods: Seafood Stew; Bread and Cheese with Vegetables.
[Outlaw] Brawler Ban
Blue Ban has quite a different approach to combat than his Green version. While he can deal heavy damage by ignoring the enemy’s armor, he’s more of a debuffer and support hero. His passive can exert quite a lot of pressure by significantly weakening the enemy if left unchecked.
- Critical Pierce: Inflicts heavy damage to the enemy. Ignores defense.
- Toxic Bottle: Damages and reduces the enemy’s attack for up to 2 turns.
- Physical Hunt: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and removes up to 3 ultimate orbs.
- Extort Attack (Passive): Reduces the enemy team’s attack by 15% for every turn that Ban remains undamaged. Stacks up to 5 times and resets when Ban is damaged.
Recommended for: Blue Ban is a tad weaker than his counterparts, and is more a debuffer than an actual fighter. His Critical Pierce skill is very strong, especially against tanks, but that’s pretty much all he offers aside from his passive debuff, which can be easily countered.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Stew; Bread and Cheese with Vegetables.
[Nunchaku] Adventurer Ban
Red Ban is about on par with his Blue version in terms of performance, which makes them inferior to Green Ban. He can mildly disrupt the enemy by decreasing their skill ranks and ultimate orbs, and can also deal heavy damage to debuffed opponents, though he can’t inflict any debuffs himself.
- Brandfisher Stick: Deals moderate damage to one enemy. Damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Mana Drain: Deals moderate damage to one enemy and reduces their skill ranks. At levels 2 and 3, damage increases and reduces ultimate orbs according to the number of skill ranks decreased.
- Fox Hunt: Inflicts moderate damage to an enemy and steals 50% of their attack and defense for 2 turns.
- Chance! (Passive): Grants the hero 1 ultimate orb at the start of the turn if Ban took damage in the previous turn.
- Fake Strike (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Jericho; inflicts heavy damage to one enemy and steals 50% of their attack and defense for 2 turns.
Recommended for: Red Ban is, for many players, the weakest of the bunch. However, he’s quite strong when paired with a debuffer, especially with someone like Jericho, with whom he can unleash his combined attack.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Stew; Bread and Cheese with Vegetables.
[The Fox Sin of Greed] Adventurer Ban
Ban has two Green versions, with this being the strongest out of all the Ban characters. He combines the Snatch skill with lots of lifesteal that helps him to stay alive for longer. Moreover, His ultimate also allows him to steal even more stats from the enemy.
- Drain: Inflicts AoE damage on the entire enemy party. At levels 2 and 3, it also adds a 30% lifesteal effect and deals increased damage.
- Snatch: Steals attack and defense from one enemy for 2 turns. At higher levels, the amount of stats stolen increases and the duration is extended to up to 3 turns.
- Fox Hunt: Inflicts moderate damage to an enemy and steals 50% of their attack and defense for 2 turns.
- Extort Life (Passive): Reduce the enemy’s HP stat by 10% at the beginning of next turn if Ban was unharmed on the previous turn. Stacks up to 5 times and resets when Ban takes damage.
- Fake Strike (Combined Strike): Available when linked with Jericho. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: This version of Ban is the one you’ll want in your team, no questions asked. Not only can he deal decent AoE damage and heal himself considerably, but he can also significantly weaken the enemy by stealing their stats and reducing their HP passively every turn.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Stew; Bread and Cheese with Vegetables.
[Godspeed Knight] Guardian Jericho
As an attacker, Jericho practically brings the entire suite, offering powerful debuffs, high damage, and a powerful nuke if she manages to crit with her ultimate. Furthermore, she can passively boost her critical rate by simply using skills in battle, which makes her even stronger as the fight goes on.
- Flash Attack: Deals light damage to a single target. Damage is tripled against debuffed enemies.
- Flash Strike: Deals light damage to an enemy and inflicts a Bleed debuff, causing 80% of the initial damage every turn for 2 turns.
- Silent Split: Inflicts heavy damage to one enemy. This skill does double critical damage.
- Repeated Cuts (Passive): Increases critical rate by 10% every time Jericho uses a skill.
- Chain Slash (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Guila. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Jericho is a strong character and is a common pick in some meta team compositions. She can easily reach 100% crit rate and one-shot most squishy enemies with her ultimate; that is, if you can keep her alive for long enough.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Grilled Beef; Herbs and Strawberry Combo.
[The Serpent Sin of Envy] Holy Knight Diane
Blue Diane is quite an underdog character. Though she’s not really present significantly in any meta comps, her unique skill set brings a lot to the table, including buffs, debuffs, and AoE damage.
- Rush Rock: Deals light damage to an enemy. At levels 2 and 3, the damage increases and also disables attack skills for up to 2 turns.
- Ground Gladius: Deals moderate damage to all enemies. Damage is double against buffed targets.
- Mother Earth Catastrophe: Deals heavy damage to all enemies.
- Giant’s Will (Passive): Increases attack by 6% at the end of every turn.
- Full Swing Impact (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Griamore. Increases the damage of her ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Blue Diane is a bit quirky due to the fact that, while her skills are moderate, at best, one of her best features is her passive. After 5 turns, her passive permanently grants a damage buff equivalent to Gilthunder’s, which is impressive.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Meat Pie; Honey-roasted Chicken Matango.
[Matrona] Fighter Diane
There’s really not much to say about this version of Diane. She’s very situational since her best feature is that she can disable the enemy’s buff and debuff skills. Other than that, she’s just a fairly mediocre attacker and debuffer.
