Vampire Survivors Stages Guide - How to Unlock Every Stage and Their Game Modes

Just like there are a whole host of unlockable characters, items, and relics in Vampire Survivors, there are also quite a few stages that players can uncover and explore in this awesome roguelite game. Each of these stages have their own modifiers, as well as special properties, wherein players can explore and unlock even more elements simply by playing the game.
There’s a lot of stages to find in this game, which is exactly what we want to do in this Vampire Survivors stages guide.
Let’s begin!
A Note on Game Modes
Not to be confused with stage modifiers, the different modes available in Vampire Survivors change fundamental aspects of the stages in question and can greatly alter your standard progression and exploration. And while stage modifiers are always present regardless of the game mode, the latter must be unlocked before being able to access them.
With that being said, there are four game modes in Vampire Survivors, all of which can be toggled on or off in the stage selection screen. Keep in mind that you can activate more than one of these at any given moment, as long as you’re up to the task, that is.
The four modes in Vampire Survivors include the following:
- Hyper Mode: In this mode, everything is faster, including both your character and the enemies, as well as the projectiles that you can shoot from your weapons. Moreover, players will receive extra gold from pickups when playing in this mode. The exact value increases for all affected variables will vary from stage to stage, and we’ll explain them in further detail when we get into the list itself.
- Hurry Mode: This mode is all about shortening matches, as the clock speed of the stage is doubled throughout the entire run. In other words, when you play for 15 minutes in this game mode, it’d be like if you had played for 30 minutes on a normal stage. As such, all events associated with the timer such as wave spawns and boss spawns, among others, will happen in half the time as usual.
- Inverse Mode: In this game mode, the stage is literally flipped upside down, at least when it comes to the layout. This causes some visual changes, though the gameplay is mostly the same, except for the fact that this mode also comes with many stat changes. More specifically, when activating Inverse Mode, the player gains 200% more gold and receives a 20% luck bonus. On the flipside, enemies begin with 200% max HP, and gain an additional 5% max HP and 0.5% MoveSpeed every minute, which goes on top of stage-specific modifiers. Finally, the merchant in this mode also sells banishes, skips, rerolls, and an additional Arcana.
- Endless Mode: While stages are typically considered “finished” when the player manages to survive for at least 30 minutes, which in turn will spawn the Reaper enemies every minute after that point, stages played in Endless Mode instead revert back to 0 after reaching the 30-minute mark. In this sense, the Reaper won’t spawn, and instead all enemies gain an 100% HP boost, an extra 50% spawn rate, and a 25% damage boost. Moreover, with every cycle, the player’s max damage cap is reduced by 1 point. Lastly, the merchant respawns after completing every cycle and sells a revival instead of the usual Golden Eggs.
Mixing and matching these special modifiers can make for some fun and intense challenge runs. However, they can also be used to customize your experience, such as by making matches much shorter, for those moments when you don’t have much time to spare, or if you simply don’t like the longer survival runs.
Normal Stages
These are the stages that are present in the base game and that you’ll probably unlock simply by playing and surviving, which is in contrast with the bonus stages that require fulfilling certain conditions in order to unlock them. Keep in mind that some stages have additional modifiers on top of the ones conferred by choosing any of the different game modes mentioned above, which we’ll also mention on this list.
Mad Forest
- Unlock Conditions: Available by default.
- Stage Modifiers: N/A.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Defeat the Giant Blue Venus enemy that spawns at the 25-minute mark.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +75% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold.
- Important Notes
- The coffin for Pugnala Provola can be found in this stage.
- The hidden character here is Boon Marrabbio.
Inlaid Library
- Unlock Conditions: Reach level 20 in the Mad Forest.
- Stage Modifiers: +25% MoveSpeed.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Defeat the Hag enemy that spawns at the 25-minute mark.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +90% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold, +10% Luck.
- Important Notes
- The coffin for Giovanna Grana can be found in this stage.
- The hidden character here is Avatar Infernas.
- The obtainable relic in this level is the Grim Grimoire, which lets you view the evolutions and unions that you have discovered so far, directly from the pause menu in-game.
Dairy Plant
- Unlock Conditions: Reach level 40 in the Inlaid Library.
- Stage Modifiers: +25% MoveSpeed, +20% Gold.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Defeat the Sword Guardian enemy that spawns at the 25-minute mark.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +90% MoveSpeed, +70% Gold, +10% Luck.
- Important Notes
- The coffin for Poppea Pecorina can be found in this stage.
- The hidden character here is Minnah Mannarah.
- All the chests before the 10-minute mark can be used for evolving items.
- The obtainable relics in this level are the Ars Gouda, and the Milky Way Map. The former unlocks the bestiary in the main menu in which players can view a list of all enemies and several related parameters. Moreover, the latter unlocks a minimap feature that can be accessed through the pause menu, and which shows the location of important pickups, chests, items, and so on.
Gallo Tower
- Unlock Conditions: Reach level 60 in the Dairy Plant.
- Stage Modifiers: +25% MoveSpeed, +30% Gold.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Defeat the Giant Enemy Crab that spawns at the 25-minute mark.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +90% MoveSpeed, +80% Gold, +10% Luck.
- Important Notes
- The coffin for Concetta Caciotta can be found in this stage.
- The hidden character here is Leda.
