Epic Seven – RE: Zero Collaboration, New Epic Pass, and Summer Side Story Rerun

The past week was a short one for the fans of Epic Seven, as the Smilegate-developed game saw the release of the much-wanted Re: Zero collaboration re-run which was announced 2 weeks in advance. The whole collaboration with Re: Zero and the content coming alongside it was showcased on Epic Seven’s official Youtube channel where live streams are held almost on a bi-weekly basis by the community managers Mashuu and Gregory in order to reveal the new content coming to the game with upcoming updates. These live streams also give a brief idea about the new heroes and side stories coming to the game so that players can plan accordingly and save their resources. In every live stream, the community managers also display redeem codes which can be put in the mystery chest sent to each player’s in-game mailbox during the stream, to receive some juicy rewards. This week’s code was – conquest.
This patch introduced a ton of new things but the highlight of the whole live stream was the discussion about the collaboration of Epic Seven with Re: Zero. Usually, as we have seen with previous reruns of collaborations, most notably Guilty Gear: Strive collaboration which has been re-run for 3 years straight, there are some new arrivals with the collaboration like new heroes or new artifacts to go along with it. However, in this re-run collaboration with Re: Zero, every bit has been repeated as they were the previous time it went live in August 2021. Let’s get right into the details for this patch.
Ram – Limited Collaboration Hero
Ram is a 5-Star Earth elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior class in-game. Ram is the free-to-play hero coming with the advent of this re-run collaboration between Epic Seven and Re: Zero. Players can obtain Ram and 5 extra copies for her completely free just by participating in the side story for this collaboration, the check-in event, and the puzzle event which is also happening. Ram is a great Earth-based single targeted damage dealer which can shred the enemy’s defense while increasing her own attack before the hit with her 3rd skill El Fura. Her 1st skill is How Boring. That is her basic ability is a single targeted damaging skill which has a 60% chance to reduce the target’s Attack for 1 turn. This effect chance is increased by 25% when Ram is buffed. This skill can further be soul boosted to convert this skill into an AOE damaging skill that targets all enemies and applies the same debuff. However, this skill cannot trigger dual attacks when this skill is soul-burned
Ram’s 2nd skill What Are You Looking At? is a passive ability that increases Ram’s attack by 30%. This passive skill also reduces the effect of combat readiness by 80%. Let’s take a look at Ram’s abilities in detail:
How Boring. – Attacks the enemy with wind, with a 60% chance to decrease Attack for 1 turn. When the caster is buffed, the effect chance increases by 25%.
What Are You Looking At? – Increases Attack by 30%. Reduces the effect of decreased Combat Readiness debuffs inflicted on the caster by 80%.
El Fura – Attacks the enemy with a gust of wind, decreasing Defense for 2 turns and grants increased Attack (Greater) to the caster for 2 turns.
Severed Horn Wand (Artifact) – Increases Attack by 15%. When attacked by an Elite or Boss monster, damage suffered is decreased by 20.0%. When more than one damage reduction effect is granted, only the strongest effect is applied. This Artifact’s skill can only apply to one Hero within a team.
Rem – Limited Collaboration Hero
Rem is a 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Warrior class in-game. Rem, the half-demon monstrosity had dominated the PvP aspect in Epic Seven since the first time she was released back in August 2021. Epic Seven had to release counter heroes to counter her as she countered almost everything. Feeling confused? Well, when you get to know her skill sets, this sentence will make a lot of sense. Rem’s passive ability A Maid’s Pride which is also her 2nd skill states that Rem has an alternate mode called the Demon Mode which she can activate when an ally dies on the battlefield. Whenever an ally dies and Rem gains Demon mode for 2 turns, she instantly removes all debuffs from herself and her abilities get boosted when she is in Demon Mode. This mode can only be activated once every 5 turns and the condition remains the same. Further, her passive also states that Rem has a 15% chance to counterattack with Iron first whenever an enemy damages allies. Iron Fist is an AOE damaging skill that targets all enemies and has a 100% chance to reduce the buff duration by 1 turn and inflict an Unhealable debuff for 1 turn on all enemies.
Her 1st skill Leave It To Me. is a single targeted damaging skill that has a 35% chance to inflict the target with Defense down debuff for 2 turns. If Rem is granted with Demon Mode when using this skill, this ability will hit for another time and becomes a double hitter. Rem’s 3rd skill I Will Punish You! is an AOE targeted damaging ability which targets all enemies and has a 100% chance to inflict a decreased Hit chance debuff for 2 turns. This skill also grants Rem a greater Attack buff for 2 turns before attacking and increases their combat readiness of herself by 50%. The base cooldown of this skill is quite long at 5 turns but can be skilled up to reduce it to 4 turns.
Let’s take a look at Rem’s abilities in detail:
Leave It To Me. – Attacks the enemy with a morning star, with a 35% change to decrease Defense for 2 turns. When the caster is granted Demon Mode, grants the caster an extra attack with this skill.
A Maid’s Pride – When somebody dies, dispels all debuffs from the caster and grants Demon Mode for 2 turns. Can only be activated once every 5 turns. When an ally except for the caster is attacked, has a 15% chance to counterattack with Iron Strike. Iron Strike takes priority over a counterattack with a basic skill.
Iron Strike – Increases Attack of the caster for 3 turns, before leaping up to attack all enemies and decreases Hit Chance for 2 turns, before increasing Combat Readiness of the caster by 50%.
Azure Comet (Artifact) – Increases Critical Hit Chance by 15%. When somebody dies, increases the Combat Readiness of the caster by 24.0%. Can be activated once per turn.