- Break Muscle: Deals heavy damage to an enemy. Damage is doubled against buffed targets.
- Friends: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. Higher levels also disable the targets’ buff and debuff skills for up to 2 turns.
- Dragon Kick: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. Crit damage from this skill is doubled.
- Swift Movement (Passive): Increases the hero’s crit rate by the amount of her crit resistance at the start of the battle.
- Metal Cyclone (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Howzer. Increases the damage of her ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Nothing, really. Her uses are quite circumstantial. Nevertheless, if you don’t have anything better to fill a slot, you could do much worse, especially when you consider that, if her ult crits, it’s lights out for the enemy—but that’s a big “if”.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Meat Pie; Honey-roasted Chicken Matango.
[Kungfu Master] Fighter Diane
She’s remarkably similar in performance to her previous version, and even shares many skills with it. However, she’s a tad bit stronger since her attacks can ignore defenses and she can also debuff the enemy’s defense while blocking their attack skills.
- Ground Strike: Deals heavy damage to an enemy. Ignores defense.
- Sand Whirl: Debuffs an enemy’s defense stats and disables their attack skills. Higher levels increase the intensity and duration of the debuffs.
- Dragon Kick: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. Crit damage from this skill is doubled.
- Unyielding Will (Passive): Increases the hero’s crit chance by 10% on the next turn if she sustained damage on the previous one.
- Metal Cyclone: Available when linked with Howzer. Increases the damage of her ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Her combination of debuffs and decent damage make her a safe choice for any starter team. However, you should replace her as soon as you get someone better since there are other characters that can do the same thing, but much better.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Meat Pie; Honey-roasted Chicken Matango.
[“Creation”] Fighter Diane
While Blue Diane is the strongest attacker out of all the versions of this character, this Green version is a powerful tank with skills for buffing her defenses and shielding herself from harm.
- Metal Shock: Deals moderate damage to a single enemy. This skill has double the chance to crit.
- Heavy Metal: Taunts the enemy team and increases Diane’s defense for up to 200% for 3 turns.
- Dragon Kick: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. Does double crit damage.
- Stretch (Passive): Taunts enemies at the start of the battle and shields herself with a barrier that blocks 300% of her defense in HP.
- Metal Cyclone: Available when linked with Howzer. Increase the damage of her ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Green Diane is a veritable wall with lots of defenses to weather even the strongest of attacks. Her taunt skills ensure that she’ll be the one soaking up all the damage while your other characters clean up.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Meat Pie; Honey-roasted Chicken Matango.
[Camelot’s Sword] New King Arthur
There’s a good reason why Red Arthur is considered as one of the best heroes in the game overall. He’s quite adept at filling many different roles, and can even nuke squishy enemies in one hit with his ultimate attack. If you need a hero for both PvP and PvE, you really can’t go wrong with this character.
- Light Pillar: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy. Higher levels increase damage and block their recovery skills for up to 2 turns.
- Royal Sword: Increases all the basic stats of an ally for 2 turns. At level 2, the buff applies to the entire party. At level 3, it increases the potency and duration of the effect and adds debuff immunity for 3 turns.
- Legendary: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. This skill has twice the chance to crit.
- Charisma (Passive): Increases the HP stat of friendly humans in the group by 15%.
Recommended for: Everything. Red Arthur is great for PvP since he can block those pesky healers from using their skills, and even burst down squishy enemies in one blow with his ultimate. Furthermore, if you manage to apply the level 3 of his Royal Sword buff, you’d have basically won the fight from that moment.
Favorite Foods: Sugar Grilled Chicken Wings; Milk Caviar Canape.
[The Ten Commandments] Melascula of Faith
At the time of writing, Melascula (both her Blue and Red variants) just got released into the game so we don’t know where she falls in the current meta. However, she seems to be a powerhouse in PvP with her recovery-blocking skills and the ability to inflict more damage as the number of the enemy’s ultimate orbs is higher.
- Darkness Whip: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy and infects them for 2 turns, decreasing recovery from healing skills.
- Demon Flash: Inflicts light damage to all enemies. Damage is increased by the number of ultimate orbs in the enemy’s possession.
- Summon Soul: Deals heavy damage to an opponent and heals herself for 40% of the damage inflicted.
- Gather Souls (Passive): Increases her stats by 1% for each ultimate orb in the field, including those of her allies and enemies.
- Commandment of Faith (Passive): Applies an Ignite DoT to enemies who have not taken action by the end of the turn.
Recommended for: Melascula is going to be a royal pain in the butt in PvP. The amount of pressure she can exert on the enemy with her DoTs is impressive, a fact which is further compounded by her dual passives and ability to block the enemy’s recovery effects.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Apple Pie; Sugar Caviar Canape.
[Elite Demon] Melascula of Faith
Unlike her Blue counterpart, Red Melascula is more of a direct attacker that is able to exert pressure on the enemy in a different way. Not only that, but she’s also quite durable thanks to her abilities to heal herself by dealing damage.
- Death Stab: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy and applies a debuff that increases damage dealt by ignite effects.
- Spirit Costume: Decreases the enemy’s teams entire HP by up to 20% and heals herself for the amount decreased.
- Summon Soul: Deals heavy damage to an opponent and heals herself for 40% of the damage inflicted.
