War of GAMA – Introduction to Different Classes

War of GAMA, is a newly conceptualized MMORPG that will soon be released globally for all players to enjoy and play the game. Currently in a closed beta state for stability check, War of GAMA is a joint venture between Gamamobi and Catheon Gaming. War of GAMA will be available as a free-to-play game on both the Google Play Store and iOS App Store. Apart from introducing new mechanics such as AFK treasures and Morph system, War of GAMA has been stated to be one of the most ambitious projects by the development team as they try to make the MMORPG genre more casual player friendly. One of the biggest obstacles while playing an MMORPG is the sheer time commitment it takes from a player to reap rewards. Many players just do not have that much time to spare with their busy lives and other obligations to fulfill. This is where the developers feel War of GAMA will shine and that’s their target audience for the game.
On speaking for the game’s direction, the founder of Catheon Gaming, William Fu had to say the following – “We are extremely proud and excited to be announcing our partnership with Gamamobi for this highly anticipated title. The RPG category has historically been the top-grossing mobile category, and we look forward to bringing such a high-quality title to contend in it. With significant game development complete, we have an important lead time on many other projects in the blockchain space. We believe with its carefully designed game world and mechanics; War of Gama is set to take the blockchain and broader mobile gaming by storm. We originally came up with the idea for the War of Gama 3 years ago and have been meticulously planning and executing on it since. We are extremely excited to be able to show the world what we have developed, leveraging our collective experience in creating several blockbuster mobile games. We are confident this partnership with Catheon Gaming will ensure the integration to the blockchain will be additive to the game and reach the widest possible audience in the traditional and blockchain gaming space globally,” says Dale Huang, Founder of Gamamobi.”
In this article, we will be giving a brief introduction of all the classes in War of GAMA along with their specific skills and abilities. Keep in mind that this information is pertaining to the ongoing closed beta test. The skills and abilities are subject to change once the game launches globally.
An esteemed general with a strong physique and exceptional melee combat skills. Knights are one of the core classes in War of GAMA. Represented by heavy-studded armors and high-health pools, they are the perfect class for players who want to engage on the battlefield. They are usually the best when placed in the frontline against enemies as they are able to soak up and mitigate tons of incoming damage. Picking a Knight class as your primary class will provide you with quite an easy time when dealing with enemies in the early game. This is due to their innate tankiness which helps them stay alive for a long duration of time. A lack of positioning and taking more damage which is common among new players, while playing this class is easily forgiven due to their massive HP pools and high base defenses. We would highly recommend new players try out their luck with the Knight class if they have not played games of this genre beforehand.
Apart from their high HP bars and heavy defenses, Knights can also be built to be quite ferocious as they deal a decent amount of damage. Nevertheless, their main role isn’t necessarily to provide DPS for the squad. That job would better be left for the Mages and Elves. Here are some core skills for the Knight class:
- Powerful Strike – Active skill, powerfully slash the target to deal damage
- Holy Light Shield – Summon a Holy Light to protect yourself from harm
- Sacred Armor – Enhances magic defense after cast
- Holy Blade – Passive skill, that increases your melee damage
- Blessing – Passive skill, reduces melee damage taken
- Holy Strike – Active skill, deals damage with a chance to stun the target
- Holy Speed – Increases your Attack Speed and Movement Speed after cast
- Holy Power – Passive skill, permanent increase in holy damage after learning
- Extreme Defense – Improves close-range damage reduction after casting
- Fortitude – Passive skill, that permanently increases your resistance to roots after learning
- Fitness – Improves your own physical defense and long-distance evasion after casting
- Enhanced Attack – Improves attack attributes after casting
- Life Expansion – Passive skill, permanently increases your MAX HP
- Holy Hammer – Launch a holy light hammer to damage and stun your target
- Iron Will – Increases Stun resistance after casting
A wielder of magic who harnesses the power of the elements to destroy their opponents. Mages in War of GAMA are one of the best classes to choose for players who enjoy nuking large groups of enemies as they specialize in dealing with AOE-targeted magical damage. Apart from only dealing with damage, they are also prone to other tactics such as mana drainage from enemies and crowd-controlling enemies so they do not move. Master of different elements, these Mages can get pretty annoying to deal with as they can increase their own speed or simply convert their HP to Magic Power for pure burst damage. Susceptible to assassins, Mages have quite low HP pools which makes them vulnerable to assassinations. Playing a Mage would require a good sense of map positioning and skill channeling which is not expected from a new player. However, if you truly like the class, feel free to begin your magical journey with Mages!