Emilia – Limited Collaboration Hero
Emilia is a 5-Star Ice elemental hero that is classified as a Soul Weaver class in-game. Emilia was overshadowed by Rem when the collaboration of Epic Seven and Re: Zero first happened. Emilia is a solid soul weaver for the team and can help heal as well as remove debuffs from allies. She is often compared with Angelic Montmorancy which is the specialty change version of the 3-Star hero Montmorancy as both of them perform the same function of healing and removing debuffs. Emilia’s 1st skill Huma is a single targeted damaging skill that heals the health of the ally with the lowest current HP and this HP recovery is based on Emilia’s MAX HP. Her 2nd skill Spirit’s Blessing is an active skill that states that Emilia increases the combat readiness of the caster by 40% and provides the target ally with an Attack buff for 2 turns as well as removes 2 debuffs from the ally. She will also increase her own combat readiness by 25% with the help of this skill.
Emilia’s 3rd skill Divine Protection of the Great Spirit is her ultimate ability and an active skill that is targeted toward all allies. This skill removes 2 debuffs from all allies as well as recovers HP and provides a Barrier buff to all allies for 2 turns each. The recovery amount, as well as Barrier strength, is directly proportional to Emilia’s MAX HP. This skill is on a long cooldown of 5 turns at the base level but can be skilled down to 4 turns using MolaGora.
Let’s take a look at Emilia’s abilities in detail:
Huma – Attacks the enemy with ice, before recovering the Health of the ally with the lowest Health. Amount recovered increases proportional to the caster’s max Health.
Spirit’s Blessing – Grants a blessing to an ally except for the caster, dispelling two debuffs and increasing Attack for 2 turns before increasing Combat Readiness by 40%. Increases Combat Readiness of the caster by 25%.
Divine Protection of the Great Spirit – Uses spiritual arts to dispel two debuffs from all allies, before recovering Health and granting a barrier for 2 turns. Amount recovered and barrier strength increases proportionally to the caster’s max Health.
Guardian Ice Crystals (Artifact) – Increases Effect Resistance by 15%. When an ally’s Health is 50% or less after being attacked, recovers the Health of the ally by 20.0%. Can only be activated once per turn. Amount recovered increases proportional to the ally’s max Health.
Re: Zero Collaboration Special Check-In Event
The collaboration re-run between Epic Seven and Re: Zero – Starting Life in Another World is also having a special check-in event where players can get rewarded with juicy freebies just by logging in for 7 days. This event does not require the player to check in consecutively, although consecutive logins are rewarded with 50 extra energy daily.
The event starts on 26th May 2022 and ends on 16th June 2022. Players can get the following rewards on the following days:
- Day 1 – 5-Sta Hero Ram x 1 and 5-Star Artifact Severed Horn Wand x 1 (Required Rank – 1)
- Day 2 – Gold x 1,000,000 (Required Rank – 4)
- Day 3 – Tera Phantasma x 1 (Required Rank – 8)
- Day 4 – Rare Catalyst Selection Chest x 5 and Epic Catalyst Selection Chest x 3 (Required Rank – 12)
- Day 5 – Covenant Bookmarks x 25 (Required Rank – 16)
- Day 6 – MolaGora x 2 (Required Rank – 20)
- Day 7 – 5-Star Hero Summon Ticket x 1 (Required Rank – 24)
Re: Zero Side Story – Guests from Another World
The newest side story for the re-run of the collaboration between Epic Seven and Re: Zero has already started as we speak! The side story is titled “Guests from Another World” and the description reads “There are rumors that Chaos Gates have been opening up in the forests of Ritania. While patrolling the forest one day, our heroes encounter new beings… The Side Story 「Guests from Another World 」 opens for the special collaboration between Epic Seven」 & 「Re: ZERO -Starting Life in Another World”.
This side story is a 3-week long story that displays the connection between the universe of Re: Zero and Epic Seven. The side story remains exactly the same as it was when it was first released for the first time in August 2021. Players can grind the side story by playing the event stages repeatedly and gain event currency called “Aqua Crystals”. Players can start grinding these stages and earn juicy rewards if they have completed Episode 1 Stage 2-10 titled Sage Minaret. Players will only get event currency for battle stages and not for story-based stages.
During this side story, if players use either of the heroes – Rem, Ram, Emilia, Ras, Iseria, Mercedes, and Adventurer Ras then their stats will be increased in the following manner: Attack and Health increased by 30%, and Level 60 Max Awakened. Players can also get bonus event currency when clearing stages with heroes equipped with the following artifacts – Guardian Ice Crystal, Azure Comet, and Severed Horn Wand.
The side story not only provides players with usual rewards like summoning currencies, MolaGora, different rarities of phantasms, lesser and greater equipment charms, rare and epic catalysts, and penguins but also the special rewards that include coveted multiple copies of the limited collaboration hero Ram as well as multiple copies of the limited collaboration artifact Severed Horn Wand. For players grinding the event currency, we suggest you try to farm the boss stages on the highest difficulty possible as they provide the largest sum of event currency.
May-June 2022 Drop Rate-UP Banners
- Rem with Azure Comet (Limited Summon Banner 26/05/22 – 09/06/22)
- Emilia with Guardian Ice Crystals (Limited Summon Banner 02/06/22– 16/06/22)
- Haste with Rhianna and Luciella (Normal Summoning Banner 26/05/22 – 02/06/22)
That covers all the stuff coming with the 2nd iteration of the collaboration between Epic Seven and Re: Zero – Starting Life in Another World. Players can feel free to read the official patch notes to get a better understanding of the changes coming. We highly recommend playing Epic Seven on a PC with BlueStacks using a keyboard and mouse.