- Return of the Dead (Passive): Whenever an ally falls in battle, fixes their HP at 1 for 3 turns, at which point they cannot be truly defeated until the effect expires. The effect is limited to once per battle.
- Commandment of Faith (Passive): Applies an Ignite DoT to enemies who have not taken action by the end of the turn.
Recommended for: Red Melascula seems to be built more for PvE, considering that she’s a bit lacking in CC and burst. Her skills for dealing AoE damage and healing herself turn her into a very durable character.
Favorite Foods: Sweet Apple Pie; Sugar Caviar Canape.
[The Pleiades of the Blue Sky] Holy Knight Deathpierce
Deathpierce is a very situational character that, while offering decent skills that would work in PvP, doesn’t adjust to the current meta. His specialty is debuffing attack and crit defense, which can be easily countered by meta heroes like Gilthunder.
- Accelerando: Inflicts light damage to a single enemy. Higher levels increase the damage and block the target’s buff and debuff skills for up to 2 turns.
- Grazioso: Deals heavy damage to one enemy. Ignores defense.
- Brillante: Inflicts moderate damage to the enemy team while reducing their attack-related stats by 30% for 3 turns.
- Tonal Range Tuning (Passive): Decreases the enemy’s crit resist and crit defense stats by 30%.
Recommended for: Deathpierce is quite situational. While his passive can work wonders for teams that rely on sever and spike damage, those characters usually have the means to reaching 100% crit rate by themselves without the need for help. He could be useful if you summon him early on, but should be replaced by a more meta character later on.
Favorite Foods: Milk and Strawberry Combo; Egg Salad.
[The Boar Sin of Gluttony] Great Mage Merlin
An excellent character that combines strong attacks with defensive barriers, as well as the possibility of blocking the enemy’s attack skills outright in many ways. Her passive skill gives your party faster access to their ultimate skills as well.
- Spear Explosion: Inflicts damage to one enemy and depletes one of their ultimate orbs. At higher levels, increase damage and the number of ultimate orbs depleted.
- Perfect Cube: Shield all allies with a barrier for 2 turns. Higher levels increase the power of the barrier.
- Exterminate Ray: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy and blocks their attack skills for 2 turns.
- Diverse Sample (Passive): Grants an ultimate orb to all allies at the start of battle.
- Tornado Sever (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Arthur. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Green Merlin can both fill your party’s ultimate gauge and deplete that of the enemy’s, making her a great choice for PvP. She also brings decent defense with her barriers, and can significantly disrupt some enemy compositions with her ability to block attack skills.
Favorite Foods: Sand Crawler Grilled with Herbs; Raisins with Sugar.
[Collector] Great Mage Merlin
While this character, in theory, could be quite good, she takes a bit to get started due to her passive skill. She could be a good choice against certain compositions, but her uses are quite situational, especially since she lacks burst, or any real means of dealing significant damage.
- Poison Wave: Deals light damage to a single target. Higher levels also block the enemy’s recovery skills for up to 2 turns.
- Frozen Factor: Freezes an enemy for 1 turn. Higher levels also inflict light damage and extend the freeze effect to up to 2 turns.
- Exterminate Ray: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy and blocks their attack skills for 2 turns.
- Demonic Power Surge: Boosts pierce rate by 10% for every ultimate orb. The effect increases an extra 50% when the ultimate is fully charged.
- Tornado Sever (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Arthur. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Red Merlin is very situational, and her passive skill directly magnifies her lack of burst since you need to refrain from using her ultimate in order to enjoy its maximum effect.
Favorite Foods: Sand Crawler Grilled with Herbs; Raisins with Sugar.
[“Infinity”] Great Mage Merlin
Blue Merlin is all-around an awful character in the current meta. She’s, comparatively speaking, the weakest out of all her other versions; her damage is the lowest of all and her skills are generally just plain bad. Replace her as soon as you get someone else.
- Dark Void Buster: Inflicts light damage on an enemy. Higher levels increases the damage and forces the enemy to use only attack skills for up to 2 turns.
- Curse Enrage: Deals very light damage to all enemies and decreases their skill ranks. At level 3, also depletes ultimate orbs of each enemy according to the number of skill ranks decreased.
- Exterminate Ray: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy and blocks their attack skills for 2 turns.
- Almighty Mage (Passive): Increases the character’s attack by 2% for every debuff placed on the enemies.
- Tornado Sever (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Arthur. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Nothing. At least not in the current meta. Use her if you don’t have anything better, but aim to replace her ASAP.
Favorite Foods: Sand Crawler Grilled with Herbs; Raisins with Sugar.
[The Seven Deadly Sin] Captain Meliodas
The Green version of our charismatic protagonist is down there along with Blue Merlin in terms of performance. While he has some decent damage, his passive skill is quite lackluster since it requires him to be hurt to get its maximum effect, which is quite difficult since, as a Green character, he’ll probably get one-shot most of the time. Moreover, his ultimate is all but useless since stance skills are not common in the current meta.
- Enchant: Hell Blaze: Deals moderate damage to a single target.
- Outburst Counter: Assumes a counter stance. When attacked, retaliates dealing the same amount of the damage dealt to Meliodas. Higher levels of this skill increases the damage returned, up to a maximum of 250%.
- 1000 Divine Cuts: Inflicts moderate damage to a single target, removes buffs and stances, and stuns for 1 turn.
- Deathblow (Passive): Increases the hero’s crit rate proportional to the amount of HP lost.
