Time Raiders ‘Blademaster’ Class Guide - Everything You Need to Know Before Starting as a Blademaster

Time Raiders is a brand new open world MMORPG where players can go on epic journeys to explore tombs and ancient historical sites in search of priceless artifacts in order to build their collection and increase their power. However, no matter how many valuable items you manage to collect, a player is only ever as strong as their understanding of their class. And as luck would have it, Time Raiders only has three of these classes to choose from, which should make it easier, in theory, to decide which is the best for you. However, each class also has two specializations, which can alter their gameplay quite a bit.
Considering the class variety in this game, we’ve decided to create a series of guides covering the basics of the three main classes in Time Raiders. On this occasion, we’ll be kicking it off with the Blademaster class, the one and only melee type in the game.
Blademaster Play Style
The Blademaster class in Time Raiders is a melee class with a kit designed primarily to close the distance and get up in the enemy’s face. As such, they’re also quite tanky, with high defensive stats that let them soak up tons of damage, which is great since you’ll almost always be taking hits from the enemies around you. Consequently, the Blademaster is one of the most beginner-friendly classes, since mistakes are often light and rarely punished excessively.
Blademaster Specializations
The Blademaster class in Time Raiders has two specializations that heavily influence the class’ gameplay, making it vary between a melee DPS class, and a melee tank class. Additionally, this is the only tank class in the game, so if this is your preferred role, then Blademaster would be your best choice.
The two Blademaster specializations are as follows:
Melee combatants with powerful skills and abilities to close gaps by jumping around the battlefield. They have strong single-target damaging skills, and can supplement their mighty offering with further damage via bleeding effects. Duelists are the class of choice for players who want to DPS, but don’t want to learn any of the more complex classes.
Similar to Duelists, but doing less damage with their skills. Moreover, instead of a single-target focus, the Guardian specializes in AoE skills that can hurt many enemies with every swing, making them ideal for jumping straight into the horde of enemies and slicing them up from within.
Recommended For
Blademasters are the beginner’s class of choice thanks to their high defenses. However, as the only melee DPS class in the game, this choice is also ideal for players who like to get up close and personal with the enemy. And while they can be quite simple to play as, the Guardian specialization is a bit more involved and can require a bit more forethought before every action, especially in a group setting.
That’s all there is to know about the Blademaster class in Time Raiders. Feel free to check out our other class guides as well. And as always, remember that you can leave your thoughts and comments in the section below!