Diablo Immortal Update - Project Status, Development Progress, Possible Release Date, and More

It’s been quite a while since Diablo Immortal was first revealed on that fateful E3 presentation in 2018. We’re not sure what kind of reaction Blizzard was expecting from the fans back then, but it surely wasn’t the one they got. The resounding sounds of booing echoed throughout the conference center after they revealed that the much-anticipated next Diablo game, a series that was mostly on PC since its inception, was going to be exclusively for mobiles. If you like Diablo: Immortal, then you’ll these other games.
Nevertheless, regardless of the backlash, Blizzard continued along resolutely working on Diablo Immortal and, to this day, are creeping ever closer to releasing. However, the development process hasn’t been completely cheery or without its fair share of bumps along the road, especially due to the unexpected pandemic that swept the rug underneath everyone’s feet. Still, Blizzard powered through the crisis and, in a recent status update, shared details on the current state of Diablo Immortal.
Let’s take a look at some of the details.
Diablo Immortal Project Status
Despite the chagrin of their fans who would like nothing more than to see the project crash and burn, Diablo Immortal is still alive and well, to the point where the game is currently in the internal testing phases.
After successfully transitioning to a work-from-home environment when the pandemic arrived to stay, the team behind Diablo Immortal has reported significant advances. Particularly, they have recently moved to the internal company testing phases. That is, when they take the game for several test iterations, report on bugs, tweaks, and other improvements, and work on ironing out the kinks before making it available to the general public. According to the August 4 post, the main challenge of this phase is rolling out the game to as many Blizzard employees as possible in order to get feedback on its systems, combat mechanics, enemies, and the general flow of the game.
From what we’ve seen in the media they’ve shared, the game is definitely shaping out to be a fantastic entry in the series. And now that Diablo 4 was officially announced and is currently in the works as well, the team behind Diablo Immortal can focus completely on polishing up their game without fear of backlash from the public.
Diablo Immortal Release Date
Sadly, while progress on the game seems to be going smoothly, Blizzard hasn’t announced anything concerning the date of a possible closed or open beta test, and much less the release date of the proper game itself. However, from the material they’ve shared, we can safely assume that most of the major gameplay elements are in place, and all that’s left is to perform bug fixes and balance adjustments. If true, then we might be looking at an early 2021 release date, but don’t quote us on that.
Regardless, make sure to stay tuned to the BlueStacks blog where we’ll be covering everything related to Diablo Immortal leading up to the game’s official release date.