- Metal Clash (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Diane. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Green Meliodas is absolutely awful not only for the current meta and tier lists, but because his skills really don’t make any sense. His counter stance is only useful assuming that he can survive for enough to retaliate. Moreover, his passive relies on him having low HP in order to receive the full benefits. As a Green character, he’s more likely to get one-shot in most cases.
Favorite Foods: Grilled Beef with Herbs; Honey Pudding.
[The Dragon Sin of Wrath] Demon Meliodas
Red Meliodas is considerably better than his Green version, offering attacks that can decrease enemy healing and even apply powerful debuffs. His ultimate can further capitalize on these debuffs since it deals extra damages to afflicted targets.
- Hellfire: Deals light damage and inflicts an Ignite DoT for 3 turns. Higher levels increase the initial damage and extends the duration of the debuff to up to 5 turns.
- Blaze Burst: Inflicts light damage to the enemy. Higher levels reduce their healing received for up to 2 turns.
- Hell Buster: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy. Damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Rage (Passive): Increases Meliodas’ crit rate by 50% for every fallen ally.
- Devil Assault (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Merlin. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: While Red Meliodas is still quite squishy, his damage potential is off the charts, especially if left unchecked. His Ignite DoT coupled with the extra damage from his ultimate skill guarantees that he’ll one-shot any of the fragile units in the other team.
Favorite Foods: Grilled Beef with Herbs; Honey Pudding.
[Knight of Wrath] Demon Meliodas
The strongest out of all the SSR Meliodas characters, mostly due to his absurdly strong debuffs that can pressure the entire enemy team, as well as his immunity to attack blocks.
- Enchant: Hell Blaze: Deals light damage to all enemies, with triple the pierce rate.
- Darkness Flutter: Afflicts all enemies with corrosion, dealing damage equal to a % of their remaining HP at the end of every turn.
- Hell Buster: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy. Damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Absolute Volition (Passive): Renders Meliodas immune to skills that block attacks if his ultimate gauge has 4 orbs or less.
- Devil Assault (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Merlin. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: This is hands down the best Meliodas out of the bunch. He combines powerful burst damage, debuffs, immunities, and sheer pressure in one neat package. Get him, use him, love him.
Favorite Foods: Grilled Beef with Herbs; Honey Pudding.
[Fairy King’s Forest] Guardian Elaine
Green Elaine is not a bad character, but she’s not particularly good either. She’s a good support heroine that can seriously deplete the enemy team’s ultimate gauge as well as decrease their skill ranks. However, about half of her kit is not very useful in the current meta.
- Wind of the Fairy King’s Forest: Deals light damage to an enemy and decreases their skills ranks. Higher levels increase the damage and also depletes ultimate orbs by the number of skill ranks decreased.
- Wrath of the Gentle Breeze: Deals light damage to all enemies. Higher levels increase the damage and also depletes up to 3 ultimate orbs to the targets.
- Wrath of the Autumn Wind: Deals moderate damage to an enemy, removes stances, and stuns them for 1 turn.
- Saint’s Blessing (Passive): Increases the HP stats of the entire team by 15%.
Recommended for: Elaine is, at best, a nuisance to the enemy team. She’s not particularly strong, but she can significantly hinder the enemy’s damage output by decreasing their skill ranks and depleting their ultimate gauges.
Favorite Foods: Herb Ciabatta; Egg and Chips.
[Liones] Princess Elizabeth
Green Elizabeth is a terrific support character that can also disrupt the enemy team by canceling their buffs and removing stances. She can keep everyone healed up with her ultimate skill, and can also give them quicker access to their most powerful skills by filling their ultimate gauges.
- Punishing Strike: Inflicts light damage to an enemy and removes their buffs. At higher levels, the damage increases and she can also cancel stances on the target.
- Healing Grace: Heals the entire enemy team. At higher levels, the healing increases and she can also remove debuffs.
- Life Authority: Heals all allies and restores 2 orbs to their ultimate gauges.
- Desperate Resolve (Passive): Fills Elizabeth’s ultimate gauge by 2 orbs at the start of battle.
- Goddess Garden (Combined Attack): Available when linked with King. Increases the healing of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Green Elizabeth is a very strong character, mostly due to the fact that she can speed up her allies’ ultimate skills, and especially thanks to her passive skill, which allows her faster access to her own ultimate. Her healing and ability to remove buffs are also welcome benefits.
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[A New Adventure] Princess Elizabeth
Blue Elizabeth is almost as good as her Green counterpart, especially since she can also accelerate her allies’ ultimate skills. However, she’s a tad weaker due to the fact that her passive is different and procs only when she dies. Despite how powerful it is, a skill that relies upon a hero dying is never very good.
- Radiant Explosion: Blocks the enemy team’s debuff skills for 1 turn. At higher levels, also inflicts light damage and extends the duration of the effect to 2 turns.
- Brilliant Protection: Removes all debuffs from a single ally. At higher levels, also heals the target and gives them debuff immunity for 2 turns.
- Life Authority: Heals all allies and restores 2 orbs to their ultimate gauges.
- Sedulous Heart (Passive): Removes the party’s debuffs, restores their HP, and gives them 2 ultimate orbs when Elizabeth falls.
- Goddess Garden (Combined Attack): Available when linked with King. Increases the healing of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: While the effects of her skills are quite nice, some of them are a bit situational, which makes this character a bit weaker than the rest. Nevertheless, her passive and ultimate skills are still quite useful if you manage to pull them off.
