Tower of Fantasy – Defeat World Bosses Easily for Juicy Loot

Tower of Fantasy is the latest addition to anime-stylized MMORPGs that are being developed constantly after the success of Genshin Impact. However, unlike its competitors, Tower of Fantasy has quite the substance along with the talks. Rich colored biomes, huge explorable fantasy land, a flashy and tactical combat system, and tons of fictional characters, Tower of Fantasy has everything an anime/MMO lover will ever demand. Developed and published by the Chinese gaming giant HOTTA Studio, the game has an amplitude of resources to make it big in the global region after its success in the game’s home region of China. Recently launched for the global market, Tower of Fantasy has already been installed over 1 million times combined on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store.
Tower of Fantasy has a multitude of beautiful terrains to explore along with a diverse ecosystem just like you would see in real life. Being powered by the powerful Unreal Engine 4, the game holds back no expectations as a premiere mobile game. Tower of Fantasy has multiple servers, attributable to its multi-region hospitality where players can enjoy the game without much delay or lag. Despite its smooth structuring and lag-free gameplay, a good device is always recommended to play Tower of Fantasy due to the high graphical aspects and assets being used to power the game. Coupled with the grindy nature of MMORPGs games, it’s highly recommended that players play Tower of Fantasy on a bigger capacitive device like your PC that also has more power to compute. BlueStacks stands as one of the best choices to play Tower of Fantasy on your PC with a keyboard and mouse as the variety of features offered by BlueStacks are matched by bar none.
In this Tower of Fantasy guide for World Boss, we will be focusing on 3 topics. Here is the list of the topics covered in this guide:
- What are World Bosses?
- Locations of World Bosses and Rewards
- Farming World Bosses
- Limitations
What are World Bosses?
World Bosses can be considered as the top PvE (Player V/S Environment) content that is available to be farmed regularly in Tower of Fantasy. Players should be focusing on World Bosses as the drops received from defeating them are one of the best ways to increase your power level, especially as a free-to-play player that has low access to different resources. Some of the rewards even include the likes of SSR Weapons, although at a very low drop rate. World Bosses are essentially giant monsters that spawn at particular locations on the map of Aesperia. These World Bosses are generally appearing in 5 locations on the map and they are marked by the Red Danger sign on the player map. A specific announcement is made when a World Boss is found. Keep in mind that these World Bosses are not your run of the mill low-life creatures that you can hack n’ slash your way solo. Players are required to form a team of friends or other players on the server in order to defeat the World Bosses. The bosses have a high amount of HP Pool to deplete from and massive defenses. To kill a World Boss solo is not possible at all as the amount of damage you will take will potentially kill you in a short amount of time. Grouping is currently the best option to defeat the World Bosses. The loots are also shared among the members who defeat the World Boss.
World Bosses exist in a different world than that of Planet Aida. It is called the overworld. Hence, there exists no limit to how many players can fight them. It’s always recommended to bring multiple players to fight them, especially if you are an early game player with not much power/strength. Having a strong friend or group of friends makes these challenging World Bosses much easier to deal with. Keep in mind that the World Bosses exist in different channels.
Hence, if you switch to a different channel, you will be able to repeatedly fight the World Bosses without waiting for them to respawn. In general, it is observed by the community that the World Bosses spawn in sequence after 1 hour after their defeat. Hence, it is wise to switch channels and fight the World Boss instead of waiting 1 hour in the same location for the World Boss to spawn.
