Season 5 All-Star Battlefield is Coming to Evony: The King's Return

Season 5 of the All-Star Battlefield for the popular MMORPG, Evony: The King’s Return, is set to begin in August of 2021. Evony is an MMORPG set in medieval Europe, in which the user must play the role of a Lord or Lady of a particular city or town, with the main objective of the game being saving your city from attacks, and attacking other cities or alliances to accumulate as many resources as possible.
Evony: The King’s Return also regularly features All-Star Battlefields, and the players must start competing to get into the All-Star Battlefield from the 17th of July, 2021. According to Evony LLC, the developer of the game, the competition will be held across three continents, and users must rank in the top 300 from their respective continent in the ongoing Constantinople Ultimate War Season to qualify for the All-Star Battlefield.
The preliminary round of the All-Star Battlefield is set to begin on the 10th of August, 2021, although this date is subject to change based on the needs of the actual situation. The All-Star Battlefield will feature tons of rewards for the players who have worked so hard to get through to the preliminary round and beyond, with Castle Decorations inspired by the Gothic Revival style, Dragon Shadow frames for your avatars, and Egyptian Queen march effects, amongst many others. The Grand Prize of the All-Star Battlefield, however, is the Amaterasu Dragon egg, which will belong to the one that wins the event. This Amaterasu Dragon Egg can be used to unlock the Amaterasu Dragon in Pasture, which is a huge boost to the one who wins the event and gets their hands on this precious reward.
The event will also feature some other rules, which are best known by all who wish to participate in the event. As mentioned, the top 300 players from each continent will have a chance to participate in the preliminary round of the All-Star Battlefield. Although the majority of the rules will be the same as the Constantinople Ultimate War Season, the Rally Hall building has been removed from the battlefield for the All-Star Battlefields event, and the number of teleport chances that a player has is also to be increased with time for this event. The upper limit still exists, and the teleport chances will not increase once the upper limit is reached.
The game will decide who the winner of the All-Star Battlefield is within three weeks of the beginning of the event, and during this time, all other battlefield events will be suspended, with the full focus being on the All-Star Battlefield event. The preliminary round will contain four groups, with the Monarchs in each group being divided into teams based on their power level, with 25 Monarchs from each group eventually reaching the semi-finals of the event. The Monarchs on the winning teams with the higher score rankings will be promoted first, and then the Monarchs from other teams with the highest score rankings will be promoted next.
The semi-final will also operate using the same rules as the preliminaries, with Monarchs being divided into two groups based on their power levels, and 25 Monarchs from each group progressing to the next round. The winner of the event will be decided in the final round, with the Monarch with the highest score ranking out of all the other Monarchs taking the crown.