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[Reverse] Guardian Hawk & Elizabeth
Blue H&E is a massive wall that can deal as much damage as they can absorb. They can apply powerful defensive buffs to the entire group, while also dealing massive damage to the enemy, especially when paired with other characters that can buff the group.
- Fire Breath: Inflicts moderate damage to an enemy. The damage is increased by 30% for every buff on self.
- Digest: Gives 30% resistance to an ally. If the target has debuffs, they are removed and the effect is doubled. At higher levels, the effect extends to the entire group. At level 3, the effect is multiplied by the number of total debuffs removed.
- Rush Hawk: Inflicts heavy damage on the enemy. Ignores defense.
- Time for Scraps (Passive): Boosts allies’ HP by 12% for every debuff on self.
- Drop Mama (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Meliodas. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Blue H&E is a great defensive option for many groups. However, their passive is odd in that it requires being debuffed to enjoy its effects, whereas the Digest skill removes the said debuffs. Aside from this conflict, this character is a pretty decent defensive alternative.
Favorite Foods: Egg Pudding; Vegetable Salad.
[“Sunshine”] Holy Knight Escanor
Escanor is an absolute powerhouse and easily earns his spot at the top of the current 7DS tier lists. He can dish out massive damage while charging his own ultimate skill, which allows him to deal even more punishment to the enemy. Moreover, he gains permanent debuff immunity when his ultimate gauge is charged.
- Elegant Blow: Inflicts moderate damage to one enemy. At level 2, its damage increases considerably and also charges Escanor’s ultimate by 1 orb. At level 3, damage increases further and charges up to 2 ultimate orbs.
- Cruel Sun: Inflicts light damage to an enemy and applies a stackable debuff that increases damage taken by 10% for 3 turns. At level 3, the damage is significantly higher and applies two stacks of the debuff.
- Punishment: Inflicts massive damage on a single target.
- The One at the Pinnacle (Passive): When the ultimate gauge is full, removes buffs, debuffs, and grants debuff immunity to Escanor.
- Gentleman’s Dignity (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Merlin. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Escanor is a beast of a character. He’s currently at the top tier in the meta, and with good reason. He’s not only tanky, but he can dish out massive damage to anyone.
Favorite Foods: Milk Caviar Canape; Raisins With Sugar.
[The Ten Commandments] Galland of Truth
Galland is quite powerful in his own right, though he’s outshined by others who can destroy their enemies quicker and easier. What he lacks in damage, he makes up for in debuffs and disruption.
- One Stroke: Inflicts moderate damage to the target. Damage increases by 30% for every buff on self.
- Dismal Scatter Cut: Inflicts minor damage to the enemy team while applying a bleed DoT for 2 turns. Higher levels increase the initial damage.
- Critical Over: Increases Galland’s stats by 50% for 3 turns and inflicts moderate damage to an enemy.
- Galland Game (Passive): Taunts a random enemy when entering combat.
- Commandment of Truth (Passive): Petrifies both allies or enemies for 2 turns whenever they use rank up or rank down skills.
Recommended for: Galland is neither here nor there. He doesn’t really work well with anyone, especially due to his passives. We suggest replacing him as soon as possible.
Favorite Foods: Pepper Bread; Honey Caviar Canape.
[“Thunderbolt”] Guardian Gilthunder
Let’s get this out of the way at once: As far as Gilthunder goes, this isn’t the version of him you’re looking for—that honor goes to Green Gilthunder (SR). Red Gilthunder has many skills that increase his defenses, but isn’t really that tanky to begin. As a result, he’s not very resilient nor strong.
- Lightning Beasts Chase: Damages the entire enemy team and applies a shock DoT. Higher levels increases the damage of both the hit and the DoT.
- Lightning King’s Heavy Armor: Taunts the enemy team and increases Gilthunder’s defense by 30% by 1 turn. Higher levels improve the defensive buff up to 75% and extends the duration to 2 turns.
- Lightning King Sword: Deals heavy damage to an enemy. The damage is double against buffed targets.
- Diamond Holy Knight (Passive): Increases Gilthunder’s resistance by 10% for every ultimate orb. The bonus is increased by an additional 50% if the ultimate is fully charged.
- Lightning Napalm (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Guila. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Red Gilthunder is one of those characters that you unlock and use for a few moments, but replace as soon as something better comes along. He’s not bad, but he’s nothing special, either.
Favorite Foods: Bread and Cheese With Sugar; Chicken and Egg Risotto.
[Liones’ Hero] Holy Knight Gowther
Like Red Gilthunder, this is NOT the version of Gowther you want. The only thing going for him is really his ultimate skill, which does moderate damage to the entire enemy team. Other than that, his damage is lackluster and requires wasting turns setting him up.
- Pain Edition: Inflicts minor damage to all enemies. The damage is tripled against debuffed targets.
- Blackout: Blocks the enemy’s team debuff skills for 1 turn. At level 2, also decreases their attack by 20% and disables attack skills, as well as extends the duration to 2 turns. At level 3, decreases attack by 40% and disables everything but attack skills.
- Rewrite Light: Deals moderate damage to the entire enemy team and depletes 3 ultimate orbs to every target.
- Auto-Recovery: Gowther heals 15% of his maximum HP every time a debuff is removed from an ally.
- Holy Ballista: Available when linked with King. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill and depletes up to 5 ultimate orbs.
Recommended for: He has decent AoE skills, and debuffs. He can deal moderate damage to the entire enemy party if left unchecked, though his passive is mostly useless, and his main debuff is only viable when upgraded to, at least, level 2.