Apart from their high damage potential and great Mana recovery capabilities, Mages need to be positioned very carefully on the battlefield. Nevertheless, their main role isn’t necessarily to provide DPS or Tank damage for the squad. That job would better be left for the Elves and Knights, respectively. Here are some core skills for the Mage class:
- Magic Missile – Inflicts damage to the target
- Tornado – Inflicts wind damage to a single target
- Blaze – Inflicts fire damage to the target and surrounding enemies
- Spell Swiftness – Increases the mage’s speed
- Mind Conversion – Convert your own HP into MP
- Mana Shield – Increases your own Magic Resistance after cast
- Magic Power Enhancement – Passive skills, that increases your maximum mana after learning
- Earthquake – Inflicts earth damage to the target and surrounding enemies
- Magic Power Regeneration – Increases your magic recovery within a certain period of time after casting
- Darkness – Reduces target Accuracy
- Magic Boost – Increases your own skill damage for a certain period of time after casting
- Deadly Magic – Increases your magic crit for a certain period of time after the cast
- Efficient Cast – Passive skill, mana consumption reduction
- First Aid – Regenerate a certain amount of HP within a certain time after the cast
- Magic Focus – Passive skills, permanently increase your magic defense after learning
- Magic Cage – Inflicts damage, imprisons target, and absorbs a certain amount of mana from the target
- Rapid Cooldown – Reduces the cooldown time of your skills after cast, and increases your skill damage.
A ranger with superb agility and natural magical skills. Elves are the core damage dealers in War of GAMA that are only used for their high DPS capabilities. Elves are blessed with magical bows that deal tons of physical damage to enemies hit by their arrows which can pierce the hardest of shells. Naturally, being solid DPS dealing machines, these Elves are easily susceptible to assassinations as they are not very agile and have weak defenses. They have little to no crowd control spells as the Mages do as well. Contrary to all their weaknesses, Elves are one of the most popular classes to choose in the game due to their sheer damage output. Want to blast all enemies in your way? Elves might just be the go-to class for you.
Apart from their high DPS output and fast attack speed, Elves can also be built to be quite agile on the battlefield. This helps them evade incoming attacks. Nevertheless, their main role isn’t necessarily to provide crowd control or tank damage. That job would better be left for the Mages and Knights, respectively. Here are some core skills for the Elf class:
- Spirit Arrow – Fire a spirit arrow to cause damage to a single enemy.
- Forest Blessing – Improve all speed attributes after use
- Elf Defense – Passive skill, that increases your own physical defense.
- Burst – Perform rapid attacks that deal damage to the target
- Quick Footsteps – Passive skill, that increases your movement speed
- Fatal Shot – Passive skill, increases your Ranged damage
- Long Shot – Passive skill, increases the range of basic attacks after learning
- Eagle Eye – Increases your ranged accuracy
- Speed Boost – Increases speed after cast
- Sharpshooter – Improves long-range critical hit after learning
- Extreme Evasion – Improves your ranged evasion after cast
- Natural Recovery – Passive skill, permanently increases mana recovery after learning
- Agility Training – Passive skill, permanent increase in agility after learning
- Entangled – Damage and immobilize the target
- Mana Return – After the cast, your basic attacks absorb the enemy’s mana, then restore more mana upon killing an enemy.
Players can enjoy War of GAMA at max graphics and FPS settings on their PC with BlueStacks using their keyboard and mouse!