Location of World Boss and Rewards
World Bosses are spawning all over the map of Aesperia but almost all are seen in 5 places on the map. The 5 places and their World Bosses are as follows:
Location – In Astra, east of Southern Ring Ranges
Weakness – Ice elemental damage
Rewards Offered
・Random SSR Weapon (low drop rate)
・King SSR Matrix (low drop rate)
・Random SR Weapon
・Missile Barrage shard
・Robarg: Matrix
・Random R Matrix chip
・Weapon Battery III
・Matrix Datapack III
Location – In Banges, southwest of Black Market
Weakness – Ice elemental damage
Rewards Offered
・Random SSR Weapon (low drop rate)
・Tsubasa SSR Matrix (low drop rate)
・Random SR Weapon
・Couant shard
・Apophis: Matrix
・Random R Matrix chip
・Weapon Battery III
・Matrix Datapack III
Location – In Navia, south of Cetus Island
Weakness – Fire elemental damage
Rewards Offered
・Random SSR Weapon (low drop rate)
・Huma SSR Matrix (low drop rate)
・Random SR Weapon
・Hovercannon shard
・Frost Bot: Matrix
・Random R Matrix chip
・Weapon Battery III
・Matrix Datapack III
Location – In Crown, northeast of Southern Mountains
Weakness – Volt elemental damage
Rewards Offered
・Random SSR Weapon (low drop rate)
・Crow SSR Matrix (low drop rate)
・Random SR Weapon
・Cybernetic Arm shard
・Sobek: Matrix
・Random R Matrix chip
・Weapon Battery III
・Matrix Datapack III
Location – In Crown, northeast of Southern Mountains
Weakness – None
Rewards Offered
・Random SR Weapon
・Random R Matrix chip
・Weapon Battery III
・Matrix Datapack III
World Boss Farming Guide
The best way to farm World Boss is to form a team and not fight them solo. Period. No matter how skilled or jacked you think your character is, the World Boss is extremely tanky and has more attack power than you. Secondly, remember when we said that the World Boss takes 1 hour to spawn again on the same channel? Well, we do have a workaround if you simply switch your channels. Each channel dictates to another overworld and a fresh start to clearing the World Bosses. The catch exists that there is a 30-minute time limit to imposed on players before they can switch their channel again. Still, you can potentially double your farm obtained from the World Boss simply by switching channels. One more point, the developers are smart. They have gatekeeped the players from repeatedly farming the World Bosses and obtaining the loot from them. Since players require Type 3 Chips to get rewards from the World Boss, you are significantly left starved of chances to farm the World Bosses.
Players can get Type 3 Chips only through the weekly rewards and some special events. However, getting to know the best and most efficient way of farming World Boss definitely helps in saving you time. Here are the general steps to farm the World Boss in a team:
- Make a 4-man team in order to have the highest success per person ratio of clearing World Bosses. Keep in mind that if you are in a team, the timer imposed on switching channels is shared among all the members. Hence, the timer gets decreased from 30 minutes to 7.5 minutes. A good 4-man team can easily clear all the World Bosses in the regions at this time if they are powerful enough. Time is of the essence when we are completing the farming of World Bosses in this method. It is extremely important that your team members are in sync with each other. They should know exactly when and where the World Boss will spawn. Players can look for team members through the world chat as well as there are many call-outs for World Bosses. For example, a general call-out sounds like this – “Frost Bot 104”. It denotes the name of the boss and the channel number where the boss has spawned. Other call outs can be in the form of crew chat if you are part of a crew. Players can also directly message their friends or crew members for an easier process of recruitment. Lastly, players can also join the teams of an active recruiter that is looking for members to fill their team. Players can check whether the person is recruiting or not simply by going to their profile and looking at the “Flag” button. Once accepted, simply click on the Summon button to quickly get teleported towards your team leaders’ location.
- The next step after joining a team is to coordinate among yourselves. The core gold standard is to transfer the leadership of the team to another member after defeating the World Boss on the current channel. This will reset the timer imposed on switching channels to that of the leader. Join the same team again after transferring leadership. Players can add each other as friends in-game to make the process easier.
Limitations of Farming World Boss
As with any content that sounds too good to be true, World Bosses also have their individual weaknesses that are primarily due to the system that is built by Tower of Fantasy. Some of the limitations are as follows:
- World Bosses are too tough – New players who are just joining Tower of Fantasy and creating their account have little to no chance of consistently farming the World Bosses unless they have some super overpowered friends or crew members. The Attack and HP of the World Bosses are very tough, especially the ones like Lucia and Sobek that are considered the hardest World Bosses out of the 5. Moreover, many of the casual players are not dedicated enough to grind their way. Stronger players prefer getting other strong players in their team to clear the World Bosses more efficiently. Players can view some of our tips and tricks for early game players to get more resources and focus on getting stronger.
- Time-Gated content – World Bosses are one of those content that is low effort and high reward. Such content is amazing to play and reap rewards from. Sadly, the developers understand this and have time-gated the number of rewards players can get through farming World Boss. After defeating any World Boss, the boss drops a reward chest. This chest is opened using a Type 3 Chip that is available only through weekly rewards.
- Low Drop Rates – The main attraction of World Bosses is obviously the juicy potential chance of getting an SSR weapon or matrice drop. However, the rates to get them are so low. Realistically, players can not expect to get the SSR weapons or matrices as the number of times players can get rewards are also time-gated. It’s a gamble in its own right. Do not worry as there’s still a very good chance of obtaining SR rarity weapons and matrices that are not too shabby.
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