Favorite Foods: Raisins With Pepper; Milk and Strawberry Combo.
[The Goat Sin of Lust] Holy Knight Gowther
Red Gowther is basically cheating at the game. He not only can disable the enemy’s attack skills, but he can also increase the rank of all allied skills, while buffing their attack and other stats.
- Arrow Shot: Inflicts minor damage on the enemy team. At level 2, the skill also blocks attack skills for 1 turn. At level 3, the debuff is extended to 2 turns and damage increases slightly.
- Invasion Arrow: Increases the skill rank of one ally. At level 2, the effect extends to the entire team. At level 3, it also applies a 20% buff to all stats for 3 turns.
- Rewrite Light: Deals moderate damage to the entire enemy team and depletes 3 ultimate orbs to every target.
- Trickery (Passive): Increases the team’s attack by 10% at the start of the turn if Gowther doesn’t take damage.
- Holy Ballista: Available when linked with King. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill and depletes up to 5 ultimate orbs.
Recommended for: There’s a good reason why Red Gowther is part of some of the top formations for both PvP and PvE. His buffs are excellent, especially his Invasion Arrow skill, which allows characters like Escanor access to their most devastating attacks early on. Gowther is an important part of most teams.
Favorite Foods: Raisins With Pepper; Milk and Strawberry Combo.
[Iron-Wall Knight] Guardian Griamore
Green Griamore is not very good for one reason: Stance skills are not very meta, or good, at all. Additionally, his passive skill increases his attack by a percentage of his defense, which is silly considering how he doesn’t have skills with much damage, anyway.
- Blockade: Deals light damage to all enemies. At level 2, also removes stances and block stance skills for 1 turn. Level 3 further increases damage and extends the duration of the debuff to 2 turns.
- Shield Wall: Assumes a stance that increases damage and HP stats for 1 turn. At higher levels, increases the potency of the effects and increases the duration to 2 turns.
- Wailing Wall: Taunts the enemy team and massively increases Griamor’s defenses for 4 turns.
- Strong Will (Passive): Increases Griamor’s attack by 30% of his defenses at the start of the turn.
- Wall Break (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Dreyfus. Increase the duration and potency of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Nothing, really. What good is a wall that can’t fight back? All Griamor does is prolong the inevitable.
Favorite Foods: Honey Apple Pie; Sand Crawler Grilled With Salt.
[“Explosion”] Guardian Guila
As a character whose kit revolves mostly around canceling stances, Red Guila isn’t very good. Furthermore, her passive is only useful in Death Match.
- Killer Mines: Removes buffs from an enemy and inflicts light damage. At level 3, the damage is significantly increased and the skill also removes stances.
- Shot Bombs: Inflicts light damage and applies a stackable ignite debuff to an enemy. At higher levels, increases the initial damage and duration of the debuff.
- Chain Explosion: Inflicts moderate damage to an enemy. This skill has double crit damage.
- Fiery Will (Passive): Increases the team’s HP stats by 15% in Death Match.
- Bomb Cyclone (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Howzer. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Guila excels at removing stances, which means that she’s not very good in the current meta. Furthermore, her ultimate relies on critting in order to deal maximum damage. And without the ability to buff her own crit chance, this skill is all but useless.
Favorite Foods: Glazed Chicken; Chicken Rice Ball With Butter.
[Forest Guardian] Fairy Helbram
Green Helbram is a nice support character, especially thanks to his attack buffs. He can also pressure the entire enemy team with his DoTs, while countering formations that rely on buffs.
- Throwing Edge: Deals minor damage to the enemy team and places a DoT that deals 50% of the initial damage every turn for 3 turns. Higher levels increase the initial damage.
- Fairy Wind: Buffs attack stats of the entire team for 2 turns. Higher levels increase the potency of the buff and extend the duration to up to 3 turns.
- Hunter Wisp: Deals moderate damage to all enemies and cancels their buffs and stances.
- At Death’s Door (Passive): When HP drops to 0, restore health equal to his defense stat. Limit once per battle.
- Blizzard Bullet (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Gustaf. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: While he can initially seem quite weak, Green Helbram can be useful in a few scenarios. His attack buffs are always welcome, and his ability to dispel buffs from the enemy team is great.
Favorite Foods: Chicken Matango Grilled With Butter; Egg Salad.
[Reincarnation of Revenge] Fairy Helbram
With the ability to petrify enemies and deplete their ultimate orbs, Red Helbram is a very strong character. He can also cancel buffs, countering teams that rely on these effects.
- Fog Wave: Inflicts light damage to one enemy and depletes 1 ultimate orb. At higher levels, the damage increases and the orb removal maxes out at 3 ultimate orbs.
- Stone Needle: Deals light damage to an enemy. At level 2, also petrifies the target for 1 turn. At level 3, the damage increases further and the petrify effect is extended to 2 turns.
- Hunter Wisp: Deals moderate damage to all enemies and cancels their buffs and stances.
- Ancient Magic (Passive): Increases Helbram’s base stats by 5% for every living ally.
- Blizzard Bullet (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Gustaf. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Red Helbram is a great support attacker. The petrify debuff is excellent for incapacitating enemies, especially when paired with other characters that can petrify, such as Blue King. Plus, Helbram can also deplete the enemy’s ultimate attacks, countering those who depend on these skills.
Favorite Foods: Chicken Matango Grilled With Butter; Egg Salad.
