Mega Heroes Pre-Registration Now Open - Here’s Everything We Know About This Upcoming MMORPG

Everyone, make way for the newest MMORPG in the field, Mega Heroes. This upcoming title by 4399en Game aims to provide tons of fun for players as they venture across a brand new world leveling up their characters, learning new skills, unlocking new fashionable outfits, and participating in all sorts of different challenges, both in PvP and PvE. And all of these elements are packaged nicely into a world with anime aesthetics and gorgeous hand-drawn characters and awesome 3D models and animations.
Mega Heroes is currently in its pre-registration phase and players can already sign up to get notified as soon as it releases. Moreover, once certain player registration milestones are met, everyone will receive special prizes once the game launches. But let’s not get ahead of ourselves. Here’s everything we know about Mega Heroes.
Fight and Grind Your Way to the Top
Mega Heroes seems like a typical MMORPG with real-time action combat. Though there isn’t much information yet, we can see that it’ll be similar to other existing titles like Dragon Storm Fantasy or MU ORIGIN 2, with the skills and controls on the lower corners of the screen, and all other UI elements on the upper panels. If we had to take a guess, it’ll feature an emphasis on auto-combat and auto-navigation, as is standard for the genre.
However, one of the features that make this game stand out is its focus on fashion. Specifically, players are actively encouraged to unlock cosmetics and other accessories to change their appearance and stand out among all the others. Hopefully, not too many of these outfits and accessories will be locked behind a paywall which, in our opinion, defeats the purpose of this focus.
In most of its other aspects, Mega Heroes is very reminiscent of Goddess MUA. Specifically, this game has a similar goddess recruitment system where you need to unlock various goddesses and nurture them to unleash their full potential. As you upgrade these deities, they will intervene in combat in different manners, providing support with powerful attacks, or a wide variety of different effects.
In Mega Heroes, you can team up with your friends to take on tough challenges or even to join them for PvP matches. Will you rise up to the challenge and become the strongest warrior in your server when the game launches?
Mega Heroes Release Date
Though there’s still no official release date for Mega Heroes, the game is already available for pre-registration, either through the Play Store, or on their official website. Moreover, the team is pushing hard on marketing for the game on their Facebook page, sharing material about the goddesses you’ll be able to unlock and other fun features, so make sure to check it out as well.
What are your expectations for Mega Heroes? Do you think it’ll be a good MMORPG? Let us know your thoughts and comments in the section below!