- The obtainable relics here are the Sorceress’ Tear, and the Randomazzo. The former permanently unlocks Hurry Mode for all stages in the stage selection menu. Meanwhile, the latter permanently unlocks the Arcana system.
Cappella Magna
- Unlock Conditions: Reach level 80 in the Gallo Tower.
- Stage Modifiers: +40% MoveSpeed, +40% Gold.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Defeat the Trinacria enemy that spawns at the 25-minute mark.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +100% MoveSpeed, +90% Gold, +10% Luck.
- Important Notes
- The coffin for Zi’Assunta Belpaese can be found in this stage.
- The hidden character here is Cosmo Pavone.
- Like the Dairy Plant, all the chests before the 10-minute mark can evolve weapons in this stage.
- The obtainable relic here is the Great Gospel, though it requires the Yellow Sign to be unlocked first. The Great Gospel permanently unlocks the Limit Break feature in the stage select menu, which lets players level up weapons beyond their usual cap, unlocking higher stats.
Bonus Stages
As mentioned above, these bonus stages are unlocked mainly by completing extra challenges or fulfilling specific conditions while running through certain stages.
Il Molise
- Unlock Conditions: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least one normal stage.
- Stage Modifiers: 15-minute time limit, +25% MoveSpeed, enemies don’t move.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least one normal stage.
- Hyper Mode Stats: 15-minute time limit, +100% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold, +20% Luck, +60% Enemy HP, enemies don’t move.
- Important Notes
- The hidden character here is Peppino.
- Unlock Conditions: Unlock Hyper Mode for four normal stages.
- Stage Modifiers: 15-minute time limit, +35% MoveSpeed, Extra stage items.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Unlock Hyper Mode for four normal stages.
- Hyper Mode Stats: 15-minute time limit, +100% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold, +20% Luck, +60% Enemy HP, extra stage items.
- Important Notes
- The first time the player survives until the time limit in this stage, they will be stripped of everything except their starting weapon and transported to Holy Forbidden, where they can find the Yellow Sign relic.
- The hidden character here is Big Trouser.
Green Acres
- Unlock Conditions: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least two normal stages.
- Stage Modifiers: +25% MoveSpeed, +50% Enemy HP, random enemy waves from the normal stages periodically spawn.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least two normal stages.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +90% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold, +10% Luck, +50% Enemy HP, random enemy waves from the normal stages periodically spawn.
- Important Notes
- The random enemy waves that spawn here will vary according to your unlocked normal stages. As you unlock more of these, the variety of enemies that can spawn in here will increase.
- The hidden character here is MissingN▯.
- The obtainable relic is the Magic Banger, which permanently unlocks a music selection feature, allowing players to customize their in-game soundtrack.
The Bone Zone
- Unlock Conditions: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least three normal stages.
- Stage Modifiers: +25% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold. No item drops, and enemies increase in power over time.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Unlock Hyper Mode for at least three normal stages.
- Hyper Mode Stats: +90% MoveSpeed, +100% Gold, no item drops, and enemies increase in power over time.
- Important Notes
- The hidden character here is Gains Boros.
- The obtainable relic here is the Forbidden Scrolls of Morbane, but only after unlocking the Yellow Sign. The scrolls unlock the Spells menu, allowing the player to cast a variety of spells to achieve different effects.
Boss Rash
- Unlock Conditions: Unlock Hyper Mode for all five normal stages.
- Stage Modifiers: 15-minute time limit, +25% MoveSpeed, +50% Enemy HP.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Unlock Hyper Mode for all five normal stages.
- Hyper Mode Stats: 15-minute time limit, +90% MoveSpeed, +50% Gold, +10% Luck, +60% Enemy HP.
- Important Notes
- In this stage, there are often waves of enemies consisting of bosses from all stages.
- The hidden character here is Gyorunton.
Tiny Bridge
- Unlock Conditions: Reach level 80 in Gallo Tower with Inverse Mode activated.
- Stage Modifiers: 20-minute time limit, +25% MoveSpeed, enemies increase in power over time.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: Available by default.
- Hyper Mode Stats: 20-minute time limit, +90% MoveSpeed, +80% Gold, +10% Luck, enemies increase in power over time.
- Important Notes
- The hidden character here is Scorej-Oni.
Eudaimonia Machine
- Unlock Conditions: Obtain all relics.
- Stage Modifiers: 99-minute time limit.
- Hyper Mode Unlock: N/A.
- Hyper Mode Stats: N/A.
- Important Notes
- This is the final stage in the game, where the player can obtain the last two relics, Gracia’s Mirror, and Seventh Trumpet, by interacting with an NPC here. The former relic permanently unlocks Inverse Mode, while the latter unlocks Endless Mode.
- Upon accessing Eudaimonia Machine in either Endless or Inverse Mode enabled for the first time, the NPC will give the player the relic corresponding to the other game mode.
- Upon accessing the stage with the second game mode enabled, the true final boss of Vampire Survivors will spawn.
- After defeating the final boss, Eudaimonia Machine will become available to select from the stage selection screen, through which the player can freely re-challenge them.
As you can probably see by now, there is no shortage of stages in Vampire Survivors, which is why this roguelite game is one of the most popular of its type in recent times. Not only do you have a superb roster of unlockable characters, both normal characters as well as their hidden counterparts, but you also have different game modes, items, stages, and a whole host of elements to make each and every run truly unique.
What is your favorite stage in Vampire Survivors? Let us know your thoughts in the comments below!