[“Melt”] Grandmaster Hendrickson
Hendrickson doesn’t seem really bad at first glance, but he’s just a really average character. He can deal some good damage and even place debuffs that can further magnify said damage, but his lack of reliable burst damage or AoE really don’t earn him any honorable mentions. Bottom line; you could do worse.
- Ingest: Deals moderate damage and heals himself by 20% of the damage inflicted. Higher levels increase the damage and lifesteal rate.
- Flame Wave: Deals moderate damage to an enemy and applies a stackable 10% damage increase debuff to the target. Higher levels improves the base damage as well as the number of stacks inflicted per hit.
- Hell Blaze Wave: Deals heavy damage to one enemy and heals himself for 40% of the damage inflicted.
- Regeneration (Passive): Increases the hero’s regeneration rate by 10% at the start of every turn. Stacks up to 5 times.
- Celestial Break (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Dreyfus. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Hendrickson is an awesome character if you’re just starting out. However, he’s fairly straightforward in the way that he does damage, and can be easily countered by enemies who can block attack skills.
Favorite Foods: Seafood Pot.
[“Tempest”] Holy Knight Howzer
Red Howzer is very strong currently, mostly due to this absurdly powerful AoE damage. The fact that his damage types are pierce and sever, and affect the entire enemy team, allows him to cut through everyone like a hot knife through butter.
- Rising Storm: Deals light damage to all enemies. Higher levels increase the damage dealt. This skill has triple the pierce rate.
- Super Cyclone: Deals light damage to all enemies. Higher levels increase the damage dealt. This skill has twice the chance to crit.
- Rising Tornado: Inflicts moderate damage to the entire enemy team and reduces their skills. Also, it depletes the targets’ ultimate gauges by the number of skill ranks decreased.
- Leadership Qualities (Passive): Increases the basic stats of human allies by 8%.
- Dragon Castle (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Gilthunder. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Howzer is an absolute powerhouse of AoE damage, which is great for PvE or when using AoE rush PvP teams. Red Arthur is one of the best characters in the current meta for both PvP and PvE, and Howzer is one of the best characters to pair him with. Basically, if you’re going meta, you’re going to want both of these characters.
Favorite Foods: Salt-Grilled Beef; Egg Sandwich.
[The Grizzly Sin of Sloth] King the Fairy King
One of the best characters in current tier lists. Not only is he an excellent healer and supporter, but he can also cripple the enemy with petrification. He pairs well with other fairy characters.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Third Form: Fossilization: Deals light damage to an enemy. Higher levels increase damage and petrify for up to 2 turns.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Eighth Form: Pollen Garden: Removes debuffs from the entire team. Higher levels also heal up to 50% of allies’ missing health.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fourth Form: “Sunflower”: Deals heavy damage to all enemies. Ignores defense.
- Fairy King (Passive): Increases the base stats of fairies by 8%.
- Cross Shooting (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Diane. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill
Recommended for: There’s a good reason why Blue King is at the top of current tier lists, his petrify effects coupled with the fact that he can heal allies based on a % of their missing HP makes him a great all-around supporter. Furthermore, he can deal great damage with his ultimate. Pair him with Blue Meliodas and Escanor!
Favorite Foods: Honey Salad; Vegetable Apple Pie.
[Forest Guardian] King the Fairy King
While not as useful as his Blue counterpart, this version of King is still very powerful. He has a very strong single-target burst thanks to his superior crit chance, as well as ample AoE damage with his ultimate.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, First Form: Chastiefol: Inflicts heavy damage to a single target. This skill has double crit damage.
- Poisoning Garden: Deals heavy damage to a single enemy. The damage of this skill increases by 30% for every debuff on the target. Removes the target’s debuffs.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fourth Form: “Sunflower”: Deals heavy damage to all enemies. Ignores defense.
- Magic Control: Increases the hero’s crit chance by 10% for every ultimate orb. The bonus increases by an additional 50% when the ultimate is fully charged.
- Cross Shooting (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Diane. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended: While not much of a team player like Blue King, this version is capable of dishing out extraordinary damage, especially when paired with allies that can inflict debuffs. It’s not rare for Green King to one-shot an enemy with a crit.
Favorite Foods: Honey Salad; Vegetable Apple Pie.
[Protector of Dolls] Old Fart King
Much like his appearance in the show, King’s human form is not nearly as powerful as his fairy counterpart, and this is also the case in 7DS Grand Cross. He has some decent support skills, but meager damage.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Second Form: Guardian: Inflicts moderate damage to all enemies. Ignores defense.
- Permeate: Inflicts light damage to all enemies and places a DoT on each that causes 50% of the initial damage at the end of every turn for 3 turns.
- Guardian Attack: Deals heavy damage to a single target and reduces their defensive stats for 2 turns.
- Magic Expansion (Passive): Doubles the defensive stats of the entire team when his ultimate gauge is full.
- Sharpness Whisper (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Helbram. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: In his human form, Green King isn’t very good. In fact, both human versions of this character are quite bad. They’re not terrible by any means, but there are characters who can do the same things, except much better. Use them if you must, but look to replace them ASAP.
Favorite Foods: Honey Salad; Vegetable Apple Pie.
[The Seven Deadly Sins] Old Fart King
This version of King is quite remarkable in the sense that he has some decent defenses and is capable of countering AoE teams, albeit with meager damage.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, First Form: Chastiefol: Inflicts moderate damage to a single enemy. Applies a DoT that does 80% of the initial damage every turn for 2 turns.
- Spirit Spear Chastiefol, Fifth Form: Increase: Takes a stance that allows countering attacks when all allies are attacked.
- Guardian Attack: Deals heavy damage to a single target and reduces their defensive stats for 2 turns.
- Fairy King’s Power (Passive): Heals King for 15% of his max HP if he took damage the previous turn.
- Sharpness Whisper (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Helbram. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Blue King lends himself to more strategic team compositions, though he eventually falls short due to his low damage output, lack of reliable AoE, and no support skills to make up for his shortcomings.
Favorite Foods: Honey Salad; Vegetable Apple Pie.
[The Pleiades of the Azure Sky] Holy Knight Deldry
A nice candidate for PvP combat, but not much else, unfortunately Red Deldry is a bit situational due to her passive skill, which only works in PvP. Moreover, while she has some decent burst, her skills lack that extra “oomph”. She can be a minor inconvenience to the enemy, but there are characters who can do so much more in PvP without the need of doing any extra effort.
- Unhappy Hit: Inflicts moderate damage to one enemy. The skill deals double crit damage.
- Blow Kiss: Applies Taunt status to one ally and increases their HP stats. Higher levels increase the effect and extend the duration to up to 2 turns.
- Love Drive: Deals moderate damage to all enemies and blocks their ultimate gauges from filling for 1 turn.
- Servant of Love (Passive): Upon starting a PvP battle, automatically charms an enemy and causes his first attack against Deldry to automatically miss. Doesn’t work on ultimate skills.
Recommended for: As we just mentioned, Deldry is best used for PvP, though she’s not really good except for maybe mildly hindering the enemy.
Favorite Foods: Honey Salad.
[“Overpower”] Hunter Slater
Slater offers useful debuffs and has a potential to deal extraordinary damage, especially against buffed enemies. Though that’s pretty much all he has to offer.
- Iron Slash: Inflicts moderate damage to one enemy. This skill has double crit chance.
- Sawblade: Inflicts moderate damage to an enemy. At higher levels, it also cancels stances and disables stance skills for up to 2 turns.
- Overpower: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and reduces the effectiveness of healing skills on the target for 2 turns.
- An Opening! (Passive): Slater has triple crit chance when attacking enemies that have empty ultimate gauges.
- Circle of Oppression (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Simon. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Slater is not bad. His second skill is utterly wasted since stance skills are not used very often. However, he does decent damage and can even restrict healing. Thanks to his passive, he can easily reach 100% critical chance with his ultimate and first skill.
Favorite Foods: Vegetable Meat Pie; Steak and Chips.
[Tyrant of Destruction] Milim Nava
Nava is a pretty decent character that can deal tons of damage. However, she takes a while to get started, which means that she’ll likely fall before she’s able to fulfill her purpose.
- Fire Storm: Inflicts moderate damage to one enemy. This skill has double crit damage.
- Knife Wind: Deals light damage to an enemy and disables their ultimate skills for up to 2 turns.
- Dragon Burster: Deals moderate damage to all enemies, and an additional 15% for every ultimate orb in the enemy’s team.
- The Only Dragonoid (Passive): Increases crit chance by 8% every time the hero uses a skill. Capped at 80%.
Recommended for: Milim is actually quite decent. She can do lots of damage with her first skill when she crits, which is easy thanks to her passive. She’s a good solo character, just not a very good team player.
Favorite Foods: N/A
[Ruler of Monsters] Rimuru Tempest
Rimuru is a mixed bag with defensive skills and the potential to dish out some serious damage, especially against buffed enemies. However, her biggest weakness is relying on stances, as well as being able to dispel the said stances, which makes her unsuitable for the current meta.
- Indigo Flower: Deals moderate damage to an enemy. The damage is doubled against buffed targets.
- Drop Deepen: Assumes a stance that grants debuff immunity for 1 turn and heals 20% of the damage taken on the next turn. At higher levels, also taunts for up to 2 turns and the healing is increased to up to 50% of damage taken.
- Gluttony: Deals heavy damage to an enemy and cancels his stances. Also stuns for 1 turn.
- Storm Dragon’s Friend (Passive): If the hero takes damage, increases defensive stats by 8% on the next turn.
- Indiscriminate Absorption (Combined Attack): Available when linked with Meliodas. Increases the damage of the ultimate skill.
Recommended for: Rimuru is not a bad hero at all. She combines decent defenses and self-healing with the ability to deal good damage. However, she’s not remarkable by any means, and her reliance on stance skills is not good currently.
Favorite Foods: N/A.
[Earthshaker] Weapon Researcher Valenti
Valenti sounds quite good in paper, with her skills for debuffing attack and defense, but she really can’t do much in the way of damage, except maybe when using her ultimate skill.
- 2nd Law of Motion: Deals light damage to a single target and debuffs their defense stats by up to 40% for 2 turns.
- Genesis: Deals light damage to a single target and debuffs their attack stats by up to 30% for 3 turns.
- Maxwell’s Goblin: Inflicts heavy damage to a single enemy. The damage is doubled against buffed targets.
- Ingenious Strategy (Passive): Decreases the enemy’s pierce rate by 100% of Valenti’s resistance stat.
Recommended for: Valenti is really not that good. She’s not strong enough for PvE and can only inflict her debuffs on one target at a time. Her utility is, at best, situational.
Favorite Foods: N/A